Sentences with phrase «to clone dinosaurs»

At the mention of DNA, minds race to science fiction depictions of cloned dinosaurs.
An astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered.
An Australian gazillionaire, Clive Palmer, is talking to the scientists who cloned Dolly the Sheep about cloning some dinosaurs for his backyard.
If only he protected us from the scientific incorrectness of so many other films: «Jurassic Park» (cloning dinosaurs through embalmed mosquitoes is preposterous), «Alien» (a mouth inside a mouth would choke it to death) and «Raiders of the Lost Ark.» (Closing your eyes does not protect your head from being exploded, shriveled, or melted by pissed - off angels.
Everyone can get on board with cloning dinosaurs from DNA extracted from mosquitos, or training raptors to respond to your roguish charms, or genetically modifying dinosaurs to become perfect killing machines for the enjoyment...
Discussing cloning dinosaurs, one character says that the scientists involved spent so much time trying to figure out if they could, that they never stopped to consider whether they should.
With no DNA, there's no chance of cloning a dinosaur.
One of the most rousing (and financially successful) blockbusters of the 1990s plunks three scientists and a couple of pesky kids in a theme park where cloned dinosaurs have been let loose in a perfect storm of hubris and greed.
I read Jurassic Park before I could grow a mustache, and it was clear that it was a bad idea to clone dinosaurs.
Now my mustache is gray, and it's still necessary to make a movie about how it's a bad idea to clone dinosaurs.
It was a bad idea to clone dinosaurs.
«I certainly don't think we'll be able to clone dinosaurs,» she says.
When people hear about «ancient DNA» in fossils, Shapiro began, the first question always is «Can we clone a dinosaur
There, a billionaire philanthropist had a vision of a wildlife park full of cloned dinosaurs.
There's the famous scene in Jurassic Park where Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) lectures the park's creator on the foolishness of cloning dinosaurs: «Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should,» he proclaims with a sigh.
BE: Ask questions like «What if you cloned dinosaurs
That was indeed Crichton's idée fixe: our scientific and technological creations — whether highly sophisticated A.I. or DNA - cloned dinosaurs — will slip from our control and try to destroy us.
Like, say, cloning dinosaurs and starting an amusement park.
Straight out of Isla Nublar — the remote Pacific island where cloned dinosaurs are said to roam — this prehistoric, porcelain figure is a real keepsake, complete with detailed markings and parietal eyes.
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