Sentences with phrase «to challenge one's faith»

The truth is I can challenge my faith all I want with science and reason and it just strengthens it.
This proves that you are only willing to believe what you feel comfortable with, just like many religious folks who fear that which challenges their faith.
But those who deny any evidence that challenges their faith violate the scientific spirit.
-- I met my wife on a Christian dating site two years ago and it has been an exciting and challenging faith walk from the very beginning.
Why does the CNN branch of the U.S. propaganda ministry constantly dance on eggshells concerning matters of Jewish faith, but continually challenges the faiths of Catholics, Mormons, and Protestants?
but it's stupid topics of discussions like these that had caused me and countless others to challenge my faith sometimes and IMO you too are sinning» Asking questions is a sin?
So, what happens as people read these stories over and over, the conversation simply never comes up... and if someone challenges their faith... and they go to the Bible to look for answers, they are simply never going to find a trace of what I'm trying to say here in the sacred books.
For Crypto Investor Show - goers, bitcoin's swoon will not challenge their faith that the future of money is digital
Wow, nothing offends the disbelievers so much as does challenging their faith.
Bibi's Muslim coworkers accused her of drinking the same water as them and verbally challenging their faith.
However, the true problem challenging faith today seems to me to be the evil in the world: we ask ourselves how it can be compatible with the Creator's rationality.
The transition comes in the midst of a time of reinvention for InterVarsity, as campuses across the country begin to challenge the faith groups» belief requirements for leaders.
Now they had to seize the life that he had promised them, a life in the world that would challenge their faith beyond anything that they ever dreamed they would know.
The New Conspirators Tom Sine The New Conspirators is a book that will undoubtedly challenge your faith by way of your mind and heart.
The film is based on the true story of Pearson who after a life - changing experience challenges the faith of his congregation by preaching about universal salvation.
Religion and the Social SciencesConversations with Robert Bellah and Christian Smithedited by R. R. Reno and Barbara McClayMore often than not it's a class in the social science that challenges the faith of students, not a class in biology.
I'm 24, raised Southern Baptist, but it's stupid topics of discussions like these that had caused me and countless others to challenge my faith sometimes and IMO you too are sinning.
«So, what happens as people read these stories over and over, the conversation simply never comes up... and if someone challenges their faith... and they go to the Bible to look for answers...»
Doing so, challenging faith - based belief, will get you nowhere.
A valid reason to challenge all faiths is to place them into the crucible of truth.
I wanted to continue to learn and challenge my faith.
Pixar movies might make unusual sermon illustrations, but just like with any piece of art, at the core, they hit on deep truths that can inform and challenge our faith.
You might not like it, as it challenges your faith, but its a comfort to scratch that Old God off the list of possibles.
«She's challenged the faith of even the most senior church leaders.
Already you do see a great deal in Christ that rebukes your sins, allures your ideals, summons your devotion, and challenges your faith.
Time after time we have heard sermons about these passages in the context of challenging our faith to believe in God's provision, but very seldom do we read into the fundamental motivation of these miracles — compassion.
But if these questions intrigue you, if they get under your skin and keep you up at night, if they challenge your faith and make you want to learn more, then you will find fodder for the imagination and companionship for the journey in A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith.
But these varying interpretations shouldn't cause us to shun the movie altogether, especially if they challenge our faith.
I am always willing to hear an argument that will challenge my faith, but this does not do that at all since it is inaccurate and completely biased.
He preaches the gospel with integrity and he challenges the faith community to be a community of justice.
Initially, some churchmen were suspicious about all this new knowledge and feared that it would be misused to challenge the faith.
Wouldn't it ultimately be kinder to challenge their faith?
This will challenge your faith, not to abandon it, but to strengthen it and examine it in the harsh light of reality, after all, the Christ we serve was nailed to a cross, not made a celebrity.
They play at war to test strength, glavanize loyalty and challenge faith.
And you offer nothing other thanthe typical AGW tactic of simply rejecting things that challenge your faith.
If your counselor is practicing good ethics, they won't do anything to challenge your faith, and someone who doesn't understand sexual addiction can do more harm than good.
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