Sentences with phrase «to burn the area»

The phrase "to burn the area" means to set fire to the whole place or make everything in that area catch fire. Full definition
The projected increase in annual burn area varies depending on the type of ecosystem.
According to the current state of regional fire risk projections, an increase in fire risks is expected, but the effects of climate change on burned areas are not always obvious.
But not only that, they will travel long ways out of their home range, even up to 12 kilometres, to hunt in an intensely burnt area.
It is not recommended to use active fire locations to estimate burned area due to spatial and temporal sampling issues.
Every ecosystem type, however, is projected to experience an increase in average annual burn area.
Cumulative distribution (in log) of burnt areas in relation to time - since - fire subdivided into five periods of contrasted fire activity.
In a detailed study, the Amazon Institute of Environmental Research and Woods Hole Research Center found that 73 % of burned area in the Amazon was on previously cleared land, and that was during the 1990s, when overall deforestation rates were high.
One model projects a 515 % increase in northern Rockies burned area for a 1 °C.
Further work should consider both a lengthening fire season and an increase in within - season fire weather severity as causal mechanisms of burned area variations.
The current Switch Force games follow the antics of cyborg Patricia Wagon, and the Hooligan Sisters: The first game sets Wagon in the role of a police officer, out to track down the escaped Hooligan Sisters, whereas Switch Force 2 sets Wagon as a firefighter poised to rescue the Hooligan Sisters from burning areas.
Studies in Alaska and Canada have projected that hotter, drier summers may increase annual wildfire burn areas by two to three times by the end of the century.
Methods: To explore the future of fire seasons in California, Yoon and colleagues from PNNL and the Climate Center at Utah State University compared fire risk data observed between the 1980s through present day using an index called the KBDI (named after the two researchers who developed it) and satellite data showing burned areas.
The fire burned an area of around 590,000 hectares before being declared under control in early July.
Researchers project a combination of higher temperatures, increased evaporation and reduced precipitation that could, in 70 years, increase burned areas in California by up to 125 percent.
The US Forest Service Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team's purpose is to assess threats to life, property, and cultural and natural resources from fire - induced changes to the watershed that can cause erosion, sedimentation, flooding, and debris flows.
Actively burning areas, detected by VIIRS are outlined in red.
Bones from dogs» entire bodies displayed butchery marks and burned areas produced by roasting.
Gaveau said analysis by his organization showed the fires on the two largest burnt areas in Indonesia's Riau province on Sumatra island during February and March this year were either started outside concessions, or on land occupied by small - scale operators within concessions.
Wildfire in Yosemite Park (1992 study): «Univariate and multivariate analytical techniques reveal that (a) summer temperatures in the Park are increasing, (b) January - June precipitation levels are decreasing, and (c) variations in burn area within the Park are significantly related to the observed variations in climate.»
Fire weather season length and long fire weather season affected area were only weakly correlated to Canadian boreal forest burned area (Table 4).
Benzene, the cancer - causing chemical that city officials believe was sucked into its water system in a heavily burned area of Fountaingrove, is continuing to be discovered in new places, including one in Coffey Park.
Nearly 10 years after having half its trees removed in a salvage logging operation following the 2002 Cone Fire in California's Lassen National Forest, the amount and variety of naturally regenerated plant life in this stand of trees differed little from a similarly burned area that wasn't logged.
The study also examined the potential of better firefighting to additionally help decrease burned areas.
«Of the three factors, weather is the most variable and largest driver of regional burned area,» Jolly said.
If these trends persist, we are on track to see more fire activity and more burned area
Researcher Van Kane found that as intensity increased, the canopy (red and orange) decreased, while the number of gaps (blue) increased, creating a mosaic of openings and forest stands in low - to moderately burned areas.
A team at University Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, reported in September that they had perfected a technique of growing skin from fetal tissues and attaching it to burned areas without having to resort to surgery.
You know, they didn't always think of them that way but you know, in ancient cultures people watch for the return of birds that might indicate, you know, that spring was coming or that the fish runs were happening in the river and they were going to have food soon or that they were, you know, needed to maybe burn an area because they needed to get the kind of habitat that would bring back game birds or game mammals that they hunted.
So, I asked him, if people didn't burn these areas after the climate cooled, would some of the flower species be extinct in Canada?
Both mean fire weather season length and long fire weather season affected area, constrained to only boreal forests where most Canadian fires occur, were only weakly correlated to burned area across Canadian forests (ρ = 0.3 and 0.324, respectively, P < 0.1)(Table 4 and Supplementary Fig. 5).
Global annual burned area estimates approach 350 MHa per year2, and annual pyrogenic CO2 emissions can exceed 50 % of fossil fuel combustion emissions3, 4,5.
In addition, this study may improve our ability to explore the complex drivers of global fire activity by isolating the climate - induced variations in fire potential from changes in either fuel availability or human and nature - caused ignitions, which lead to the realized burned area and subsequent fire emissions.
Inter-annual variations in mean US fire weather season length were significantly correlated with variation in annual burned area reported by the US National Interagency Fire Center44 over the full time series from 1979 to 2013 and also from 1992 to 2013, when fire occurrence data quality was highest45 (ρ = 0.679 and 0.683, respectively, P < 0.001).
Giglio, L., Randerson, J. T. & van der Werf, G. R. Analysis of daily, monthly, and annual burned area using the fourth generation global fire emissions database (GFED4).
In addition, when correlations were constrained to the time period that satellite burned area observations were available from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)(2001 - 2012), and thus where estimates of land - use change carbon emissions were more certain2, correlations between fire weather season length, long fire season affected area and net land carbon fluxes increased substantially to ρ = − 0.797 and ρ = − 0.825, respectively, n = 12, P < 0.01).
Scientists have used these data along with observations from international spacecraft to conduct a wide range of research, from detecting northward expansion of forests in the Arctic to monitoring how burned areas recover from wildfires.
Be careful with sensitive skin and never brush over sores, shingles, scars, sun burned areas or areas with skin cancer.
The typography and content of these book fragments are enlivened through dialogue with each other and Kushner's painting: «I would like to think that these superimposed flowers bring the pages back to life, make us wonder who owned and read these books, and through their foxing, notations and even burned areas allow us to ponder their varied histories.»
Annual data on the number of wildfires and burned area also show an increase from 1968 to 1994, and are significantly correlated with both fire hazard indices.»
By century's end, states like Montana, New Mexico, Washington, Utah, and Wyoming could see burn areas increase five times.
Fire occurrence and burned areas per 100 year intervals in the Rivière Boniface area based on tree - ring data and radiocarbon - dated charcoal and wood.
The North Slope's tundra has been growing shrubbier, and most of the severely burned area included shrubby vegetation.
The fire season in northern California during 2014 was the second largest in terms of burned areas since 1996.
British Columbia has surpassed its greatest burned area in the modern era.
Another simple check would be to compare Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Team predictions for Mission Creek with our results.»
Multiple wildfires have already occurred, and several in Colorado and Utah have expanded into huge burn areas, resulting in loss of life and structures.
«But that is because the National Interagency Fire Center curiously — and somewhat conveniently — only shows the annual burnt area back to 1960, when fire suppression indeed was going strong, and hence we had some of the lowest amounts of burnt forests ever,» explains Bjørn Lomborg, President of the Copenhagen Consensus Center.
«It's the critical burning area needing to get addressed.»
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