Sentences with phrase «to collect one's paycheck»

And jobs should exist beyond just collecting a paycheck.
I would observe her at her desk doing real estate work while collecting a paycheck from the company we worked at.
You could defend this as an exercise in allowing actors to have some genuine fun while collecting another paycheck.
Set an example by being positive about work; it is far better collecting a paycheck during the summer months than sitting by the pool wishing for a paycheck.
But instead of collecting a paycheck, you'll collect royalties.
If you're out of work, how great is it going to feel to start collecting a paycheck again?
So how do you approach your portfolio now that you're no longer collecting a paycheck?
Sure, you like collecting a paycheck, but there's no real purpose or meaning.
Many retirees fall into a lower bracket when they stop collecting a paycheck, which can favorably impact their future retirement income.
I've been working since I was 12 years old collecting a paycheck.
Whether or not money flows easily into your life is determined before you choose a job or even have a conversation about collecting a paycheck.
He just doesn't seem to be interested anymore and is simply collecting a paycheck.
Also known as «corporate» recruiters, they work inside the employer's organization and usually collect a paycheck (salary) from the employer who has the jobs open.
At the same time, you should be collecting a paycheck approximately once a week as your investments are sold to both pay you and invest in the next project.
To then assume that you can, at times, not work (or not care about your work) and just collect your paycheck is a faulty perspective.
, Sims was still collecting a paycheck after he was suspended by Walsh following the audit.
I am happy to collect the paycheck through Human Resources, or you could have them mail it to my home address.
De Niro has taken his lumps in recent years for collecting paychecks on projects far below the high standards he maintained for close to thirty years.
Oh, the player wanting to leave, created the goal on the dribble, then scores the free kick... and Wenger collects another paycheck!!
and if you want evidence of this, transfer window activity, the other managers were done with there transfer business (managers who did nt swap teams that is) with in a week, arsene didn; t even finish during the whole window, not that he cared cause he was in rome and brazil when he should've been looking for defenders, arsene doesn't are he's» happy collecting his paycheck and heading home
Oh come on everyone, Wenger broke a record today — most games as a manager, collecting a paycheck!!!
She views it as a violation of the organization's policies, and said it doesn't make sense for her to be home collecting a paycheck from the Syracuse City School District.
Indeed, the first such entanglement is essentially resolved in the first act, as the princess ascends to the throne, thereby escaping the oppressive rule of her mother (Miranda Richardson, painlessly collecting a paycheck) and cruel, domineering adviser Conroy (Mark Strong).
Nicholson is clearly having a nice time collecting a paycheck and making up words like «gooze - frabba» and spouting out silly one - liners that seem to only enrage Sandler's character.
Overall the acting is tepid and Cage is clearly only collecting his paycheck so that he can pay his back taxes (does he actually even read any of the scripts he says yes to nowadays?).
They are outraged that millions of good - to - great teachers aren't rewarded for their work while millions of mediocre - to - abysmal colleagues continue collecting paychecks.
If they choose college, they might find a higher - paying job in the long run, but they'll have to take out loans and pile up debt before ever collecting a paycheck.
If you're an employee, you can just sit back and collect your paychecks because your employer is responsible for your Social Security tax withholding.
Just 50 extra BC workers will be collecting a paycheck directly from KinderMorgan.
Just another turn and collect your paycheck eh no wonder you fit in with the Team so well, with comments like those from your students i'd start looking for a new tenure or better still a new job, sleeping well are we Bunnykins..
Would have saved me many years of sitting bored behind a desk collecting a paycheck.
The only ones profiting from this government agency are the myriads of employees collecting a paycheck (and pensions).
The commander, Colonel Hart (Jeffrey Jones) is a pleasant but quiet sort just collecting a paycheck.
Seeing a loophole to be exploited between the loose language of the law and the clear intent, when it came time to shut down the government, furlough workers, and stop checks from being issued, they got a convenient legal ruling that said, yes, suspending their own pay is considered altering the pay of Congress (because the law didn't just say pay raises) during the same session, therefore, it is illegal for them not to collect their paychecks during a shutdown.
Newly appointed secretary Bill Mulrow joined the payroll at $ 181,560, and the man he replaced, Larry Schwartz, continued to collect a paycheck through this month.
For the moment, state lawmakers are free to embark on their two week spring break without the knowledge that a late state budget is hanging over their heads, AND they'll be collecting their paychecks after a brief delay due to the fact that they blew the April 1 constitutional deadline.
For the first month of my daughter's life, I didn't work — my employer has a progressive paternity leave policy, which allowed me to spend every second with my wife and daughter all while collecting a paycheck.
But mostly he raised eyebrows, sky high, with a lament that his wife, Chirlane McCray, isn't allowed to collect a paycheck on the taxpayer's dime.»
The SUNY empowerment issue has been a major sticking point in the Senate's efforts to pass the revenue bill that would finally complete the budget, enabling all the state lawmakers to start collecting the paychecks they haven't been receiving since they blew the April 1 deadline.
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