Sentences with phrase «to burn one's fingers»

Let them cool until they can be handled without burning your fingers.
Didn't burn my fingers once I was able to get about 3 - 4 into the pot at once.
It also keeps you from burning your fingers on steam or hot bottles.
We nearly burned our fingers trying to eat them right out of the pan.
You don't want to burn your fingers as you cut them into chunks.
The plastic container is especially practical because the opening has a little wider plastic ring, allowing you to take it out without effort and without risk of burning your fingers.
I have used it for years for burned fingers in the kitchen, insect bites, on shoulders and neck for stress, cramps in toes and feet, aches and pain.
No need to burn your fingers while getting baby fed and happy!
I have used it for years for burned fingers in the kitchen, insect bites, on shoulders and neck for stress, cramps in toes and feet, aches and pain.
* Be careful to not burn your fingers like I did when you do that test.
You'll probably burn your fingers and tongue trying to get a taste before they're completely cool — it's a given, no point denying it.
Unless your man burns his finger rotating the vegetables.
Although these have been successful in the past, many people have recently burnt their fingers.
Quite a few time I was forced to burn my fingers during the dispute resolution as one is out of funds on the debit card.
So many recipes say to add the foil if the pie is getting too brown, but how are you supposed to do that without burning your fingers?
Even if it does stick, it'll still taste so good that you'll be burning your fingers trying to pick pieces off the grill for a taste test.
My Story of Burning fingers is similar to your's....
Sudden painful experience or fear, such as burning your finger with fire and subsequently retaining the instinct to avoid touching it, or traumatic experiences, such as disasters, abuse, neglect, etc..
Other items generating buzz: Steamers for healthier eating, induction cooktops that keep pots and pans hot but without burning fingers when touched, high - speed ovens that combine forced air and microwave technology to cook the Thanksgiving Day bird in under an hour, and wood stone ovens for pizza.
However, I have a feeling my basket won't turn out quite as nice as yours... and I will most definitely have many burnt fingers
UviCube disinfects using low heat infra - red light bulb to dry and ultraviolet light — this means there's no worry about burning your fingers taking hot bottles out to use — safe for mama and baby.
Burnt fingers abound in the coon brigade, but cut fingers never.
After a few minutes in the full sun you can almost feel your skin sizzle, and your hair nearly burns your fingers as you run your hand through it.
However it was very messing (I made 8 large ones), burnt my finger putting one in frying pan (trying to keep it closed) and the lettuce became warm & soggy.
The Brit has a red car to reel in already in the drivers» standings, and will be hoping that passing the Dutchie on the left - hand side doesn't result in burnt fingers next time.
A referendum to endorse reform need not be feared because the Lib Dems burned their fingers on AV.
Hot potato never burned his fingers: once seedy, always seedy.
My first thought was to use hot glue to adhere the lace to the burlap, but after thinking about it, I didn't want to deal with the mess of the glue coming through the lace while burning my finger prints off in the process.
I found using a tacky craft glue for making the rosettes easier — then attach them to the wreath with the hot glue — saves a few burnt fingers!
It was a fruitless attempt of course, because it was too dry to form any shape, but it would succeed at burning your fingers as it melted, just before you uncurled your fingers and let the remaining dry flakes fall to the ground.
You can get a small bag for just a couple dollars and even better, no more burnt fingers!
I'm up to my eyeballs in shiny material and burning my fingers with hot glue.
If some potatoes remain in the pan, loosed them with an offset spatula to get under the potatoes without burning your fingers on the side of the pan.
Some years ago when I was first learning to make krumkaker, I asked my surviving grandmother, Adeline, how to roll the cookies onto the cones without burning my fingers.
We were burning our fingers trying to eat the leftovers before they cooled.
Food historians also note that sausages were sold at the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago and again at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis where Anton Feuchtwanger, a sausage concessionaire, ran out of the protective gloves he handed out to keep his customers from burning their fingers when eating.
After you unwrap them, give them 5 - 10 minutes to cool off, or you'll burn your fingers like I did.
Fortunately, Tham was not injuried seriously, but he did burn his finger while throwing the burning device off the bed.
Dip the cream puffs into the hot caramel, using 2 forks or tongues to avoid burning your fingers.
Anything that implies fewer - than - expected purchases of German government bonds would see a sharp reversal in the trend of lower Bund yields — and a lot of burnt fingers.
Later we skipped the truffles in favour of David experiencing his first fire - roasted chestnuts which we happily munched, burning our fingers as we popped the bright yellow morsels out of their shells, listening to the Italians laughing and telling stories as they gathered around the fire.
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