Sentences with phrase «to clear the virus»

"To clear the virus" means to completely remove or eliminate a harmful virus from a system or a living organism, ensuring that it no longer poses a threat or causes any harm. Full definition
In a new study, most people cleared the virus from the blood within 54 days.
Those that were not pregnant cleared the virus in about 10 days.
Only a portion of infected people who do not clear the virus may be at risk for cancers.
You can talk to your doctor about all your options for removal, and you can also help your body clear the virus by staying healthy — avoiding stress, not smoking, etc..
«We usually just provide supportive care and let the body clear the virus by itself,» he says.
What's more, the newer treatments can usually clear the virus in a matter of weeks.
As a result, the immune system takes longer to clear the virus from the female reproductive tract.
Mice treated with the drug and vaginally exposed to Zika were able to completely clear the virus within two days of infection.
The immune system keeps these in check by not allowing the virus to replicate as much as it would like, although it may be unable to completely clear the virus from the CSF as some particles may hide from the immune system.
«So we can't clear the virus as easily.»
The majority of infected cats clear the virus within six months.
It is unlikely that antibodies were responsible for this, not least because experience shows that anti-HIV antibodies alone are incapable of clearing the virus from the body.
But people clear the virus at different rates, and so couples who have been together longer are less likely to «match» in terms of their HPV status, Nyitray said.
Her team has reported one such case, and speculated that the child may have «controlled or even cleared the virus» (The Lancet, 3 April 1993, p 860).
A strong immune response begins to clear the virus at this point and has eliminated all traces of virus with no symptoms of illness by Day 14.
When experimentally infected, their immune systems cleared the virus within a few days.
Approximately 1 in 4 children with hepatitis C clear the virus on their own.
«Usually mice never clear this virus,» says Pellegrini.
The findings help explain why people infected with HIV can not sufficiently clear the virus with effective antibodies.
While about two - thirds of infected individuals can eventually clear the virus, it persists and can cause a wide range of health problems in the remainder, Ferris says.
Although most people clear the virus naturally, persistent infections with some strains can lead to cancer — usually cervical or oropharyngeal (affecting the back of the throat, tonsils and back of the tongue).
Sharon Lewin at the Burnet Institute in Melbourne says the finding that IL - 7 can clear the virus without the help of antiviral drugs is very interesting.
A 12 - week dose of an investigational three - drug hepatitis C combination cleared the virus in 93 percent of patients with liver cirrhosis who hadn't previously been treated, according to a study in the May 5, 2015, issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.
«These new findings using RC - 101 may teach us how to efficiently allow the immune response clears a virus, while preventing the most damaging parts of the inflammatory response.»
Significantly, noted the researchers, in the surviving mice, the immune system cleared the virus throughout the body, and also enabled long - term protection against future exposure.
(People infected with dengue virus, in contrast, typically clear virus from the blood within 10 days, the authors note.)
In the study with monkeys by Dawn Dudley's team, most monkeys infected with Zika cleared the virus within 10 days.
In SIV - infected macaques, Picker's team found that a CMV - based vaccine cleared the virus in 50 % of the monkeys by eliciting and maintaining a powerful, but non-traditional, cytotoxic T - cell response.
The antibodies clear the virus out of the blood stream stopping the spread of the disease.
Unfortunately, there are no tests that can tell you whether or not you have FOR SURE cleared the virus.
One possible explanation for the persistence of the virus in pregnancy is that the immune systems of mothers - to - be are too compromised, and they simply aren't able to clear the virus as fast.
Some of these cats clear the virus from their bodies completely and never become ill.
But most cats are exposed to that organism as kitten and never completely clear the virus their system, so re-vaccinating them against it is of no value.
You can increase your chances of clearing the virus (assuming you became infected with it — my guess is that you probably did not if you received your shots before you were exposed to HPV through sexual activity) by quitting smoking (if applicable) and otherwise striving to live a healthy lifestyle, to keep your immune system in good shape.
Most people clear the virus within a couple of years, so it is likely that he will receive treatment for his warts, they'll stop coming back, and the infection will be cleared by the immune system.
While there are no treatments or cures for Zika virus infections, those infected will clear the virus within a few weeks of infection.
Some cats clear the virus from their system and become FeLV «negative,» some cats live for many years with the virus in their body but are not symptomatic, and some cats become ill and die within a few years of becoming infected.
Moreover, it is possible that the human IgG will be capable of interacting with the human immune system to neutralize and clear virus in ways that despeciated antibodies can not.
Instead of working on the virus, it works in the host cells and helps them to clear the virus
This approach involves waking up the latent or sleeping virus in the body, and at the same time boost the immune system to recognize and clear the virus.
«The first line of defense of the immune system, the innate immune response, is not acting quickly enough to clear the virus,» says co-lead author Gülsah Gabriel, a virologist at the Heinrich Pette Institute, Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology in Hamburg, Germany.
Co-author Dr. Susan Cu - Uvin, professor of public health and of obstetrics and gynecology at Brown, said women with HIV are especially susceptible to cervical cancer from HPV because their weakened immune systems are less able to clear the virus.
The drugs act by blocking the translation of critical viral genetic sequences, preventing a key viral protein from being made and giving the infected host time to mount an immune response and clear the virus.
«We suspect that long - term spouses and partners have been exposed to HPV, like most of us, and appear to have cleared the virus
By 21 days, mice had cleared the virus.
The mice were monitored until six weeks, and in that time their testicles did not heal, even after the mice had cleared the virus from their bloodstreams.
However, bnAbs are found in only a minority of infected people, in quantities too small to clear the virus, so Burton and other researchers are now trying to design vaccines to elicit these bnAbs in numbers large enough to provide effective protection.
But, biologists think that vaccine adjuvants could be much better: The currently available licensed adjuvants are poor inducers of T helper cells and even worse at inciting killer T cells that clear viruses, as well as eradicate cancer cells.
In the cure arena, bnAbs could be paired with latency reversing agents to target and clear the virus.
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