Sentences with phrase «to check for fleas»

A flea comb can be used to check for flea dirt.
All of these pets are also checked for fleas while they are with us.
Wearing knee - high white socks, check for fleas in likely places — if fleas present, they will jump onto your legs.
All initial vet checks for fleas and provide medication that quickly kills the fleas.
A little extra time checking for fleas and ticks can be the difference between a comfortable home and a miserable flea infestation.
The allergy may be easily diagnosed by checking for fleas.
If you notice «cat excessive grooming,» you should minimally check for fleas and even better, consult with your veterinarian.
While performing the massage, check for flea bites.
Check for fleas near the base of his tail or on his belly.
Also, check for flea eggs in the animal's fur and in areas where your pet spends time sleeping, like bedding and crate areas if applicable.
As part of your cat care regimen, you might want to periodically check for fleas when you are grooming your cat.
Additionally, we offer basic testing for internal and external parasites, as well as routine checks for fleas and worms.
A skin check for fleas or ticks should be part of a regular grooming routine.
Your veterinarian will check the condition of the skin and hair, and will also check for fleas, ticks, tumors, and wounds.
As the hair is lifted check for flea excreta (see above).
There are a number of ways to check for fleas on a dog: observing changes in behavior, combing to look for flea dirt, finding tapeworm segments or larvae and noting hair loss.
Groomers will spot check for fleas and ticks, ear infections, and identification of any abnormal growths.
Remember that fleas have an extensive vertical jump, so you'll want to check yourself for fleas if you find that your dog is infested.
The best preventive regimen is regular brushing — daily for large dogs and every other day for cats and small dogs — and regular bathing and fur checks for fleas and flea specks.
Co-owner Don Hanson teaches employees to carefully check for fleas or flea dirt.
Plan to groom your cat at least once a week, using the flea comb first to check for flea excreta (tiny black comma - shaped dirt that runs red if a drop of water is added to it).
Part the fur gently and look at the skin beneath to check for flea dirt, which is one of the effective ways to check for fleas.
When your dog has been out playing in high grass, it is therefore a good idea to check for fleas.
Every cat owner should own a flea comb and comb through the fur in several different places on the body, checking for fleas or for black «flea dirt».
Checking for fleas should form part of a regular healthcare regime and should be relatively easy and it's good that you spotted the signs to treat.
This is also an excellent time to do some other required «maintenance» tasks that we often forget about, such as ear cleaning, brushing their teeth, and checking for fleas and ticks.
Check for fleas; another common cause of itching, but be careful, even if you can't see fleas, they may still be causing your dog grief.
Assist Veterinary Technicians with appointments by educating clients, drawing up vaccines, trimming patient's nails, checking for fleas, etc..
Check for flea dirt Comb through your pet's coat with a flea comb.
Assist Veterinarian with appointments by educating clients, drawing up vaccines, trimming patient's nails, drawing blood for various lab tests, checking for fleas, etc..
Check for fleas and ticks daily during warm weather.
As a veterinarian, you know that when the weather gets warmer pet owners should bring their pets in to your veterinary hospital to check for flea - or tick - related problems, test for parasite - related illness and learn about the latest information on control and prevention.
After the initial check - up you can start to perform your own spot checks on your dog and after consulting a vet you will have enough information to know how to check for fleas, ticks, tumors and other noticeable problems.
All guests are checked for fleas and must be flea free.
If you have an itchy pet, check for fleas.
«The owner can check for fleas, lice and fur mats, but beyond that, a veterinarian should intervene,» Dr. Miller says.
We deworm puppies at least twice and check for fleas and ticks on all pets during their wellness visits.
Regular grooming prevents dandruff by distributing skin oils, and it's an excellent time to check for fleas, ticks, skin infections, or ear mites.
Groom your dog regularly and check for fleas and skin conditions that might cause your pet distress and discomfort.
It's a good idea to check for fleas and ticks regularly.
All animals will be checked for fleas and ticks prior to admission and will be treated at the owner's expense if necessary.
The cats will also be tested for worms and checked for fleas, and initial vaccines will be given.
If your pet is restless / anxious and scratches and chews a lot, check for fleas.
During warm weather months, check for fleas and ticks frequently.
Tending to your pooch, isn't just about looking great; it also gives you a chance to give a quick once - over for any problems, before you begin, run your hands over the dog's body checking for any lumps, cuts or skin problems you can also use some of the equipment to check for fleas, ticks and any ear problems.
You will probably need to give the dog a bath when he arrives (unless the dog just had surgery — if so, you may need to wait a few days), and be sure to check for fleas.
Regular grooming is good for their fur and provides an opportunity for pet owners to check for fleas or abnormalities (lumps).
Once you feel comfortable handling the kitten, check it for fleas and remove them as soon as possible.
On three occasions since August one of my cats was checked for fleas or ear mites with none being seen.
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