Sentences with phrase «to colonize something»

This is because the bacteria colonize themselves with similar bacteria in an internal ecosystem that protects the lining of the gut.
In a segment on Brexit and immigration, she shouts, «When Britain needs brown people again, they'll just colonize you
It felt more like they were trying to colonize us into American Christians than make disciples.
Haaha, I would say I'm half British since you guys colonized us and all.
So, they are the ones still colonizing us today and put us in this mess,» he lamented.
Polynesian and Maori peoples had colonized it almost a thousand years before, bringing animals, including rats and dogs, either intentionally or as stowaways.
«We were able to show that due to its metal oxidizing metabolic activity, when given an access to these Martian regolith simulants, M. sedula actively colonizes them, releases soluble metal ions into the leachate solution and alters their mineral surface leaving behind specific signatures of life, a «fingerprint», so to say,» explains Milojevic.
Researchers are still debating when the first microbes colonize us — in utero or during birth — but Greenberg and many others worry that early use of antibiotics in infants disrupts the establishment of those indispensable residents.
«Our method, TFUMseq, is a powerful tool for understanding how the wealth of microbes that we harbour in our bodies are so successful at colonizing us.
First, such a planet is potentially close enough, at just over four light years, for us to reach and colonize it if we used nuclear rockets (NASA has proposed a plan for accomplishing this, dubbed Project Longshot).
The great things about Lactobacillus GG are that it is resistant to stomach acid, so it can pass through the stomach unaffected, it is a normal inhabitant of the human intestine, and it can colonize it in some cases.
«They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially colonized it.
While Kia Hende expresses his condemnation of the colonizer, he is not ready to dismiss the African populist discourse which aims to, «hide the destruction by people who colonize themselves;» the Dictator, Mussunda N'Zombo, is based off of the former president, Mobutu Sese Seko and the series explores the end of dictatorship.
«In contrast, the colorful Mandarin Duck is less frequently associated with reserves, and is unlikely to cause ecological damage even when it does colonize them
But once the germ - free mice had reached adulthood, colonizing them with bacteria did not influence their behavior.
I think He made it so we could explore it and colonize it.
Had Arsenal been in Zambia, we would have kicked Wenger's arse out of our team 7 years ago and I know for sure you lads in London are more brutal than us (you colonized us and many other states before, heeehe) so come on!!!! Wenger is officially one of the most hated men alive today and we keep losing fans each day and recruiting non because of his dumbness.
This broad look at herbivore - plant interactions takes into account the entire phytobiome — the plants, their environment, their predators and the organisms that colonize them.
A lot needs to go right for a cancer cell to successfully leave the site of its original tumor, travel in the bloodstream, enter a distant organ and begin to colonize it.
Not only will this research help boost knowledge on how well the potatoes can survive in Martian conditions, but it will also highlight how well the crops would be able to survive on Mars, if and when we manage to colonize it.
Ever since astronomers announced the discovery of an Earth - sized exoplanet less than five light years down the cosmic street, the question on every good space cadet's mind has been whether or not we can colonize it.
They need to contort confronted and this click here will colonize them.
Destroying the Earth four times is probably the limit for any director but luckily for Emmerich, we just discovered water on the moon, so he can go ahead and make a movie where we've colonized it and are living there, but for whatever reason it gets destroyed.
«Desolation tries to colonize you
You get the sense that man has come and colonized it
Catan, based on the board game Settlers of Catan, drops three or four players onto an uncharted island and has them race to colonize it.
But despite a few successful efforts, language minority groups that had been also racialized in an effort to conquer them and colonize them ---- Native Americans, Mexican Americans and other Latin @s ---- did not have the economic means or the political power to establish their own bilingual schools.
Desolation tries to colonize you
Eventually you'll probably stumble upon your first habitable world and eagerly build a vessel to colonize it.
Microbes — and the way they colonize us — are the subject of an exhibition at the Eden Project in Cornwall.
«Treating the image as a virus that infiltrates every aspect of the real world, the group set out to colonize it, modify it and so present an alternate version of reality.
At that time, circa 1965, because the lively, archive - oriented revisionist art history had not yet begun, there was no more turf left to be occupied in old art — no more to say about Michelangelo et cetera — so the younger art historians invaded the territory of contemporary art, colonized it, and brought with them their fangs - bared killer instinct of the departmental paper chase.
«You can't really go over to a country, plant your flag and try to colonize it,» says Muhlebach.
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