Sentences with phrase «to claim responsibility»

Many hosting companies do not claim responsibility for the files you host.
This is your warning: if you decide to watch the above trailer, you may experience certain strange emotions that we will not claim responsibility for.
It also claims responsibility in telling you when you are allowed to eat in your own home.
All members are becoming empowered for decision - making, although not many members claim responsibility for any particular decision.
There also was the tweet that was quickly deleted claiming responsibility for shooting down a cargo plane in the same time frame that the commercial flight was shot down.
Nobody knows where the seven dog years to one human year theory came from or at least no - one is claiming responsibility for it.
The two - person team claims responsibility for over 50 marriages and boasts a 90 % satisfaction rate for all introductions.
You do not have all of the facts yet, and prematurely claiming responsibility could prove harmful.
Let us handle all of the legal action necessary, and you can work toward a healthy recovery without the pressure of handling claims responsibilities too.
Claim responsibility whenever you can — your resume isn't the place to share accolades with others for political gain.
These applications claim no responsibility for explicit messages or photos that are saved.
I could not have accomplished this without my wonderful staff, but I do claim responsibility for the growth.
The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for both attacks - just as it had for the 2011 church attack in Egypt's capital, when a bomb was left under a pew and killed 29 people as they worshiped God.
as Islamic State claim responsibility for attack women who do not wear headscarves being.
The three attackers in the 2016 massacre were of foreign origin, according to al - Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, which claimed responsibility in the aftermath along with the armed group known as Al Mourabitoun.
ISIS claimed responsibility for Friday's attacks across Paris, which killed 129 people and injured hundreds of others.
Following a rather harmless, albeit annoying DDoS attack that has downed the PlayStation Network, the group of hackers claiming responsibility known as Lizard Group have now diverted the flight carrying Sony Online Entertainment's president John Smedley via a tweet to American Airlines about the flight having reported explosives aboard.
The group has now claimed responsibility for attacks against Daybreak, as you can see from the selection of Twitter posts captured and republished below.
They don't give any kind of ETA on how long the Dyn domain services will be affected nor are there any details on who claimed responsibility for the attack, but this is definitely a lot bigger and a lot more coordinated than the small scale stuff pulled off by rogue groups like the Lizard Squad.
Paternity can be established based on a paternity test or with a signed declaration claiming responsibility as the biological parent.
The Taliban claimed responsibility in 2012 for the attack on Yousafzai for her outspoken advocacy for girls» education, which was forbidden under the militants» rule over Swat.
That means franchisors, who have long skirted issues of minimum wage and employee treatment by claiming responsibility rests solely in the hands of franchisees, can now be held legally accountable by workers.
No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks, though an analyst told Al Jazeera that ISIS was likely to blame, as ISIS announced in February that they were declaring war on Egypt's Coptic population.
Seems PlayStation Network users are running into some issues today, a day prior to the maintenance scheduled for Monday from 12 pm Eastern through 7:30 pm due to an alleged DDoS attack by a group of hackers claiming responsibility known as the Lizard Squad.
There is evidence the the «rebel» forces had access to these missiles and they also claimed responsibility for shooting down several Ukrainian aircraft with them in the same area.
No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, though it mirrored others previously claimed by a radical Islamist sect known as Boko Haram.
She goes on to say that even though no one claimed responsibility for creating the charts and stats, it's been used as an advocacy tool for spaying / neutering cats for at least 18 years.
A startup called Breakr initially claimed responsibility for orchestrating his meteoric rise — a claim that both Lee and Target have repeatedly denied.
A blackmail demand from Soviet Jihadi terrorists claimed responsibility for the hack in the immediate aftermath, and garnered some press attention.
The Islamic State released an online statement on Sunday claiming responsibility for the attack and saying that 50 fighters died from two movement groups that were backed by the United States and traveling to fight the Islamic State: Failaq al - Sham and the Nour al - Din al - Zinki.
The Niger Delta Avengers on Saturday claimed responsibility for the destruction of a major oil pipeline in southern Nigeria, breaking a ceasefire the militant group had declared a month ago.
The author / owner claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.
Ecoterrorists claimed responsibility in 1998 for burning part of a Colorado ski resort they said threatened animal habitats.
In a CNET report yesterday, a beta startup called Breakr, which says it helps rouse and rally online fandoms, confoundingly claimed responsibility for Alex's ascent — including his now roughly 50,000 Twitter followers and a recent appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
@TheCeltic666 claimed responsibility for the attack and said it was perpetrated «for the lulz.»
According to the late Jim Rohn, entrepreneur and inspirational speaker, we also need to claim responsibility during the process.
Hamas formally claimed responsibility for one of the attacks cited in the lawsuit.
The FBI is investigating the stabbing attack as a «potential act of terrorism» after an ISIS - run news agency claimed responsibility, the New York Times reported.
The Islamic State affiliate initially only claimed responsibility for the attack but a second statement posted on the IS - linked Aamaq news agency said two IS «martyrdom - seeking fighters clad in explosive vests and carrying machine guns and hand grenades attacked the church».
Yahweh did personally claim responsibility for the violence in the Old Testament.
If your invisible, untraceable alien claims responsibility for the creation of the universe and life on this planet, if your invisible, untraceable alien created a race of people, led them out of slavery in a foreign land, appeared to them countless times, spoke thru prophets to them over thousands of years, and all of that interaction was successively captured in a book over those thousands of years..
It is God truly and honestly claiming responsibility for His involvement in the mess of affairs that the world is in.
Andy keeps claiming responsibility, well take that responsibility and fire Sutton for this horrible job.
The Islamic Jihad Organization, which according to Robert Baer operates under the umbrella of Hezbollah and is linked to Iran, [17] claimed responsibility for that bombing.
ISIL purportedly claimed responsibility for the attacks shortly after the incident but has also not revealed the identities of the attackers.
It follows written and audio statements from Isis's Sinai province claiming responsibility immediately in the aftermath of last Saturday's crash, as well as a second audio message promising to reveal «soon» how the plane was brought down.
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