Sentences with phrase «to close a charter school»

To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate separately the academic impact of closing charter schools.
Guess what, I did and so my position shifted on closing charter schools.
A small, anti-charter group is hoping to gather more than 360,000 signatures to put this initiative on the ballot in November, with the goal of closing every charter school in California.
The administration's fairly recent attempts to smooth relations with the sector have made FES» argument — often blared through speakers at rallies — that de Blasio wants to close charter schools ring hollow.
To ensure the money is well utilized, the feds could stipulate that states can only receive this money if they have clear accountability policies for closing charter schools that persistently fail children.
In 2013, the Texas Charter Schools Association took a strong stand and supported the Texas Legislature's passage of Senate Bill 2, which requires the commissioner of education to close charter schools failing to meet state financial and academic standards for three consecutive years or at the time of charter renewal.
Fast forward to the present day and aldermen are proposing a moratorium on new charter schools, the school district is closing charter schools without a strong oversight process, and inequitable funding still exists.
He also blasted de Blasio for trying to close charter schools in Harlem.
The administration's fairly recent attempts to smooth relations with the sector have made FES» argument — often blared through speakers at rallies — that de Blasio wants to close charter schools ring hollow.
He criticized the «chief law enforcement officer of the state» for not standing up for Mayor Bill de Blasio's plans to close charter schools, «for the corruption in Albany» and for Gov. Andrew Cuomo's decision to close the Moreland Commission, an anti-corruption panel that was created by Cuomo in 2013.
Administrative attempts to close charter schools are often met with fierce parental opposition and lawsuits, but when parents don't like a school, they can simply vote with their feet, either by withdrawing their children from the school or by not choosing it in the first place.
Meanwhile, after the first charter schools opened in 1997 — 98, the average distance from a school to the closest charter school fell by about one - third, from 19.2 miles to 12.6 miles in 1999 — 2000.
Hitt, McShane, and Wolf seem to think that «regulators» are closing charter schools, or turning off the public funding to private schools participating in voucher programs, based merely on low test scores.
In recent years, charter school authorizers in some cities have taken on a more active role in managing the options available to families — closing some charter schools and allowing others to expand, using student test results as the primary yardstick of success.
4 In addition, the charter schools in our lottery study were operating at the time we collected lottery data (closed charter schools have often been under - subscribed).
The approach to opening and closing charter schools is quite different from traditional public schools.
Students whose schools are near charters do better, and the closer the charter school is, the better these students do.
Yesterday I drove to Olympia to hear the state supreme court consider oral arguments in the WEA union's second lawsuit to close charter schools, and shut out nearly 2,500 mostly low - income, minority students from having a better future.
GLEP's director, Gary Naeyaert, wrote in an email blast in March that the Senate - approved package would close charter schools, effectively ban new charter school authorizers and limit school choice.
They close charter schools that are doing quite badly indeed,» Medler says.
Graystone's attorney Brian Leinhauser's statement last year expressed concerns that the district's decision to take legal action to close the charter school may have been connected to the racist sentiments expressed by former Superintendent Richard Como and high school Director of Athletics and Activities Jim Donato.
NACSA works to improve the policies and practices of authorizers — the organizations designated to approve, monitor, renew and, if necessary, close charter schools.
The Board has authority to close charter schools that exhibit improper financial practices.
To accomplish this mission, NACSA works to improve the policies and practices of authorizers — the organizations designated to approve, monitor, renew, and, if necessary, close charter schools.
«It's good to have multiple authorizers not only because it allows different types of support for charter schools, but also because different authorizers have different standards of when they'd close a charter school,» says Berends.
During that time, it has become clear that the authorizers — the agencies that approve, monitor, renew and, if necessary, close charter schools — have a tremendous impact on both the number and quality of charter schools in existence.
Malloy and his administration, in this case with the support of the Republican members of the Bond Commission, are borrowing money to give to privately owned, but publicly funded charter school companies so that they can pay down mortgages on buildings that they own and will be able to keep even if they decide to close their charter schools.
What that means in the policy world is that the board must shift much of its attention to becoming a quality authorizer — «the organizations designated to approve, monitor, renew, and, if necessary, close charter schools
And by striking with the union, you are joining the fight to close charter schools.
In Florida for example, recent analysis by the Associated Press found that now - closed charter schools in 30 school districts had received more than $ 70 million in taxpayer money for capital needs.
The state voted that day to close the charter school, effective at the end of the year.
So Western Avenue would have twice the projected foster population of the closest charter school.
And if you look at these schools in comparison to their closest charter school, there is an even further discrepancy.
We have had to close some charter schools, and I've opposed the closing of some charter schools.»
«Our goal is not to get (CPS) to close charter schools on a phony metric, it's to provide quality education to every child in the system.
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