Sentences with phrase «to celebrate this milestone»

To celebrate this milestone means to recognize and enjoy an important achievement or significant event. Full definition
Naturally, we wanted to celebrate this milestone with something cool that would be true to our retro roots and would make a big splash.
These cupcakes are light, decadent and perfect to celebrate this milestone anniversary.
I recently celebrated a milestone birthday, and decided to treat myself (and the family) with a cruise.
I just wrote a post about the importance of celebrating milestones in our lives and this is a perfect example.
This party is a chance for me to celebrate the milestone of turning 50 and also to give a little something back to you.
It's easy to forget that I need to think about celebrating MY milestones as a mama as well as my child's!
Whenever your baby's first tooth makes its appearance, celebrate the milestone by taking pictures and noting the date in your child's baby book.
Celebrating milestone achievements along the way gave the learners confidence and increased motivation to continue with the training process.
Our site is all about celebrating milestones, encouraging women, and inspiring ideas / design, so we wanted that to be reflected in our office.
Funny, since I just celebrated a milestone on the 20th (21!).
22 individuals celebrating this milestone today - overcoming histories of homelessness, addiction, incarceration, abuse, and trauma.
Receive a lump - sum payment of $ 100 on your credit card to celebrate milestones such as a birth or adoption, wedding or purchase of a home.
It's always so exciting to celebrate a milestone like this, isn't?
As for the rest of the year, we've all given a great deal of thought, debate and discussion on what could be done to celebrate this milestone year.
When I had my own marketing agency, we would celebrate the milestones there as well: the launch of big campaigns, internal promotions, new business wins.
A pink champagne cake that is worth starting the year with and worth celebrating any milestone as it is epic and beautiful.
Create a formal reward system to help your child celebrate milestones and change her behavior.
I love celebrating every milestone and birthday — and even the simple sweet moments — through taking photographs.
Having a book launch party is a great way to celebrate a milestone with friends and family.
This is more common in tight - knit families where the grandparents are celebrating a milestone anniversary, like a 50th wedding anniversary.
Try not to schedule big activities this week, although you might like to celebrate the milestone in special way; for example, with a special meal or a trip to the park.
It might be celebrating a milestone of your project, or even its release.
They recently celebrated a milestone that had them distribute 9.5 million e-book coupons.
Celebrating milestones along the way is important for any savings goal.
Marriage may simply be about celebrating a milestone: recognizing the relationship that a couple has built together and the love that they share for each other.
Celebrate their first words and their first day of school, but hold off on turning their car seat around no matter how much you want to celebrate that milestone as well.
It's been over 40 years since Title IX gave girls equal sports representation in schools, so help celebrate this milestone by recognizing National Girls and Women in Sports Day on February 5th.
State education officials in Kentucky last week celebrated a milestone for the state's 1990 school - reform law when Gov. Brereton C. Jones signed a budget requiring minimal funding cuts and lawmakers concluded a session marked by support for the landmark education program.
The company celebrated the milestone at Backer's Total Pet Expo last week, and also presented a $ 7,000 grant to Leader Dogs for the Blind.
As the 30th anniversary is coming up for The Legend of Zelda series, Nintendo is to release some new amiibos to help celebrate this milestone occasion... [Read full story]
«In celebrating the milestone events which bookend NRW, we encourage all Australians to take part in activities during the week, and to reflect on where they are on their own reconciliation journey.»
As your cheerleader, I offer encouragement and celebrate milestones big and small with you as you implement your plan for the future.
The Find Your Park campaign celebrates the milestone centennial anniversary of the National Park Service in 2016.
Employee retention is high, with many staff hitting their five - and 10 - year anniversaries (the company celebrates those milestones with team trips to Munich for Oktoberfest).
Land Rover employees celebrated the milestone event in Range Rover's fortieth year.
The former Disney starlet celebrated her milestone, naturally, in Disneyland.
I have known professors who celebrate milestone birthdays by organizing daylong seminars about their field of study.
Layering incentives at classroom, grade, and schoolwide levels creates a culture of positivity and achievement where students celebrate milestones in their individual and shared learning.
Related: More Track Events Coming to Corvette Museum's Motorsports Park Edelbrock Family Foundation and the Corvette Museum Partner Up for Summer Camps [VIDEO] The National Corvette Museum Celebrates Milestone 10,000 th R8C Corvette Delivery
The Find Your Parkcampaign celebrates the milestone centennial anniversary.
By the time the 50th Anniversary of the Chevrolet Corvette came around in 2003, Chevrolet's vision for celebrating the milestone came in an exclusive...
It has been an intentional decision to release this character as a Holiday update to celebrate this milestone which will be one of the bigger moments in digital history.
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