Sentences with phrase «to collaborate with colleagues»

Researchers share their advice on collaborating with colleagues in different work environments.
You probably don't collaborate with colleagues on the lesson, share your reflections on student learning, or have the opportunity to look collaboratively at student work from the lesson.
You'll be ideas - driven and will enjoy collaborating with colleagues across the business.
I'm currently collaborating with a colleague who is doing a lengthy research project attempting to identify the characteristics, traits and behaviors of the most effective law firm managing partners.
Teachers with a strong sense of collective efficacy believe that by collaborating with their colleagues they can help to improve student achievement.
This knowledge builds as teachers collaborate with colleagues, analyze classroom - level data, and get feedback on changes they are making to their practice throughout the year.
Teachers need these same active listening processes when collaborating with colleagues.
With cloud computing, individuals can more easily collaborate with colleagues inside and outside their office.
But collaborating with colleagues doesn't have to come at odds with IT and security.
Researchers, to the extent that their work required them to collaborate with colleagues beyond national borders, had to scale high boundaries to do so.
More teachers believe collaborating with colleagues is essential to their work, but many districts still don't provide time for teachers to learn, share and collaborate.
Educators would ideally return to their schools to further collaborate with colleagues in sharing what they'd learned from that collaborative conference.
This allows users to maximize case knowledge, see connections they might otherwise miss and better collaborate with colleagues on a matter.
This is because however technical your role is, you are performing it as part of a wider business, whether that means collaborating with colleagues or gathering a specification from clients.
I often collaborate with colleagues in both locations to provide coordinated services to individuals, couples and families.
We act as transactional and international counsel for clients engaged in major projects, collaborating with colleagues across our global network to provide guidance on inbound and outbound investments.
We must continue to collaborate with our colleagues in government, business, media, and higher education institutions around the world.
You will have a chance to collaborate with colleagues who are working on similar issues and ample time to reflect on your own practice.
Also, be sure to collaborate with colleagues on creative ways to fund your libraries.
She is also collaborating with colleagues at the University of California, San Francisco to study these proteins in MS patients over a 10 - year period.
Instead of collaborating with colleagues around a desk with printouts of reports and budgets, use Google Drive.
It serves primarily as a portfolio for my work, but it is also a place to openly collaborate with my colleagues in the Instructional Design and eLearning industry.
But Cherry Hill could have done a better job exposing him to skills he uses daily as an employee at the financial - services company Wells Fargo, such as collaborating with colleagues or using Microsoft Office.
While transitioning her personal and professional life to Chittenden County, Nina enjoyed collaborating with colleagues at Vergennes Counseling Center.
Even before final FDA approval, neuromuscular and biomedical ethics teams at Stanford, including pediatric neurologist and SMA expert John Day, MD, PhD, were already collaborating with colleagues around the country to grapple with the practical and ethical challenges of providing treatment.
Facebook (fb), Boeing (ba), Microsoft (msft), and Amazon (amzn) all have offices in Vancouver, filling them partially with foreign workers on temporary visas who can then collaborate with colleagues in California and Washington State.
LeadTogether allows individuals to collaborate with colleagues through forums, to meet and converse one - on - one with peers online, and to access comprehensive information in regular newsletters, blogs and other sources filled with insights on issues related to governance, leadership and school development.
Methods: The PNNL scientists collaborated with colleagues at the University of Nevada and Brookhaven National Laboratory to develop a mathematical framework for calculating the total scattering of both non-absorbing and absorbing particles at ambient conditions based on data collected from aircraft.
While at Cornell he began collaborating with colleague Henry Tye on the creation of magnetic monopoles in the early universe and it was this work which led to his proposal of an inflationary universe.
Our faculty collaborate with colleagues in many other units including Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and the Brody School of Medicine, as well as at other institutions.
The team collaborated with colleagues at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), working closely with its archivist Alan Carr to gain access to the test films in LANL's vault.
She has spent the past seven years collaborating with colleagues to redesign the teacher education programs at the University of Michigan and studying reform initiatives in teacher education.
B2B collaboration via social networking sites is also picking pace as employees collaborate with their colleagues, clients, end customers, and other partner company representatives, using channels such as instant messaging, blogs, posts etc..
Thug Kitchen is unapologetically passionate about our shared cause, and it is refreshing to collaborate with colleagues taking such a unique approach to spreading the word about vegan foods.»
Then, in 2010, collaborating with his colleague Richard Gibbs and other Baylor geneticists, Lupski sequenced his own genome — and «Boom!
He has since collaborated with colleagues at many institutions in a systemic effort to understand how both Bcl6 and its inhibitor drugs function.
Now that Medvigy knows what information is needed to predict what the future holds for leaf coloration, he plans to again collaborate with his colleagues at GFDL to do more sophisticated modeling based on the study results, he said.
The study was carried out by collaborating with colleagues Satoshi Uchida (RINRI Institute), Isamu Okada (Soka University), and Tatsuya Sasaki (University of Vienna) and is published in Frontiers in Physics.
Improved methods of communication mean scientists can collaborate with colleagues back home, without continually having to travel back to base.
Scientists from USC collaborated with colleagues from Penn State, the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on the research.
Krassioukov and his colleagues are currently collaborating with colleagues in the U.S. on a larger trial, examining the benefits of epidural stimulation on a bigger group.
Shi and Kou collaborated with colleagues Chider Chen and Anh Le from Penn Dental Medicine as well as Yanheng Zhou from Peking University, Xingtian Xu from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Claudio Giraudo and Maria L. Sanmillan from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and Tao Cai from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.
FSP leader Olly Berry collaborated with colleagues at the University of Canberra to develop a new R software package «dartR» designed to make it easier for researchers to analyse large population genomic datasets.
Berkeley Lab researchers collaborated with colleagues from the University of Indiana and Texas A&M University to solve the atomic structure of a Zika virus protein that is key to viral reproduction.
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