Sentences with phrase «to burn people»

It was only 300 years ago that christians were burning people alive for witch - craft.
Unfortunately technology can be a two - edged sword and it's important to ensure that the flexibility of cloud - based time and billing software and other tools doesn't burn people out.
You start playing the ball low to a guy who can burn people on the run... You're talking goals galore baby.
Not a bad crack in a century that burned people because they chose the wrong faith.
«The «work hard, play hard» approach burns people out,» he says.
I think I much prefer this to the old form of hate, where you guys burned people you didn't like.
Third - degree burns are the worst burns people survive.
When religion ruled this country, christians were burning people alive for practicing witch craft.
Every additional matching number scores a bonus point as well, so with the basic six dice the maximum amount of points you could theoretically get in a single roll is six, although I've never seen that actually happen and if it somehow did I would probably burn the person who did it for witchcraft.
HEY!!!! SHOW SOME RESPECT!!!! This bible was around when Christianity was the leading oppresive force in humanity, they were still burning people at the stake at the time of this revision's print!!!
Second, so God is so benevolent to mankind to hide himself fearing it would be «forced» love if he showed up, and then literally burn people for not believing in him despite his ultimate absence, while he could've saved the whole humanity if he just showed up every now and then?
to the dust you will return and there is no hell fire to burn people in, keep up the good work.
For instance Christians have been prevented from burning people at the stake
That's important, because some of Menlo's projects take years to complete and could potentially burn people out.
In a way, Elite SEM was conceived as rebuttal to everything its founder and CEO Ben Kirshner found lacking in corporate America, where he met managers and executives more than happy to «slash and burn people left and right» in a bid to make more money for themselves.
By the way... all this talk about people burning in hell reminds me of Hitler burning people he didn't like, like gays, in ovens.
This is the same God that I regretably believed actually burns people for all of eternity??? Someone a Christian holds onto «justice» and God being «perfect» to justify punishment without purpose?
Exhibit «A» — many countries in Africa that engage in barbarities as burning people alive for being witches.
@Roger — What I am saying is that according to the bible, the God of the Hebrews seems disgusted at even the Idea of burning people which seems at odd's with the whole burning other people for eternity that has been ascribed to him.
Even from a biblical standpoint, the Hebrew God considered burning people an abomination, and that was for just a few moments, why would he then create a place of eternal fiery torment for all his children who disobey?
We monitor these articles to see how much closer the christian taliban is to reinstating burning people who are different from them at the stake.
Sadly, so many others, like Patheos member Owen Strachan, are willing to verbally crucify and burn people like Held Evans at the stake.
Ahhh so your preacher says your deity burns people for the warmth and comfort of others?
Hey Christians have done their fair share of hating over the years; they even burned people at the state for in an attempt to «save a soul».
Dave's Insanity Sauce was so hot that there were incidents of overserving that severely burned people out and caused one known fainting.
Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose, has said he would have burnt his Peoples Democratic Party's membership card and flag if Senator Ali Modu Sheriff had won at the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
He's just disappeared after 2003's Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, which was a superior sequel but the original had already burned people out.
It features a swamp - monster whose touch burns people who feel fear.
What really burned people up was Ravitch's «straw man» arguments: that reformers say poverty doesn't matter, or only care about gains in student achievement.
I've seen too many companies burn people on os upgrades before.
Unfortunately technology can be a two - edged sword and it's important to ensure that the flexibility of cloud - based time and billing software and other tools doesn't burn people -LSB-...]
Why are religious people allowed to spread their faith and a scientist is not???? At least scientists don't burn people alive or torture them if someone does nt agree with them!!!
Islam today still beheads people for apostacy — if not on the national level then at the village / local level (saudi arabia, Iran), still burn people to death for witchcraft (indonesia and saudi arabia), Draw the prophet and earn yourself a death sentence from the Clergy, Write a book critical of islam and get the same deal, write a magazine article expessing concern about the rise of islam in your country and have your throat slit on a public street in YOUR own country...
those Jews did not listen while He kept sending His messengers to them but they would not keep the Laws and follow his instructions much like we see today and the end will be the same «as in the days of Noah» Matt.24: 36 - 39 but His plan is not to burn people in an eternal hellfire, just an end.
@Moden: google Google John Calvin, a major Christian historical figure and with very similar «big - mouthed crackpot» views that liked to «pick fights» and burn people who disagreed with him at the stake
The lack of support that TF2 gets also burns people.
So, I suppose we should be grateful that in the USA today we've evolved from burning people to merely attempting to ban their books.
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