Sentences with phrase «to burst open»

Top burst open when I opened the oven and the bottom was very dense..
Similar with a coconut, you don't know what's inside or how to eat it without bursting it open to see for yourself.
When the «glue» is gone, the pod bursts open, spraying the seeds around the plant.
Finally Ruvkun's researchers came upon another grotesque mutant of C. elegans, known as let - 7, which literally bursts open in the final larval stage.
The neighboring door bursts open, and a mother with two boys flees down the hallway.
Happy Hibiscus These brightly colored flowering shrubs burst open with some of the biggest, most flamboyant blooms you will ever see — up to 7 inches across in many cases.
A fascinating winter bloom with a pink heart bursts open at the top of this cocktail ring from Thailand, featuring an elegantly simple design.
Bright red, grape or cherry tomatoes cooked until burst open to create a juicy, creamy, sauce that comes together in minutes.
It tends to sit like a dark cloud over your head, taunting you with the threat of bursting open and unleashing a storm of emotional chaos at any given moment.
Five to seven days later, the liver cells burst open and the parasite infects the red blood cells.
When the plant's flower burst open, the First God emerged.
When you bake with it, the seed stays whole — versus bursting open like it does when you cook it on the stove — and becomes nice and sweet with an even nuttier flavor than normal.
When you bake with it, the seed stays whole — versus bursting open like it does when you cook it on the stove — and becomes nice and sweet with an even nuttier flavor than normal.
Some burst cherry tomato sauce recipes call for leaving the cherry tomatoes whole and blistering them in the skillet until they literally burst open on their own.
Travelling off on our holidays can be stressful enough, especially when juggling little ones, without the fear of chaotic suitcases bursting open on the carousel
Or, the amniotic sac bursts open as they push their baby out, perfect timing if we do say so.
Kids love the waterfall of candy and toys when the piñata finally bursts open, and it's fun for them to crack away at the swinging paper mache object.
FRUIT PUNCH The seed - studded fruit of a hairyflower wild petunia (Ruellia ciliatiflora) is hygrochastic, bursting open upon contact with water.
But his film maintains enough hustle that even simplistic gestures tend to get by, contribute profitably to the overall effect of more - than - competent observation, as when, in an unstressed behind - the - credits bit of business, a girl whose «talent» is packing a suitcase has her suitcase burst open at the foot of the airport gangway.
* Tori Spelling has revealed she almost died from placenta previa during her 4th pregnancy, then endured emergency surgery after the birth when her C - section scars burst open.
Something in my brain just burst open.
Her air bag burst open, protecting Howard's head as the van spun 360 degrees and slammed into a tree.
If a pipe bursts open and ruins your laptop, it isn't covered.
The dim, theatrically - lit parlor is animated by the compulsive flicker of a hand bursting open only to shyly flourish closed in the coy dance of an anemone.
It says the «waters of the flood came upon the earth» (Genesis 7:10, NAS) and «the fountains of the great deep burst open» (Genesis 7:11, NAS).
Add the berries and thyme sprigs and cook until the berries burst open, for about 5 minutes, stirring often.
The mission figs we'd buy in San Francisco would often be so ripe that one of us would have to carry them by hand on the way home, lest they'd burst open within a bag.
Once they have burst open add in the wine and tomato paste.
Freezing the cheese beforehand really helped keep the cheese in the burger — even when mine started to burst open during cooking.
Roast at 400F for 20 - 25 minutes, or until the squash and zucchini are cooked and the tomatoes burst open.
Little air bubbles burst open creating beautiful pockets, just like white bread!
The grape tomatoes roast and begin to pop in the oven, but fully burst open with sweetness when they enter your mouth.
Dramatically stir in the deliberately controversial, Time Magazine cover of a mother provocatively posed breastfeeding her four year old, and the underlining true public sentiment bursts open.
Pros: Individually sealed, anti-bacterial fibres, discreet, very absorbent Cons: Gel like filling can burst open causing a mess
Eventually, the hull bursts open, the inside of the kernel spills out, and it cools into fluffy white popcorn.
When axons burst open, they often distribute amyloid proteins through the neighboring brain tissue.
«The upgrade will benefit X-ray experiments in many different ways, and I'm very excited to use the new capabilities for my own research,» said Brown University Professor Peter Weber, who co-led an LCLS study that used X-ray scattering to track ultrafast structural changes as ring - shaped gas molecules burst open in a chemical reaction vital to many processes in nature.
After a sperm binds with an egg, a cap on the head of the sperm bursts open and releases a burst of proteasomes, enzymes that eat away at the egg's jellylike coating so that sperm can wriggle inside (right).
«Once your heart stops beating, your cells stop getting oxygen and start bursting open,» says Jennifer DeBruyn of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
It then bursts open its prey and starts its hunt for the next.
They kill their prey by spitting out antibiotics; then they spit out digestive enzymes that make the E. coli burst open.
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