Sentences with phrase «to carry a child to term»

Just because expectant fathers don't physically carry their child to term doesn't mean they don't have certain rights with respect to the child's welfare.
«These programs affirm President Obama's statement in his speech at Notre Dame that we must begin «reducing unintended pregnancies, and making adoptions more available, and providing care and support for women who do carry their child to term,»» the Health and Human Services release said.
To force someone to carry a child to term when they're not ready will do nothing but engender resentment for the child by the parent.
One would think this would cause us to think we'd paid our dues, that we were owed a healthy child, but the reality for us is that instead we appreciated the miracle of even having the opportunity to carry a child and to carry that child to term without event.
Lesbian partners also have the option to use one partner's egg (inseminated with a donor's sperm) inserted into the other partner's uterus, using in vitro fertilization, who can then carry the child to term in her womb.
«So let's work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies, and making adoption more available, and providing care and support for women who do carry their child to term,» Obama said to applause.
Legal abortion allows a women to decide whether to carry a child to term, or kill the child.
What kind of interest does the state have in the health and habits of women of childbearing age as it effects their bodies» ability to carry a child to term?
Ruth: an unmarried pregnant teenager struggling to decide if she will have an abortion or carry the child to term.
Dr. Ann Neuhaus is losing her medical license because she did not force a pregnant 10 year old, mentally disabled girl who was ra / ped by her uncle to carry the child to term.
Surrogacy arrangements involve a woman who carries a child to term and intended parents who need help starting a family.
So let's assume for a moment that a pregnant rape survivor isn't «faking» her assault and decides to carry her child to term.
But it hurts my heart to know that so many women struggle to conceive or carry a child to term.
We all hope — and to some extent expect — that we will carry a child to term and most do of course.
Faith has so much to do with it, believing in yourself, that you can carry this child to term and be a good mother.
But faith that i could carry my child to term?
Because with faith «you can carry this child to term»?
Intended parents would also be required to pay the surrogate mother all reasonable expenses related to carry the child to term.
As Clomid, egg donation and IVF have become household words for many, while others struggle to carry children to term, can many in the US still deny that the planet's ailing health affects us, even if we're not living amidst catastrophic droughts or floods?
My son and daughter - in - love experienced such difficulties in conceiving and carrying a child to term.
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