Sentences with phrase «to buy print»

I will buy a print book of my favorite authors, BUT I also won't buy in ebook for more than $ 5.
People buy prints of artwork or photos that they like.
Unfortunately, I had to purchase the kindle version after buying the printed version because the printed version's fonts were super tiny and very hard to read.
In some cases, they get enhanced services, such as keyword searching capability, by choosing to rent the digital version of a journal instead of buying the print edition.
They also now buy print for the ones they want to keep.
It's something I look for when buying prints.
It's a place for artists to make prints — and similarly, a place where people who love those artists can buy those prints in limited editions.
It's in their best interests to keep people buying print books.
The results showed that 57 % of digital readers buy print comics, while only 16 % of print customers also buy digital.
I actually change the style of my work since 2015, get my own online gallery were customers can buy prints on it.
I think people are still just buying the print edition and have not switched to digital like people who read e-books.
Well, above, I mentioned that I stopped buying print books.
Buyers on print - on - demand sites are probably not buying the prints as an investment, but because they like the work and it fits their budget.
There are still many readers who will only buy print books in bookstores, or who hear about books through more traditional venues e.g. book clubs.
The e-book component was offered at a reduced price if customers bought the print version.
That meant a number of readers bought print who had been buying digital.
There's plenty of anecdotal evidence that digital readers also buy print comics.
On how many current agencies have to come to you to buy prints because their client loves it.
If a traditional publisher wanted to buy the printed rights and leave me with the ebook rights, I would do it.
This allows guests to see their photos instantly, which gets them excited about buying prints from my booth.
Your posts suggest that overall book sales should be rising; a percentage of book buyers no longer buy print, but that segment will purchase more books overall, albeit digitally.
You then have the option to buy prints after you have a chance to review them.
I need to buy printed pants but I get so nervous when I bring them home!
Certain AP classes may require buying printed textbooks or lab kits.
They have the most successful self - publishing platform and give free digital copies away when consumers buy the print book.
While there's certainly overlap between print and digital comic buyers there are literally thousands upon thousands of digital readers who have never bought a print comic and never will.
Will people actually buy the print version of a comic — or donate a few dollars to its artist — when they're already getting what they want for free?
Be a style icon among your peers and buy printed skirts today!
With this particular purchase I didn't so much buy a print of a drawing from an artist as mark a milestone in my life.
Anyway, for more on that, buy our print magazine and read my story (update: it's now online).
If you'd prefer to buy printed labels, we'll be happy to make them for you!
I just bought printed socks to wear under my skirts.
I know I said I wouldn't buy another printed bomber but this one just called to me.
The principal of buying printed items that work with pieces in your closet can work with tops as well.
There may be schools that use digital courses of this particular publisher, but buy print products from the competition.
This is because e-books simply cost too much and the bulk of their content acquisition strategies involve buying print.
My publisher bought print and ebook rights but not audiobook rights.
Can't wait to see different offers for readers: i.e. buy the print, get the digital half off, or where this all goes.
I've seen the breakdown of x percentage of readers buying ebook and y percentage buying print.
The assumption your making is that people who buy an e-book would otherwise buy the print book.
If someone buys a print book, then the digital version of that book will be heavily discounted.
But again in comics it's weird because the people buying print tend to be collectors sort of, and collectors really don't dig digital, so what's the output?
You'll also be able to buy print copies at cost [below wholesale] to give to them.
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