Sentences with phrase «to check one's resume»

Always double check your resume for bad poor grammar and spelling errors.
It's incredibly important that you double check your resume for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Finally, make sure you triple check your resume for spelling and grammatical errors before sending it out.
The remainder are then reviewed by the recruiter who can use their experience to check a resume in just a few seconds to see if it contains what the job requires.
If you are good in working with numbers, detecting and fixing errors in numbers, and are committed for an accounting career, check this resume sample before applying.
Always check your resume for spelling and grammar mistakes before you submit your resume.
Fortunately, you can make sure you meet both requirements by cross checking your resume against example documents.
When an employer checks the resume or interviews for the position of an administrative assistant, he looks for the strengths and abilities of candidate.
If you did not find time to cross check your resume for spelling mistakes, it's not a kind of candidate we'd like to see in our company.
That is why check your resume carefully and correct all the drawbacks you notice.
• Be sure to spell check your resume several times before making a final version.
Please check the resume twice before sending it to the recruiter.
Remember to spell check your resume at all times.
Need some help checking your resume's vital signs?
Hence, get into a habit of checking your resume once you have completed.
Not checking your resume thoroughly and proofreading it could prove to be very costly.
Fact - checking resume information is easy with online search tools and phone calls, so just stick to the facts.
Interesting fact is — tons of candidates are even do not check their resumes for spelling / grammar mistakes.
Remember that hiring managers checking your resume may also be in the recruitment field, so they may be reviewing your resume and your credentials with a higher level of scrutiny than other industries.
You should also quality check your resume so that it error free.
Also, check the resume formats applied be official services.
Since most people says that employers rarely check your resume.
Make sure that at least three people check the resume if you are worried about human error.
The «So what» method of resume writing is an interesting and very practical method of quality checking your resume.
Employers always check the resume objective to analyze if the applicant has the necessary skills or knowledge as required by the job and what the applicant is actually seeking from the position or job.
Check your resume very carefully, even the simplest of spelling mistakes if missed could sink your application.
After these five tips, you are now ready to check your resume with spelling errors and grammatical errors.
Run a spell check and have someone check your resume and cover letter for you.
If you're ready, check these resume tips 2018 out.
Check your resume many times for punctuation and grammatical mistakes.
Check our resume database to find eLearning professionals or post your job request!
Our resume maker checks your resume for 20 common mistakes, including spelling, grammar, formatting and more!
Sense check your resume and ask yourself pointed questions as to what is relevant or of interest to a potential boss.
Thus, you must make sure to double check your resume properly before sending it.
So, even if you paid for a resume writing service, it's time to go old school and manually check your resume for any silly mistakes.
When recruiters check your resume, they always expect the points that benefit the company in every way.
Checking your resume like an editor would is the best way to point out and eliminate your resume 2015 mistakes.
Check your resume score and if you are in the red zone follow the guidance to fix it.
At a minimum, have someone else check your resume for logic, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Check your resume covering letter format for any errors more than once.
When I did the typing, I always had a colleague check the resume for typos.
All these things would help you to stand out from a crowd and let the HR check your resume twice, before he / she decide to put it into trash pile.
Therefore, it is only wise to counter check the resume before sending it to your potential employer.
If you have checked your resume using this checklist and you've done everything already your resume will be ready for your job hunt.
These systems check your resume for a match with any keywords specified by the employer or recruiter as qualifications for the job.
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