Sentences with phrase «to chew pieces»

One can achieve the same effect by chewing a piece of gum in its foil, yet I suspect few chefs would consider adding that to their tasting menus.
You can give her one piece at a time and encourage her to chew each piece before she puts another one in her mouth.
If you do offer your baby nuts, make sure your baby is capable of chewing the pieces safely.
You know the fresh and clean feeling you get when chewing a piece of mint gum?
During my second pregnancy one of my teeth actually cracked when I was chewing a piece of gum, half it broke off and fell out of my mouth.
Remove any toys that your cat begins to chew a piece off of / destroy so they won't ingest pieces.
Have each guest chew a piece (or two) of bubble gum.
If babies are given bite - sized pieces of food when starting, they may be less inclined to chew the piece as thoroughly, making it more likely to set off their gag reflex.
They also have been seen making piles of mushroom bits in their dens, chewing the pieces into a kind of fermented paste for both workers and larvae.
And even though the number of calories your muscle tissue expends while you are resting and not doing anything is not that big (add a pound of muscle and you might get away with chewing a piece of two of sugar - free chewing gums throughout the day), the difference in calories tends to add up as time goes by.
And the cellulite is like slightly chewed piece of bubble gum which is stuck to the pillow.
Some cats enjoy chewing pieces of thin rawhide lightly coated with fish oil or cheese spread.
«If a product is super hard, the dog will break it and then chew the pieces.
I set up one shot, the same as all of them, and the guy came in chewing a piece of gum, so I told him to keep doing that, and his mouth is just riveting, because there's no other motion in the frame.
(2010) is representative of this aspect of Colen's practice: individual chewed pieces of multicoloured gum are stuck, closely packed, on to the canvas, drawing out conflicting sensations of disgust and fascination from the viewer.
With any toy, make sure he is safe, he shouldn't be chewing pieces off the toy and swallowing them, and if your dog is fond of chewing very hard things, get your veterinarian to check his teeth.
Leaves you with the sensation of having chewed a piece of bubblegum until well after its flavour ran dry.
«Maybe you've set a rule for yourself that every time you find yourself wanting to eat something sweet, you have a piece of fruit instead, or if you're tempted to have a cigarette, you chew a piece of gum,» writes Wise.
Would you hire them if they chewed a piece of poop like a cigar... because Jesus told them to.
mushroom molecules coating the tongue for about ten seconds — about as long as it takes to chew a piece of food — shielding taste buds from bitterness, and allowing the other natural flavours to emerge.
Chew a piece of gum or eat some sunflower seeds instead.
-- As a rule, a kid aged 9 - 12 months is actively learning new foods, to chew pieces.
Asked about the bill, Lavine in an email seemed to have something in his cheek — whether his tongue or a half - chewed piece of pie was hard to say.
by Bill Chambers Allan Moyle's Empire Records has defenders too staunch to disregard — and because I listened to them, I'm left with the sensation that I chewed a piece of bubblegum until well after its flavour ran dry.
Chewing the piece of clothing also helps to bring out the smells that he is interested in.
If your pet could speak, he would tell you how easy it is to chew the pieces.
All the hot topics in small easy to chew pieces.
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