Sentences with phrase «to buy fuel»

However, despite the loss, it can now buy fuel at the spot price of $ 25 per barrel, and thus again the total cost is $ 50 per barrel.
The fact you have bought the fuel in advance will also probably make you more conservative about your fuel usage.
You don't need to buy your fuel from a petrol station.
First, check out these handy specs to consider when buying a fuel system cleaner.
Within the transportation sector, tax avoidance options include driving less, taking public transportation, and buying a fuel efficient, hybrid, or electric vehicle.
Many eBook sales come from impulse buys fueled by the low price point of most eBooks.
So the question is this: What percentage of an airline's total revenues ultimately goes toward buying fuel?
Doing so would have allowed the town to buy fuel at a price 25 cents per gallon less than their former arrangement.
Buy fuel from the gas station just north of the hospital.
«That's because people didn't have money to buy fuel for cooking, so they opted for items that provide high energy with minimal cooking time.»
That's why nonproliferation experts generally prefer that countries that use nuclear power buy fuel on the international market instead of doing their own enrichment and reprocessing.
You should also buy fuel pressure regulator, BOV valve, wastegate, 3 ″ exhaust system, VEMS ECU or something similar.
Make buying fuel a little more rewarding with Texaco's Star Rewards loyalty programme and convert Star Rewards points into Flying Club miles.
More than US$ 1.18 billion is needed this year to buy fuel required to fire thermal power plants in order for the country to meet its electricity demands, Ghana's energy outlook report has said.
However, some motorists including Mr Tope Joshua, Dr Kuku and Babalola Adeleye who bought fuel from the government assisted petrol sales lauded the governor for being sensitive to the plight of the people.
The city also rejected plans for a countywide agreement to share equipment, and a proposal to let all municipal trucks buy fuel at county facilities.
Prices have increased from 65 naira ($ 0.40; # 0.26) per litre to at least 140 naira in filling stations and from 100 naira to at least 200 on the black market, where many Nigerians buy their fuel.
Powering a Humvee in the field meant more than just buying the fuel; it also meant transporting it there and bringing a protective escort.
«We will only buy fuel that is greener than our current alternatives,» Anderson says.
Perhaps one way to trump the Trump would be for the peoples, not the governments, of the countries prepared to sign the Paris Agreement to stop buying fuel that is sourced or handled by any company based in the US.
Also buy fuel injectors 550 cc / min, fuel pressure regulator, Splitfire ignition coils and 3 - layer radiator.
Mazda's SKYACTIV engine technology seems to have bought fuel economy at the cost of performance, particularly low - end torque.
Currently, the Golden State is one of the few places where you can buy a fuel cell car, such as the 2018 Toyota Mirai.
More than a year ago Honda pulled out and left them to the bankruptcy courts, the last I heard someone bought Fuel Maker.
«You don't buy fuel every day for a nuclear power plant.
Coupled with the forecast rise in prices (most analysts are suggesting around $ 20 by 2020 and the EC themselves are suggesting $ 25 by 2026) the irritation is fast becoming a financial risk to compare with the cost of buying fuels.
Hard coal plants often buy their fuel from far away mines, while lignite plants are almost always located close to the mine.
At work, of course cost of production will go up because you have to buy fuel for your generator,» Mona Quartey observed.
«If people are not worried about future consequences, we have to try to appeal to their more immediate concerns — like encouraging them to buy a fuel efficient vehicle so they can instantly start saving money on gas.»
(Cars with license plates ending in an odd number could buy fuel on odd - numbered days (March 1,3,5,7,9; cars with even numbered plates could buy gas on even numbered days March 2,4,6,8,10, and etc.).
What's more, your employees can make buying fuel a little more rewarding with Texaco's Star Rewards loyalty programme.
To protect itself from price swings, WestJet has hedged roughly 20 per cent of its planned jet fuel needs for the year through futures contracts, which allow it to buy fuel at set prices down the road.
Solar also improves the overall sustainability of our economy, both now and in the future, by providing jobs, by helping to reduce the need to buy fuel from foreign sources, and by reducing the ever - increasing environmental costs we are just now beginning to understand.
One thing every RAC member does is buy fuel at some stage.
EasyJet CEO Carolyn McCall attributes her company's loss to the timing of Easter and foreign exchange, considering that it buys fuel in U.S. dollars.
In these mountain towns, which were pulverized by the 150 - mile - per - hour winds of Maria, daily routine is an exercise in triage and working the economics and logistics of the new normal: getting fuel for the generator (if you have one) to produce electric power for a few hours daily, obtaining cash to buy the fuel and ice, and consuming gas to travel to one of the spots where cellphones can get a signal.
«This is the second stop I've had to make to buy fuel this morning,» a relief worker heading down south, Rick Caywood told LTVN reporter, Jessica Babb.
When gasoline was nearly $ 5 per gallon a few years ago, people were buying fuel - efficient vehicles.
By 2014, it could no longer pay its creditors, and couldn't borrow more money to buy fuel.
Tokens that they have to get so that they can buy fuel and ammo.
He said if users of private vehicles can't afford to buy fuel to service their carsdue to the introduction of new taxes, nothing stops them from joining «trotro» (commercial cars) or public transport to work and other places they so desire.
When has their drivers get to any petrol station to go and buy fuel?
Do you know that airlines in Nigeria now fly to Ghana to buy fuel for their planes before embarking on their main journeys??? Hope you know see the sense in the expansion of our airports??? These airlines from Nigeria now see opportunities to exploit in Ghana.
«We don't make enough money from the business and we are always forced to use the little we make to buy fuel.
Narrating the incident to Citi News, Assistant Director of the Paga branch of Quantum Oil, Stephen Ahorsu said «On Monday about 9:30 pm, Abdul Razak had come to the fuel station to buy fuel but the suspect Mr Paredavua in few minutes rode a motorbike to the station and instructed that no fuel should be sold to Abdul Razak.
The officials, it was learnt, explained that the money was to buy fuel to power the generator being used for the exercise.
«It was disheartening that when the President visited Kaduna State, black marketeers were having a field day as many of the stations were closed and the people were buying fuel at over N350 per litre.
In the months leading up to the outage, he said, the company would have to arrange «tens of millions of dollars in contractual commitments» in addition to buying fuel.
Ordinarily, the decision to buy fuel must be made a year before a nuclear plant is replenished during a refueling outage, Dominguez said.
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