Sentences with phrase «to charge one's clients»

Aside from that, we don't charge our clients for membership.
A law firm doesn't charge clients for accomplishing a task, it charges them for the number of hours it took their lawyers to do that task.
Although he doesn't actually charge clients by the hour, he knows about how much time it should take for jobs he's quoting, based on job title and career level.
I never worked at a big firm, so I never had the experience of charging clients $ 350 an hour, and then taking home maybe 15 — 25 % of that.
The honest essay writing companies have offers for their normal clients like on the premise of composing styles they never charge their clients on the cover sheets and the book index pages.
Many of these companies have made a practice out of charging clients upfront fees before they provide any type of service.
That gives them strong competitive advantage over other firms who charge clients for training young lawyers.
Although there is some financial and lifestyle analysis, it is relatively uncommon for a life carrier to request tax returns or to charge a client more due to a blue - collar profession.
Finally, some lawyers will also charge clients based on the greater amount of hourly or contingency agreements.
While other agencies increase their prices depending on salary level, we only charge clients for the services they want.
Federal prosecutors rarely charge clients in prostitution cases, which are generally seen as state crimes.
By stripping out the overhead, we are able to charge the client less than what they would have paid to a traditional firm.
In addition, some brokers may also charge their clients a fee on each withdrawal made.
Most award booking companies charge clients only when they are able to find an acceptable itinerary.
An hourly rate is the amount the attorney charges the client for every hour he or she works on your case.
These websites charge their clients (either seller or a buyer) a specific amount of subscription fee.
I hope people will realize the value of the services you provide and charge clients accordingly.
This doesn't mean they don't get paid — just that they have to charge their clients directly instead of being paid by a third party, such as a mutual fund company.
Charge clients interest for late payments, using appropriate truth in lending forms signed by clients.
In periods when nothing happens (e.g. when waiting for a hearing day), the firm doesn't charge its clients at all during these months.
We offer a free consultation to all prospective clients, and we do not charge our clients unless we are able to recover financial damages for them.
This may mean performing the necessary work to undo the default without charging the client.
No matter what laws are passed, or however easy it becomes to charge clients excessive fees - we won't do it.
However, this service comes for a hefty fee that all debt settlement companies, being for - profit organizations charge their clients and which may range between 15 % and 25 %.
They're the fees you as an investment advisor would charge your clients annually.
It's hard to justify charging a client for something that a bit of software can do at the push of a button.
This just goes to show that in order to be successful you do not have to charge your clients high fees.
Despite this expense, we do not charge our clients anything to prepare their cases.
The vast majority of lawyers — 85 percent — charge clients different rates for the same work.
In fact, they put so much money into their infrastructure and their promotions that they have to charge their clients ridiculous prices, sometime upwards of $ 1000 for a resume!
Realtor charge his client 500 or 5000 it up to the Realtor his brokerage and Client.
Basically we charge the home inspector for the engineering service and the inspector charges the client.
With automatically assembled documents you can charge a fixed fee per document, rather than charging the client by the hour or minute.
With payment plans, lawyers can set an amount for an invoice and charge clients on a monthly basis until the balance is paid off.
First of all, we never charge our clients any fee for completing the online application form performed on the website meaning that the service offered by our company is totally free.
The firm charges clients a fixed monthly subscription fee, starting at $ 250.
While volunteers do not charge clients for representation, pro bono clients are instructed to be prepared to pay any costs associated with their cases that can not be waived.
In order to prevent the inevitable strain on profitability that comes with wasted time, law firms have solved the problem by charging their clients for all these extra hours.
Most Southgate divorce lawyer advocates charge clients on an hourly basis.
Janis Spindel, who charges clients between $ 50,000 and $ 500,000 a year to find the «woman of their dreams,» says membership jumped 41 % in 2009 from the year before and is up 46 % so far this year.
Plasticity, which charges clients $ 3 to $ 5 per employee per month for use of its platform, begins its workplace data collection with a simple question every user answers when they sign in: «How happy are you today?»
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