Sentences with phrase «to come before someone»

THE question of what came before the big bang used to lie outside the bounds of science.
This understanding of abstraction allows for both the possibility of breaking new ground and at the same time acknowledges those who came before who have carved out the territory in the first place.
What are the most common cases which come before you?
But it a fundamental fallacy to assume that the universe of cases coming before the appellate courts is the same as the total universe of cases.
So, product quality always comes before quantity of advertising when campaigning, in my opinion.
Using the concept Information governance gives IT departments the ability to take a tougher stance against attorneys within the organization, thus ensuring that convenience will not come before good security hygiene.
This year they build atop everything that came before in order to redefine what we can do.
They say that should have been discussed and decided during a public meeting since it dealt with an issue coming before the board for a vote.
Your baby comes before anything else, and so his comfort should be a top priority.
It was not until 1991 that the matter came before appeal judges again.
If any of them are present in your life, watch out, because pride comes before a fall.
To Power, this means that people come before profits.
I did not want to be in the hospital giving birth and I was very confident that you were perfectly fine, and that you would come before then.
If your custody dispute ever comes before the court, the judge may see these communications.
Families and friends often came before many of the other sources of information the parents received.
There are big games coming before the summer too including Injustice 2 and more.
I have a 4 month old daughter who comes before everything.
This is not a good lesson to teach your child because it gives them the message that play comes before work - and is therefore more important than work.
These applications also come before the board for public hearing.
In state after state, country after country, when shared parenting legislation comes before a house or senate committee, those lining up to speak against it are mostly family attorneys.
Because nothing comes before showing unconditional love, acceptance and respect to your child.
We made a practice that potty time comes before sleeping time, but since was drinking a lot of water during the night, he needed a diaper.
Sometimes, especially in brain injury cases, that call even comes before your doctors are done diagnosing your injuries.
However, attorneys can combat this by always remembering that the client's interests come before anyone else.
For many of my generation time for husband and family came before time for the wife.
If a dispute results over a transaction, clients may suggest that the real estate professional's financial interests came before those of the client.
If not, what to do when your first child comes before your first date?
Which also, I like to think, is a common American way of thinking - that action comes before theory.
It is a pain and function should come before form when it comes to a tool like a credit card.
For an academia resume, the education section will usually come before the job experience.
As we've mentioned before, your education comes before or after your work experience section.
Therefore, while we may expect it to become more and more a political issue, it is not yet the issue in most cases that come before courts.
If any other business properly comes before the meeting, these individuals will vote on those matters in a manner they consider appropriate.
That is the idea that the needs of the team come before individual needs.
Stay calm In such situations, safety comes before anything else.
Without a doubt the most important developmental deadline comes before you even begin your search for a puppy: namely, your education about puppy education.
We will ensure that the correct version of events comes before the courts and prevent false allegations from damaging your life and your reputation.
The private lenders must protect their interests by avoiding homes with too many debts as the mortgage act requires that lenders who came before get paid first.
These things come before the technical and tactical aspects, the rest is a consequence.
Service comes before cheap, low cost fees as you need the very best legal expert acting for you.
The new developer beta will likely come before a public beta of the same software soon.
As a man, I am used to a woman's feelings coming before my own.
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