Sentences with phrase «to come to a consensus»

They are the group responsible for coming to consensus on the unified framework for the profession through the Decision Cycle process.
Not surprisingly, there are times when communities can't come to a consensus about changes to the protocol.
This occurs when the community comes to a consensus about protocol changes and all of the miners agree to upgrade their mining software.
How then, and why, have climate scientists come to a consensus about a very complex scientific problem that the scientists themselves acknowledge has substantial and fundamental uncertainties?
Throughout the last days of the street protests, social channels also helped people come to consensus quickly as the situation changed from hour to hour.
We may never come to a consensus on what caused the financial collapse, but derivatives definitely share a large part of the blame.
Partners can't come to consensus at critical strategic turning points.
We sit down and talk things out — even when they are painful and difficult, and even when we may not in the end come to a consensus.
Each group presented their work, then the class came to a consensus on the process and the solution if they could.
In the late 1970s, scientists first came to a consensus that global warming was likely to result from increasing greenhouse gases released by burning fossil fuels.
A significant majority of scientists, like myself, have come to the consensus position that we consider cancer to be, very, very bad.
Take a look at this short video on how honey bees come to a consensus.
With the same code and the same inputs, the network comes to a consensus about the results of the code.
Do you see a way for all involved developers to come to a consensus somehow?
This includes coming to a consensus on colors and furniture, how to decorate walls and — the most cited in the survey — how to incorporate existing household items with your partner's.
Doctors didn't come to a consensus what causes colic.
Best in groups, it requires you to come to a consensus with other players.
It has taken us the better part of two years to come to a consensus on how we plan to make this house «ours».
No, but it does mean that a lot of reasonable people came to a consensus.
The network would not come to consensus about the «state» of the notebook (say, if a note is added or deleted) without the computational power to process the changes.
From the point of view of, say, communities of color, there was one group of environmentalists working with them through the painstaking process of coming to consensus in an area of policy that was new to many of them.
Individually prioritize the top five components of an effective assessment policy then come to consensus as a group.
We fight during the shoot of every recipe and then come to a consensus on how the framing should be or where the plate should be positioned; I mean that's the way brainstorming is supposed to be, isn't it?
In states where Amazon has lost the sales tax argument at the hands of lawmakers who are eagerly trying to make up for revenue lost in the recent economic downturn, the online giant has attempted to make amends with legislatures by investing in jobs and distribution centers in return for coming to a consensus on the issue.
In most states, open adoption agreements are non-binding so it's really up to the two parties to come to a consensus based on the interests of their child.
That's what will need to happen next — GOP leaders will come to a consensus before posing a name to the selective membership of the executive committee, which will vote, then pass it on to the much larger county committee membership.
And in a statement to SB Nation, the NBPA said some players couldn't come to a consensus when it was time to make a vote:
Students also maintain a design file, which contains their working drawings, notes, and group contracts, such as the Team Operating Agreement (adapted from a similar form at the Boeing Company), in which team members come to consensus on items such as expectations of themselves and each other, how decisions will be made, how misunderstandings will be prevented, and how conflicts will be resolved.
Members of a homogeneous group rest somewhat assured that they will agree with one another; that they will understand one another's perspectives and beliefs; that they will be able to easily come to a consensus.
«I watched this entire grade come to a consensus that they needed to make a change in their relationships.
However, once I got to that first class trial, I was really taken by the way that the game system is set up to go over the facts of the case, rebut testimony and to finally come to a consensus as to who the killer actually is.
Through a roundtable discussion with early childhood mental health experts, the group came to consensus on the following definition:
If lawyers can not even come to consensus over process and precedents within the firm, then what do you think happens between lawyers?
It may just be the soundtrack, but I can't even come to a consensus with myself which version has the better music between the SNES version and the arcade version.
To create the 2015 Guide, CASEL had evaluations of 130 programs independently reviewed by a team of highly experienced research psychologists and methodologists who then met to resolve discrepancies and come to consensus regarding ratings of the programs» evidence of effectiveness.
So the lengths we have gone to is more than just words on paper, but also speaks to the shear size of our country and the miracle that we have ever come to a consensus on such legislation as the Clean Water Act, Oil Pollution Act and so on.
Until the ad industry comes to a consensus on viewability standards, which the Media Rating Council predicts will occur by the end of 2015, it's up to you as a brand or agency to educate yourself on why an ad would or wouldn't be considered viewable in different formats.
The noise in markets today (to be given little weight) is the «news» of the latest Tweet, or how close an employment report came to consensus estimates, etc..
And we are beginning to see OPEC come to a consensus on firming oil prices, which could initiate some more pronounced inflationary pressures in the coming year.
After deliberations, the war room comes to a consensus.
«I'm going to propose if we can't come to a consensus candidate that we change the party rules at the meeting in September and we do a co-chairman situation,» Panepinto said.
The debate was a prime example of the House of Commons coming to a consensus about an important issue and demonstrated the best of what we have to offer the country.
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