Sentences with phrase «to celebrate one's progress»

Instead of celebrating the progress of our public schools, we have a movement dedicated to tearing them down.
Build a support network around you, celebrate progress toward the goals and continue to stretch and expand your thinking.
Its interesting he decided to act out over something so trivial, when they were all brought together to celebrate their progress as individuals and as a community.
But we can also celebrate progress when we see it.
It would be nice to read an article that actually celebrates our progress.
How do we acknowledge and celebrate progress while calling urgent attention to the majority of our students who are still not college ready?
Data provides meaningful information on which to base our decisions and priorities, and it allows us to celebrate progress in advancing our mission.
Our official opening is a great way to celebrate this progress as well as looking forward to the future and our continued improvement.
On Sept. 16, CEA celebrated the progress made through five years of funding from the National Education Association Foundation's «Closing the Achievement Gaps» project.
The SPCA of Brazoria County Celebrates Progress on New Community Pet Center Announcing New Community Pet Center Progress Brazoria County, Texas — In a news conference today, the SPCA of Brazoria County announced progress on its Capital Campaign to build a new state - of - the art community pet center.
Inclusive Schools Week highlights and celebrates the progress schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to all students, including those who are often marginalized due to disability, gender, ethnicity, geography and language.
«We can celebrate the progress New Jersey has made, particularly in children having health insurance and school breakfast, but far too many families are still struggling to make ends meet.
On the evening of Oct. 18, 2011, exactly 82 years after the Supreme Court ruled that women were indeed persons, a flock of corporate elite descended on Toronto's Fairmont Hotel to celebrate the progress women have made, and investigate the work still to be done.
About the author: Walter Chen is the co-founder of iDoneThis, a simple way to preserve and celebrate progress at work, every day, that amazing companies like Zappos, Shopify, and reddit use.
Always looking to the next achievement and not celebrating the progress you have made cultivates a feeling of exhaustion and dissatisfaction.
NISW highlights and celebrates the progress U.S. schools have made in using inclusive practices to ensure a quality education for an increasingly diverse student population, including students with disabilities, those from low socio - economic backgrounds, and English language learners,» according to a release from the organizers.
The States Leading campaign celebrates this progress and encourages states to continue their work to provide educational equity for all students.
This bill celebrates the progress that our city has made in improving access to the Anacostia River, provides new outdoor recreation and outdoor education opportunities, and supports the growth of our outdoor industry.
District leaders marked the opening of schools this year with an op - ed in the Chicago Sun - Times celebrating progress and a breakfast speech at a local civic forum where they were introduced by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
Every person I talked to was supportive and celebrated my progress with me.»
Now, we all know that we've got a long ways to go, but Earth Day is about celebrating the progress we've made — and a big part of that should be honoring the environmental heroes who've helped get us this far.
We should not lament the absence of a divine call to annihilate «the other» but celebrate the progress of the human spirit that enables us to «fulfill the task» with human generosity and a moral conscience.
A new Merrill Lynch study conducted in partnership with Age Wave, «Women and Financial Wellness: Beyond the Bottom Line,» celebrates the progress made by women while examining the financial challenges women still face throughout their lives, and offers potential solutions.
We'll be celebrating progress on Bianca's Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center, as well as our exciting partnerships with the New York City School System, Nestlé Purina PetCare, and others.
It's how you recognize and celebrate progress, gain nourishing motivation, and detach from the workday.
The SOTGC blog is a place we share lessons learned and tips for success — an open forum of support and collaboration to celebrate the progress the modern woman has made, and continue that movement forward as we move towards a collaborative economy.
To celebrate this progress, the FlexJobs team is thrilled to announce the FlexJobs 250!
We celebrate our progress toward wholeness individually and in community.»
We will celebrate the progress that was purchased with great sacrifice and struggle, making it possible for a country that once enslaved African - Americans to now be governed by an African - American.
Let's celebrate the progress and press on toward the goal!
>> CELEBRATE SMALL SUCCESS: Yes, we want the big goal, but we MUST celebrate the progress to keep progressing.
Through the Potty Partnership, I learned that my son's Puppy personality thrives on positive feedback and lots of encouragement, so I made it a priority to pick up some fun rewards so we could celebrate his progress.
Look back at the chart over the past few days or weeks to celebrate their progress.
Celebrate the progress.
Looking back at how often you lost it a week or two ago, and celebrating progress is important.
«Today we celebrate progress for Battery Park City residents,» said Assemblymember Yuh - Line Niou.
But as we celebrate progress and good sense we should also remind ourselves of the distance we have left to travel.
During the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we can remember the mistakes and celebrate the progress we have made to try to eliminate race - based discrimination.
On this day, we celebrate the progress of stem cell research.
Choose a healthy challenge (say, a sugar detox) and commit to regular check - ins to celebrate your progress, and cheer each other on when motivation wanes.
Images of her built and toned glutes have garnered so much fame, they've coined their own term — The Belfie, i.e. a selfie of your booty that celebrates your progress and motivates others.
Rather, they're an opportunity to stop, rest and take stock of where you're going and what new steps you need to take to get there, and to celebrate the progress you've already made.
To celebrate this progress and to keep the wave going strong, we asked real women from a variety of backgrounds with diverse bodies and life experience what they love about their physical beings, and why.
What is important, I believe, is that students, parents and teachers have a clear roadmap for establishing where individuals are in their long - term mathematics learning, setting appropriately challenging, personalised goals for further learning, and monitoring and celebrating the progress each student makes.
He even posted a «data wall» in class where students could see and celebrate their progress.
My PLC focus is around student reading goals, and yesterday we posed a question to each other about how we could celebrate the progress our students have made over the course of the school year.
Schools will be able to order special passports to log children's reading journeys and a range of prizes will be awarded in June 2017 for pupils to celebrate their progress.
Well one stickers - Stick these into children's books to celebrate their progress.
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