Sentences with phrase «to buy the course»

Just bought the course and have watched three lessons.
I didn't buy his course — didn't have the money back then — but he got me through many days / months of tough times when I needed the encouragement.
As for people buying his course, all I have to say is if you're not going to work your tail off, you're going to waste your money.
It all leads in to establishing yourself as a mine of useful information and leads people down the path towards buying a course from you.
Many people end up buying course after course because they aren't willing to stick it out until they make it through that learning curve and start doing deals.
Will you be offering coupons to enable people to buy your courses at a discounted rate?
If you've decided to buy course work for the first time, you may wonder how to get the coursework assistance from the comfort of your home.
Those of you who bought the courses still have access to them, but it's time to reinvent my teaching.
In just the few weeks since buying your course and becoming a member I have significantly increased my ability to identify, enter and exit profitable trades.
I'm thinking of buying the course because I know myself.
- Investing in your online education: If this means buying a course, software, or hiring a coach... do it!
There are many times I see people buy a course or read a book and try to get started, but they know nothing about their market.
Then people will feel much more inclined to buy courses from you.
Nial, I just recently bought your course and everything is starting to make sense to me.
Buy the course now for $ 27 and begin learning instantly - or get it inside the 7 MiniCourse Bundle for a limited time at $ 97:
Paper we deliver to you through «buy course worksonline» option are of highest quality standards.
I don't think it's fair to lump all people reading pirated eBooks into the same category, because many of them are victims of higher institutions of learning that force their students to buy course material written by the teachers and published in very small print runs, jacking the price of a hardcover textbook up to over $ 100 in many cases, with a new edition coming out every year, making any «used» book market obsolete.
I quickly sort for a solution before i finally bought your course (i was already applying your PA strategies from your free articles for my demo trading) and I must say it deepened my understanding and improved my patience in choosing the best trades.
The Indicators are available separately at $ 169, primarily for traders who had bought the Course Books without the Indicators.
If you've bought the course with email support (before 30 May 2016), nothing has changed.
You can also buy courses consisting of 2 - 4 workouts which range in price from # 7.19 - # 23.99.
I just took it as a marketing thingy to get a reaction and thought it odd but not insulting — I don't have a problem with it but I get the feeling you are getting miffed with people like me who have not bought a course yet?
As someone who has bought and sold over 200 homes the past 4 years and currently owns 20, I never bought any courses and over time, have become very good at what I do.
Ive bought every course availble (not literally but very close) none have really helped me.
I started my education in the space by reading several of the typically recommended books (Ken Mcelroy's, Steve Berges, Brian Murray, David Lindahl), but after awhile you kind of start to see the same information repeated so I ended up buying the course after I had already purchased the SDA Michael has.
With Carla's Washington approved courses, you're not just buying a course to get clock hours.
And you will be in the situation I am now where you get hundreds of emails every day from people who were not paying you any money and haven't bought your course, asking questions that you answer in your courses, as I do in my books and for free on the blog, and people who don't spend the time looking for that information, for example, and lots of pitched emails every single day.
Whether or not people buy my courses or products, there are LOTS of other things I could recommend to increase subscriber value with affiliate offers — I can teach them how to set up a website, how to run ads and do keyword research, how to get more book reviews or book editing — etc., and recommend the products and services I use in my own book marketing.
Student prefer to buy course works online also because trying to write by themselves may impose a lot of pressure on them.
(Anybody who bought the course or attend Randy's seminar?
Just recently bought your course and now i feel im getting there as im startimg to build profits slowly but surely.You must be a mindreader because i was just thinking of emailing you this very question about using longer timeframes when starting out!Glad i found you as a mentor, thanks.
Edgenuity, the company that developed the course, said most of the 1,900 districts that buy its courses don't allow students to pre-test out of any part of the English courses; those that do generally require students to get a grade better than 60 % and don't let them skip writing assignments.»
This was hard work but worthwhile to do with people we assessed to be «hot» prospects most likely to buy the course.
I'm involved in a few small niche blogs... I'd love to buy this course but $ 400 (Canadian) is a lot of money to spend.
Are people buying your course?
Hi Nial, I know your Price action only a month, I red most of your free lessons twice and finally decided to buy your course.
I bought your course a while ago, then became distracted and lost in a sea of indicators!
What I'd like to know if I buy the course, do you have anything, that is downloadable like a book of all the systems that you have and how they work?
With that in mind, you can choose to buy the course by itself, or you can buy the course and add one or more private franchise ownership consultations.
Officials in Prospect Heights said they were stunned to learn that Mt. Prospect parks officials were trying to buy the course, which is in the Village of Mt. Prospect but sits within the borders of the Prospect Heights Park District.
Option 3: You can buy both courses at the same time for a discounted price of $ 898 ($ 100 less than buying each course individually).
I love them on you, so of course I had to buy them
Do you want a catalog of your courses on the LMS from which customers can select and buy courses, or should the catalog and shopping cart be external to the LMS, e.g. on your own website?
So for example, «Would «Mike» or «Sarah» buy my course or read this blog?»
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