Sentences with phrase «to check one's messages»

Download the app and you'll be able to use all our features on the move, so you can check your messages on your commute and during your coffee breaks.
Bottom line: check your messages before you hit «send» — it could make a huge difference in your online dating success.
Usually I come to the office around 7:00 - 7:30 a.m. I prepare for the day by checking messages for appointments or cancellations..
It's annoying and I don't check messages often so you'll be waiting for an answer for months, lol.
Our volunteers take turns checking the messages when they get home from work, so your call will be returned as soon as a volunteer has a chance to check for calls.
And don't forget, if you are the account holder, you will always be notified that a purchase has been made so check your messages or email.
Please check the message board for the latest information.
If you want, you can chat, view photos, and check messages while on the go.
You'll have enough to do with coordinating speakers, running the agenda and facilitating the technology without checking messages every few minutes.
They'll appreciate knowing that you'll be off the grid for a few days, or at least only checking messages at irregular intervals.
With every incoming message, the browser also checks the message with its own private key to see it is not a fraudulent message.
You can check your messages directly to any dating site your register on.
Because the phone is obviously smaller than a laptop or a habit, it's easier to see their profile and check messages through the dates.
Not being able to check your messages in game?
So all you have to do is check those messages once you turn your phone back on and rush over to your connecting flight.
If you are in the job market, check messages often and respond quickly.
I make sure it is the first thing I do in the morning, before looking at email or checking messages of any kind.
Many people use an alarm app to wake up in the morning, but having your smartphone by your bed can create an urge to check your messages first thing in the morning.
Checking messages etc is easier using your cell phone as it is small and handy to carry around unlike a laptop or computer.
It is a major turn - off if you are not checking your messages properly before sending them.
You can choose to hide your profile when you're online if you just want to check messages etc..
I love the matches I get and I can't wait to check my messages everyday!
Check your message twice or three times a day, in blocks.
Easy access to notification dashboard that allows learners to quickly check messages and announcements.
With the device, you can do all sorts of things, including checking your messages and taking pictures.
Apart from that this band can also be used to check message notifications and incoming call alerts.
If you need to stay up a few minutes later or check messages on your lunch break, do it.
Meet new partners and check your messages from anywhere!
That means it is not easier for you to check messages while on the go.
Or would you be comfortable with them keeping an online presence — but not checking their messages — until the end of their subscription?
Be patient — a lot of girls will check their messages once or twice a week, possibly less.
And don't forget, if you are the account holder, you will always be notified that a purchase has been made so check your messages or email.
Constantly checking messages and surfing the internet can eat into the day.
The researchers say that smartphone addicts have limited self - control and thus tend to frequently check messaging and social networking apps — particularly in response to update notifications — and also let their smartphone usage keep them up at night.
Some of these will even check your message against spam filters, ensuring it won't share the same junk - folder fate as the Viagra offers.
The site automatically checks your messages against a spam blacklist, which identifies providers that have previously hosted companies that send spam.
A recent ExactTarget study proved that 91 % of email users check their messages at least once a day on their smartphone device.
As an online dating coach, I often need to remind my clients to double check their messages before hitting the send button.
Your future significant other could be a self proclaimed «grammar nazi,» in which case you'd better check your messages as well!
Im getting no responses to the Just like an overflowing email inbox, do nt keep checking your messages throughout the day.
Secondly: it's hard at first, but you have to think of online dating as a numbers game... Just like an overflowing email inbox, don't keep checking your messages throughout the day.
Although experts have mixed opinions about whether you should check your emails first thing in the morning, Boomerang CEO and email productivity expert Alex Moore says he's found success by checking his messages only after he's completed a task.
Experts have mixed opinions on whether or not you should check your emails first thing in the morning, but Moore says he's found success by checking his messages only after he's finished a task on his to - do list.
I just sent an email with links to both it and David's sketchbook, so please check your messages if you haven't already.
you can even check messages with the free phone service.
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