Sentences with phrase «to check someone off»

Then from there I started to kind of check off all these little boxes, right, understanding what tools I needed, getting myself ready and putting a timeline together.
Today is going to be a quick post because I finally have both babies down for a nap and this mama needs to get some things checked off of my to - do list!
There's no hand - holding whatsoever, which is rather nice, and though you have an objectives list in your menu, they're not checked off as you complete them.
Instead of «you may kiss the bride,» it can feel like a chore or something to check off on some sort of list.
Learning time itself is one of the building blocks of education and we'd like to make sure that time in schools is spent educating children, not just checking off boxes.
I must say, that after looking at the list again I did a fairly good job of checking off items.
Make sure that you have all the basics covered by checking off everything below.
Check off everything on your bedroom furniture checklist and then express your personality with our decorative pillows.
Have had this very same discussion so many times with evangelicals who want a list of propositions that one must simply check off in order to be saved.
That approach to learning encourages student ownership so learning becomes memorable rather than just checking off items that appear to have no real value to them.
It was a productive one around our house and we're finally starting to get things checked off for the nursery.
No matter how good your pitch is, you're not going to get funding from an investor if you don't check off all the required boxes.
This little tube checks off most of the boxes of a luxury liner, but at a much more wallet - friendly price point.
Almost every month of the year is checked off for big releases including both games and new gaming tech.
You also get more of what you want — your wish list can get checked off more easily when you have a hand in designing your new home.
Thus, you can easily create to - do lists with the app and then check off tasks as you complete them.
Nothing has proven more powerful for me than assessing my productivity at the end of the week with a completely checked off list.
You'll also probably feel a desire to clean out that file cabinet that's been out of order or check off more things on your to - do list!
The worst part is that even if you actively make those distinctions yourself, checking off task boxes is addictive — or at least it is for me.
Of course, when checking off boxes for this movie you are pretty much filled.
If I manage to check off at least my top business and personal «to do's» — its a good day!
When completing the input - form simply check off whether you want each choice.
I am not a hat person so check that off the list of what I needed for this outfit.
You can keep the kids busy while checking off your gift list.
The crafting menu checks off which items are being auto - crafted.
With my list in hand, I started checking off the items on the list.
Depending on the age of your child, you're making sure that things are checked off before he goes out.
With just a few weeks until left until school starts, now is the time to check off what's left on your summer bucket list!
Where to you go to find a woman who checks off all the boxes on your list?
Well, I am happy to say I got another big project finally checked off my list!
In the year or so leading up to us beginning the baby adventure, I would mentally check off certain pieces of clothing that I thought would be good for pregnancy.
You can also check off all of your expenses as you pay them, and you can make revisions as necessary.
So maybe we will get lots of projects checked off of our list then.
It would be financed, in part, through a $ 5 check off option on state income taxes.
It's so awesome to have one that not only checks off all of my foundation «must haves», but also provides anti-aging benefits.
When we walked through this house, I quickly checked it off my mental list and was ready to see the next house.
We would tackle the typical issues of money, sex, in - laws, etc... but it started to feel a little bit like checking off the boxes.
You're sure to check off multiple people on your list.
In addition to checking off everyone on our nice list, we decided it would be fun to find a few things for ourselves along the way.
Consider your travel bucket list destinations for this season already checked off (you're welcome).
Start by comparing auto insurance companies to see which one checks off all your boxes.
One more dish checked off my list of cooking fears!
For 15 + years of ownership, he never had to worry about checking off the first and most important box that any team needs to do if they want to win.
That's not to say we won't still check off a destination or two.
You can even check off items you already know you have so you only buy exactly what you need.
On the small business side of things, this card checks off all the core benefits you'd expect.
Most of the items can be checked off pretty easily.
While you are at the grocery store, you can easily check off items on your list to help stay organized and efficient.
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