Sentences with phrase «to burn a tree»

The phrase "to burn a tree" means to set fire to a tree, causing it to be destroyed by flames and heat. Full definition
The remains of burnt trees offered zero shade in the heat of the day.
As well as burning the tree altogether, they too can be responsible for sucking the moisture out.
There are different environments where you will see a lush forest in one area of the map, to a mass of dead and burnt trees in another section.
We did not stop burning trees because we reached peak tree.
Clearly, the practice of burning trees and rubbish needs no subsidy to make it work.
But just as burning trees could not launch an industrial revolution, burning biomass can not sustain our current technological and economic demands.
Worse, if an old forest is cut down and not replanted, instead replaced with crops like, say, cotton, CO2 pollution can end up being twice as much from burning the trees than even from burning coal and releasing fossil carbon.
Maurice Van Lowe, a 4th grader at Burning Tree Elementary School in Bethesda, Md., reads in his classroom using Bookshare, a nonprofit electronic service that converts books into more accessible formats for students with certain kinds of disabilities.
Burning the trees for energy results in net carbon dioxide emissions for decades until the trees regrow.
Starting today, you can pre-order Hellblade for $ 29.99 and receive a bonus PS4 Dynamic Theme that depicts the iconic burning tree scene from the game.
Those pre-ordering on PlayStation 4 will receive an exclusive Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Dynamic Theme that depicts the iconic burning tree scene from the game.
Furthermore, the tree trunks had fallen in a radial pattern extending out for kilometers from a central area where «telegraph poles,» a lone stand of partially burned tree stumps, still remained.
«Biomass lobbyists claim burning trees creates no carbon pollution, because «somewhere» other trees are growing and taking carbon out of the atmosphere,» according to Biomess101.
But just like fires do not burn every tree, beetle outbreaks vary widely in their impacts, with many areas only lightly affected.
The second night was for the shots after the tree was on fire, which included Hamill, the Yoda puppet, and Oz voicing the character in front of the giant burning tree.
Listening to and following liars and adulterers and child molesters and terrorists in the name of some built - up ancient healer, (or talking burning tree or hateful psychopath) is a sick joke on humanity.
In Brazil's Atlantic Forest, Europeans began burning trees to make way for settlements and agriculture in the 16th century.
We see Bartle in country, marching through a smoky field with burning trees.
Weirdly stylish, at the same time as being grotty and gaudy, the film features an insane climax set against a Boschian landscape of burned tree trunks, which the final shots of The Neon Demon appears to echo.
When the great burning tree of Haven begins to die, leaving the otherwise unlit world of Aiénor in a state of ever - growing darkness, a young man sets upon a quest to discover a new source of light before the unknown evils lurking in the shadows unleash their fury upon the unsuspecting world.
Obviously, the most logical thing to do when the skies are hazy and the smell of burning trees assaults your nostrils is to limit you and your pets» exposure by staying indoors in an air conditioned environment.
Not only are burning trees sending millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere, perhaps even worse are the flames consuming peatland, a rich soil - like earth made up of decomposing organic material that can store as much as 3,300 tons of carbon per hectare.
Europe's bioenergy plants are burning trees felled from protected conservation areas rather than using forest waste, new report shows.
Chopping and burning trees causes an estimated one - fifth of global emissions, and slowing down deforestation could be the cheapest and quickest way to keep a substantial load of gas out of the atmosphere.
It is burning the trees without oxygen that proves to be the trick that traps the CO2 instead of releasing it to the atmosphere.
However, burning trees releases carbon into the atmosphere immediately — more per unit of electricity generated than coal — and any new trees planted won't reach maturity and absorb the same amount of carbon for decades, if ever.
The aptly named Charcoal Beetles breed only in the presence of forest fires and lay their eggs beneath the bark of recently burned trees where their larva can feed on the fresh wood.
Last April the unidentified agent and several male colleagues arrived at Burning Tree, an exclusive club in Bethesda, Md..
As some of the world's top climate scientists, like Dr. Michael Mann and Dr. Bill Moomaw, wave a big warning flag, the biomass industry charges ahead, still insisting that burning trees for electricity is helping to solve the climate crisis.
Burning Tree Golf Course is an 18 hole public course located between Newark and Hebron off State Route 79.
«Burning trees in power plants is a vision from Mordor, not one of clean energy, but electricity generation from wood and other biomass is growing around the world, spurred on by billions in renewable energy subsidies.
That's because CO2 is added to the atmosphere not just by burning the tree but also through the process of cutting it down and transporting it to the power plant, as well as from the forest now missing a tree.
Those pre-ordering for PlayStation 4 will receive an exclusive Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Dynamic Theme that depicts the iconic burning tree scene from the game.
Such geoengineering could include technologies ranging from burning trees or grasses and capturing and storing the resulting CO2 from smokestacks to artificial trees that suck CO2 out of the sky directly for storage or re-use.
I love the boldness, even violence of Burning Tree (1961), with its rugged spikes gripping the air above it like a claw; if anyone calls Martin's work quiet, delicate, or feminine, I urge them to cite this image.
The land is made available by cutting down forests and burning the trees, and in many cases only one crop is obtained from the land.
Burning Tree's sacrosanct maleness was thus preserved, a maleness, by the way, that has recently cost the club a $ 186,000 land - preservation tax break that the state will restore only if the club admits women.
The Secret Service disclosed last week that one of its agents had been kept from doing her duty at the Burning Tree Country Club because of a long - standing ban on women.
The Secret Service team wanted to check security prior to the arrival of Australian Prime Minister Robert Hawke, who was to play golf with U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz, a Burning Tree member.
«I've heard nothing more than the rumors you've heard,» says PGA President Max Elbin, the teaching pro at the Burning Tree Club outside Washington.
As for the aftermath, the stumps of the burned trees on their property were pulled out only recently, after Mr. Kreiger and his son rented a lift, he said.
A meandering stream of volcanic lava on Hawaii's Big Island has resumed its slow march through forest lands toward residential communities in its path, sending up heavy smoke as it burns trees
«Our study is unique because we were actually out in the forest peeling bark off of the burned trees, looking for evidence of the beetle,» said Robert Andrus, a graduate researcher in the Department of Geography at CU - Boulder and lead author of the new study.
In recent years, wildfires have burned trees and homes to the ground across many states in the western U.S., but the ground itself has not gotten away unscathed.
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