Sentences with phrase «to burn money»

If you're content with burning money on outdated technology, stop here.
This election is a referendum on the incumbent, pure and simple... might as well burn the money up in the desert.
The committee didn't burn any money last month and has more than $ 90,000 on hand.
Trust me, you'd be better off just burning the money — at least you could enjoy the brief flash of warmth from the fire.
Instead of burning your money into a bag like this, you should identify how much you can afford because the most expensive one might not satisfy your requirements.
Of course, purchasing a home now also means that you'll start gaining equity in the home, rather than continuing to burn money on rent.
Cost and timing are important factors, but hire a legitimate editor or you may as well burn the money you'll spend along with your manuscript.
We're a profitable business; we don't burn money.
People would rather burn their money like heaps of fall leaves.
«He spent the least amount of money of any of the competitive primary contenders that he beat so badly, and he doesn't intend to start burning money in the middle of the street now.»
40 million for Robinho???? OMG I would rather burn that money than to waste it like that.
See: How Startups Burn Money on Startup Lawyers
«We were burning money constantly, faster than was sustainable, until we became a buffalo charging off a cliff,» Knitowski recalls.
Home» U.S. Economy» Debt Crisis» Burning Money at the Rate of $ 113 Billion a Month; How Can They Stop Printing?
Reagan and SDI was not remotely responsible for the collapse, I think it was only invented by the pentagon to justify burning money for senseless projects (Read: SDI was complete and utter bullshit.
As Burning Our Money blogs, welfare and schools reform should be the Coalition's biggest two legacies.
«If there's no pipeline, you're just burning money [by flaring] and hurting the Earth,» Rolfe notes.
Expectation: By end of September SOAP is left with the accountant, a clerk, and the CFO, but company still burns money for fun.
Another disastrous showing for the Wii U has led to a net loss, as their floundering console failed to gain any traction over Christmas and actively burns money like some sort of cash - powered blast furnace.
Save money by minimizing emission - intensive activities like reducing the amount of energy you consume or the fuel you burn
They couldn't keep burning money to please Sisyfus,» he explained.
Perhaps it would be more honest to come to this realization and instead enjoy an extended weekend in Vegas burning the money on loose women, high stakes poker and your mind altering substance of choice.
Time is money in flipping, and if you are spending time assembling your team during a flip you are also burning money.
«By the same token, if you put a $ 20,000 kitchen in $ 2.5 - million home, you might as well just burn the money.
ItÕs the smell of burning money and rotting companies.
«who cowered in unshaven rooms in underwear, burning their money in wastebaskets and listening to the Terror through the wall»??
If you burn the money up, go out and raise more money.
So long as a single company controls a country or region, so that it's not burning money to compete, SoftBank seems likely to be happy with the outcome.
If you start trading too much and risking too much, you will burn all your money and be out of the race quicker than the hare.
The problem is the company used to have over $ 1 billion in cash after the IPO as it burns money to figure out how to finally make money.
And CM doesn't have a $ 100 million, he paid taxes and the UFC took a piece and he burns money.
As soon as he was uninjured he should have been sold Arsenal might as well burned the money they pay him.
At the time, a spokesperson for China's General Administration of Sport said clubs in the country were «burning money».
Mark Gallant tracks the explosive growth of everyone's favorite Twitter meme, the burning money GIF.
If you get a cheapskate pump off Amazon for like $ 30, buy one take one, then prepare yourself to realize you've just burned your money.
It burns money like no other public service, has poor levels of productivity, and quality is extremely patchy.
Hustling is not about that gangsta stuff you hear in hip - hop songs about drug dealing, being a pimp and burning money on Cristal bottles.
You do nt want to churn and burn money on hook up sites that do nt deliver the stuff you want.
Albeit all attempts to be Gears of War, Quantum Theory is no more fun than burning $ 60 dollars and to be honest, burning money isn't exactly a lucrative or entertaining hobby.
Setting off in a roundabout fashion for Alaska, (where he winds up camping in a deserted bus in a deserted valley) he erases as many traces of Who He Is as possible, burning money, ditching his car and changing his name.
Negative reviews really don't have that much of an impact on box office, and a studio bribing a critic would basically be burning money for no reason.
If VW continues to be everything for everybody it will burn money
Beyond that, there was Jaguar, Volvo and Saab, or if you liked to burn money, there were heavily depreciating and unreliable options from Citroen, Peugeot, Renault and Alfa Romeo.
Only brainless people will buy this shit and burn their money for nothing.
Historically, the sports genre manga has never been huge here, but certainly there is a cult that consistently buys these titles or Viz wouldn't print stories like Prince of Tennis or Slam Dunk; there is just no way Viz would burn money on something no one is buying.
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