Sentences with phrase «to care for young children»

At its core, this work is about helping adults who care for young children to better see, hear, and make meaning with the children in their care.
We can support you in your important role of caring for young children at a stage when their brain development is at its peak.
Child care choice: Low - income families seeking high - quality child care for young children encounter similar supply - side constraints.
Second - time (and more) mothers may note increased fatigue, but attribute this to the demands of having to care for young children while pregnant.
The aim of the present study was to examine whether parenting behaviors affect patterns of health care for young children.
Where does the price parents are paying for center - based care for a young child fit in the context of K - 12 education?
The stay - at - home parent caring for young children is often seen as not needing life insurance.
He is the oldest child in the home and as such has some responsibility with helping care for the younger children and grandchildren when they visit.
This study investigates daycare staff's beliefs about caring for young children who have experienced parental divorce.
Let us support you and your decision to care for young children as we explore the ins and outs of operating your own small business.
The managers of these programs must come together in a unified network of choices for families, providing care for any young child whose family seeks it.
For example, we currently pay ~ $ 500 / month for after school care for our younger child.
Designed to give help and encouragement to teachers, educators and others working with or caring for young children on the autism spectrum.
These programs are important to ensure that families are able to provide the best early care for young children.
Most parents don't have the luxury of staying home to care for young children because they rely on two incomes to support their family.
And child care for young children is hard to find and usually covers only part of the day.
If you know parents or people who care for young children, please let them know of the dangers and what can be done to make window blinds safe.
The association connects practice, policy and research to advance the quality of care for young children, and support those who teach, care and work with these children.
The center is devoted to the integration of clinical service delivery and research practice to promote optimal mental health care for young children (birth to five years old) and their families.
The greater the income of families purchasing center - based care for a young child, the less the percentage of that income is spent on center - based care.
«Center - based care» is used herein to refer generically to any center - based program that is not in a private home and that provides regular care for young children in a group setting.
Actual responsibilities, like caring for younger children, nurture growth and maturity.
The very day - care legislation that got so much applause for Friedan from the undergraduates and younger alumna at her talk favors the least popular, least flexible, and most expensive and problematic form of care: group care for young children.
The Well - Visit Planner (WVP) improves well - child care for young children by collecting information and concerns from parents prior to the visit.
Supporting Parents To Provide Nurturing Care For Young Children: The Fundamental Ingredients For A Better World
Doctors often dismiss the same complaint from younger women as something driven by external factors: relationship issues, work stress, exhaustion from caring for young children, etc..
Mother's helpers care for young children while the children's parents are still at home.
It's difficult enough to chase, feed, bathe and otherwise care for young children, let alone do it while you are lugging a baby around in your belly, tired as hell.
When caring for young children full - time each week, one starts to recognize the subtle differences between cries of hunger, pain and just plain anger.
Longer periods spent caring for young children or aging parents are common, too.
So, basically asked them to discuss metaphors of teaching — there was one, from memory, of a winding road, there was somebody juggling a lot of skittles, there was one of somebody caring for a young child.
[18] On another side of the policy debate, opponents of the expansion of public subsidies to support responsibilities that families in prior generations handled themselves, could, based on the present findings, argue that a lot of parents across a broad swath of socioeconomic levels utilize center - based care for their young child without having to have government assistance.
Any and every family caring for young children can benefit from Parents as Teachers services.
For a dependent care FSA, which you can use on your dependents for things like day care for young children or care for older children who are physically or mentally unable to take care of themselves while you work, you can contribute up to $ 5,000 a year.
The need for a more - flexible schedule can arise from a variety of personal and professional situations, including caring for young children or aging parents, starting or growing a solo practice, moving with a spouse who is required to relocate for work, starting or growing a side business outside of the legal profession.
To obtain a child development associate position with a reputed school where my experience in providing basic care for young children, infusing social skills and hygienic habit in them, and introducing academic fundamentals to them will help build a reputation for the school.
DoctorDad ® Workshops are for new and expectant dads, and helps increase fathers» health literacy by providing men with the knowledge and skills they need to successfully care for their young children right from the start.
Iowas 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative builds partnerships between health providers and public services to enhance care for young children and their families.
Throughout the United States an increasing number of nonnative early childhood educators care for young children.
Caring for young children comes with many responsibilities, especially as a resource parent.
The historical legacy of who predominately cares for young children (mothers and other women) means that fathers, and men in other caregiving roles, are still seen as the secondary caregiver, the «helper,» if they are seen at all in their caregiving roles.
Cornelia Grumman details the comprehensive supports that children need to get off to a good start in the first five years of life, how our public policies fall short in providing those supports, and some potential policy opportunities to better care for our youngest children.
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