Sentences with phrase «to choose a different path»

I am in no rush to cut back any further, but I don't judge those who choose different paths for their children.
But I'm not interested in seeing publishers, agents, or authors who choose a different path as The Enemy, either.
After that, the system might, for example, allow visitors to choose different paths through a «story» on video disk — a technique already used in arcade games.
Our girls both chose different paths based on their spouses and children, and it makes me so happy they are true to their own beliefs.
Amazing to me how many people feel somehow challenged and even emotionally threatened when others choose a different path.
You know, you'd think authors have enough problems as it is without picking fights with people who simply chose a different path.
Instead of touting the benefits of said natural parenting practice, they guilt their readers about choosing a different path.
She had her life planned out for her, but her independent spirit chose a different path.
We are hopeful that his Republican colleagues and Democratic legislators choose a different path.
The repercussions of choosing a different path, though, may be too heavy a burden to bear.
Some game companies choose a different path, resulting in different risks.
We're all in this together — we just chose our different paths.
However, if you are interested in having a professional resume we recommend choosing a different path.
Conventional family settings have of course always been that mom stays and dad works, and the new dynamic inherent with choosing a different path brings a new set of challenges to both parents and children.
This theme continues throughout the spot, with subject after subject choosing a different path from the one that was mapped out for them, the navigation - like voice continuing to «recalculate» as they forge their way through life — behind the wheel of a Jeep Compass, of course.
The conservatives chose a different path: In a stroke of ingenuity, they would cut off the path of the liberal judges by forgoing moral reasoning altogether!
«No Tears» Method chooses a different path in leading children to better sleep.
But as we were treated to Mary Stuart at the Almeida theatre; a tale of two women ruling England and Scotland, judges allegedly not being fit to judge, the country north of the border choosing a different path to its contemporaries in the south, a leader wrestling with the will of the people despite being ambivalent of their choice, it is hard not to find strings of resonance in Robert Icke's wonderful adaption of Friedrich Schiller's tragedy.
Instead of placing her on potentially dangerous drugs, her parents chose a different path and took her to a holistic chiropractor.
Potentially great teachers and school leaders view credentialing requirements and training either as meaningless hoops to jump through, or worse, as a deterrent that may cause them to choose a different path altogether.
Ania relied mostly on herself and Benita chose a different path.
It's refreshing to see so many people choosing a different path for their day - to - day living experience than the conventional oversized dwellings that make up the bulk of the houses on the market.
This isn't an «us» against «them» battle — ecopreneurs are rather choosing a different path entirely, changing the way we do business and as a result, hopefully, changing our world for the better.
In his opinion on P.I., Advocate General Bot chose a different path.
Three separate scenarios play out for Bridge on Father's Day as she grapples with choosing different paths to forgive Rafi for baptizing Larry.
However, if you're passionate about your product, have the means, and want to be a big part of your product's life, you may want to choose a different path.
So she chose a different path.
We chose a different path.
They choose a different path.
«But I chose a different path, and I made a big financial sacrifice when I first started, and wound up getting into what she calls my «zone of genius.»»
So I choose a different path.
But he chose a different path, which did not seem very promising at the time.
People who shun their loved ones because they choose a different path, are not following the teachings of this church.
It is only because he chose a different path, a non-biblical interpretation that caused him to openly ignore the incontrovertible evidence that Israel will once again exist as a nation.
Except they mostly come from Catholics towards those who might choose a different path.
Would I have chosen a different path?
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