Sentences with phrase «to burn a city»

To "burn a city" means to set fire to a city intentionally, causing it to be destroyed or severely damaged by flames. Full definition
Serious leg burn city - have a bench or something to step onto?
Serious leg burn city — have a bench or something to step onto?
When the descendants of Adam warred against one another, armies burned the cities of their enemies to the ground.
We spend quite a bit of time searching through App World and yesterday, I found a gem called Burn the City by Union.
One can't help but wonder when terrorists are going to start burning our unprotectable forests, not to mention burning our cities, ie; fuel pipelines are clearly and continiously marked with paint stripes and raised signs (all along their buried routes).
I generally do not accept the «God changed because Jesus saved us» argument because that implies that this all loving god could have saved us long before jesus came, but chose not to for some reason and instead prefered burning cities and tormenting a loyal follower to prove a point to his fallen angel buddy.
(This is a man who gets shit for killing his king but never gets credit for saving the city — and himself — from the king's order to burn the city with wildfire.)
Best yet, it's just four blocks off the Diversey Brown Line «L' stop, so it's not only right near Burnt City Brewing * but convenient to get to as well.
In 1777, the capital of New York State (the first state capital of independent New York) was established at Kingston, though it was subsequently moved when the British burned that city.
On the night I delivered Mercy Harris of a bastard child, the King's soldiers burned the city's suburbs and fell back within its walls to await the rebel assault.
-- this question will be answered now!The burning city streets are crawling with...
Perhaps it's just the effect of the latest addition to my library (Rowan Moore's Slow Burn City) but I'm pessimistic as to how far any incumbent of the mayoral office can distance himself from the rapacious march of property development.
«Untitled (# 26)» from Goldstein's Burning City series (1981) leads to the artist's fully developed canvases, represented in Where Is Jack Goldstein?
The electric street light system established in early 1880s burned the city into the national imagination.
She has said variations of «burn their cities to the ground» and «I will burn this house to the ground.»
Because they would not honor the king's invitation to the feast and because some of them committed violence against the king's property, the king destroyed the murderers and burned their city.
He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city
So when Jesus arrived at the city, James and John asked if they could call down fire from heaven to burn the city and all its inhabitants.
Rather than follow in the footsteps of the first Joshua, Jesus rebukes His disciples for wanting to kill, destroy, and burn those cities that reject Him, and tells James and John that they do not know what manner of spirit they are of (Luke 9:55).
The king, when he learns what has happened, sends his army to kill the rebellious subjects and burn their city.
Yet he seems to have no difficulty intervening to slaughter people by the thousands, burn cities to the ground, massacre firstborn children, testing people by ordering them to murder their own kids or even drown an entire planet in Noah's time.
In the story the rare celestial alignment occurs and darkness descends for the first time in living memory — at which point the inhabitants of Lagash go berserk and burn their cities.
This new apocalypse flick shows off buckling roads, burning cities, toppling buildings, and engulfing waves, all rendered in hypnotically beautiful computer graphics.
(Supposedly the impact of seeing dead bodies, burning cities and severed heads is mitigated by this moving orchestral accompaniment.)
«We Will Burn This City to Bitter Ashes» (8:50) covers the location filming itself.
Airplanes dropped the canisters that burned their cities, the mines that starved their children, and the nukes that instantly made vast irradiated graveyards out of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — for the first time in history visiting solar - temperature hell upon human habitations, and hinting at mankind's full capacity for suicidal madness.
And whether it's elaborate gladiatorial battles or a chariot chase through a burning city, Anderson directs with precision, rhythm, and ruthlessness — he has an eye and an ear for violence, for the visceral impact of a kill.
Five Came Back works even better as a documentary and not only because we can see the harrowing footage these filmmakers captured: aerial - bomber fights, burning cities, liberated French crowds in tears and the piles of clothes and bodies at Dachau concentration camp.
In the final chapters of The Great School Wars, Ravitch laments the escalation of hostility that occurred in Ocean Hill - Brownsville, where all sides professed to speak for the children even as they threatened to burn the city down.
Rin wants to... burn cities, I guess.
Based on an ancient manuscript, the tale follows a young Portuguese Jew as he searches the burning city for his uncle's killer.
Publishing Dark Horse plans to publish the historical graphic novel Nanjing: The Burning City, by Ethan Young (Tails).
Burn the City, Falling Fred and Kona's Crate have all been approved to BlackBerry App World and are available for download.
Overcooked begins not in a kitchen, but atop a crumbling skyscraper, in the middle of a burning city, with your merry band of chefs facing off against a giant spaghetti monster.
Citizen approval is also a thing you must take care of if you do not want your people to start rioting and burn the city down.
Goldstein's work from this period often stems from turbulent natural phenomena and catastrophic events, such as storms, bombings, burning cities, and vast expanses of threatening sky.
At times I've thought the aerosol output from WWII is one of the wildcards (burning cities / towns / millions of tonnes of high explosive kicking up particulate matter etc.), but if anything that would have cooled things down, yet there is a distinct temperature peak during the war.
That may seem hard to believe, but remember, they've said it'd be right to blow up dams and burn cities to the ground:
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