Sentences with phrase «to check off one's list»

It's like checking off a list of everything we want in a dungeon.
What other fun, outdoor activities are you planning to check off the list before school starts?
Each year when this time of year comes around, there are so many items check off the list.
Your «To - do» list continues to grow bigger and not a lot gets checked off the list.
Decorating and making our homes should be a process that involves love of family and trying to make it special, not just checking it off our list.
Prepare a checklist of the important things that your dog needs and check them off the list as you get ready on travel date.
As entrepreneurs and working women living in such a busy and crazy world, I think we can all agree that getting everything checked off our list is impossible.
Well, I am happy to say I got another big project finally checked off my list!
The main floor bathroom is almost finished and I'm so glad to have this project checked off our list.
I am not a hat person so check that off the list of what I needed for this outfit.
I will start checking them off my list when I'm back next week.
If at any point you felt unsafe or just didn't like how the class made you feel, there's no shame in checking it off your list for good.
Oh, and for mobile functionality, you can check that off your list too.
Man, does it feel good to finally have this task checked off my list!
Fall is such a busy time, so making a fall wreath now is one thing you can do and then check off your list.
The security and peace of mind that life insurance brings can be one thing to check off the list now.
With one main transfer objective checked off the list, onto another one.
While many factors will end up somewhat outside your control, your maternity bra is an easy thing to check off your list once you've found the right one.
Nothing has proven more powerful for me than assessing my productivity at the end of the week with a completely checked off list.
Avoid the stress of the mall and check off your list from the comfort of your home.
Another week, another getaway location checked off the list.
But at least if we come across the one about low correlations we can check it off the list because it is irrelevant to the outcome of active performance.
Right now we are focusing on getting our roof on and the windows in, hopefully both of these will be checked off our list by next week.
One of the most important things to check off your list before summer ends is achieving a gorgeous (faux) tan.
Well now is the time to get a few of those items checked off your list!
It's not trying to check off a list of things to include from the games.
It only took 18 years but I've finally checked this off my list — my wedding dress got cleaned and preserved!
I still have a few important things to get checked off my list, but overall I'm feeling good about the planning.
I'm trying to let go of the days I don't get everything checked off my list, because let's be real, it almost never happens.
Here is a list of things that you may want to check off your list when packing your baby's bag so that you can sleep better that night.
Man, does it feel good to finally have this task checked off my list!
Fall is such a busy time, so making a fall wreath now is one thing you can do and then check off your list.
I think I need a sick day to binge watch all of these great movies that Bret has already checked off the list while I snore next to him.
Focus on one thing at a time, check it off your list with a big pretty checkmark, and move on.
This really isn't too far fetched, because he basically has three of those already checked off the list.
They definitely could have done a much better job on developing the romance of the main characters, mainly because it was rushed as if they were simply checking it off their list and then moving on to the next part of the movie.
Creepy now - you - see - them - now - you - don't phantom kids, sudden noises, windows bursting open, thunderstorms, escalating parental panic, et al., arrive on cue, as if checked off a list of horror tropes (particularly as derived from recent Spanish genre cinema).
As far as standard animals go, we can look forward to bear and lion Animojis, while a new dragon one ticks the «mythical creatures» box Apple seems to like checking off its list whenever it presents a new bunch of emoji for standard iPhones.
Peanut Butter Balls Well Christmas time is getting close, so I have started checking off things off my Christmas Check off list.
There is usually one stunner to start the Playoff campaign and the Winner of this one grabbing a 2nd Win on the day would certainly check that off the list.
This was checked off our list accidentally a few weeks ago — Brooks & I were running errands and went into one of my favorite local shops & there was a story & music time class going on — starting in 5 minutes!
If you are just super busy and don't have the time, put your baby in a carrier like a Tula or Boba and get some errands checked off your list.
Traveling between Cali, NY, and DC — today I'm sharing some of my favorite small shops and sales going on to get your holiday shopping checked off your list.
With the autobahn checked off my list, I still have plenty more automotive goals to pursue.
Despite using a forked version of Android that doesn't have access to the Google Play Store, Amazon seems to have done a great job checking off the list of must - have apps.
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