Sentences with phrase «to come to a mutual agreement»

As such, we think we should all come to a mutual agreement on how to end the contract.
Partners may come to a mutual agreement about what's fair or may rely on the court's help in splitting the marital assets fairly.
This will likely be a motion for contempt against the other parent for failing to come to a mutual agreement with you about child - care arrangements.
If after talking to your neighbour and going through mediation you still can't come to a mutual agreement, then you have only two choices left.
Have a conversation with who is involved so that you can resolve the issue or at least come to a mutual agreement that is satisfactory for all parties.
You also have more control over the outcome of your case when you limit court involvement and you and your spouse to come to a mutual agreement yourselves.
It is also important to come to a mutual agreement on how to handle a situation.
If you and your spouse can come to a mutual agreement about asset division outside the courtroom, the process can be much faster, and it will save money, too.
Some of these cases are settled through mediation before trials, but when the parties can not come to a mutual agreement, it will go to trial.
In Minnesota, it is preferred that parents come to a mutual agreement on child custody.
While the Times state that the 48 - year - old is unlikely to be sacked, the club supposedly expect to come to a mutual agreement over his departure at the end of the season.
As the buyer, you negotiate terms, deposits, rates with the actual seller and come to a mutual agreement between buyer and seller.
Pataquès is the staging of multiple events that in a certain way have come to the mutual agreement of remaining in constant tension.
While some Texas car accident lawsuits do end up in court, many are settled out of court when both sides come to a mutual agreement.
Similar to mediation, the Judicial Hosted Settlement Conference, is designed to help both parties come to a mutual agreement without needing to proceed to litigation (court).
Our Comprehensive Parenting Plans allow both parents to come to a mutual agreement regarding both time and money as it relates to co-parenting so that time spent with your children is time spent actually being a parent.
Mediation is increasingly popular in divorce cases because it helps to minimize conflict, prevents the waste of judicial resources, and can help couples come to mutual agreements that are tolerable to both parties.
When you have to come to a mutual agreement when one party is selling and the other party is buying, it's going to require some give and take from both parties.
Didn't Mr chips also state that the Board would take into consideration the minor / individuals of the fans base who were protesting and that they will do what's best for the clubs interest and hope to come to a mutual agreement with Mr Wenger.
If the parties can not come to a mutual agreement about the distribution of the earnest money, holding the money in an escrow account is your best course if the parties can't agree who receives the funds.
Birth parents can obtain revocation of consent if both they and the adoptive parents come to a mutual agreement that revocation is necessary.
The key for both monogamous and open / polyamorous relationships is to have open and honest communication with one's partner about the situation, to come to mutual agreements to protect the integrity and commitment of the relationship and to revisit the agreement periodically to ensure you're both still on the same page about things or to determine if modifications need to be made.
Both teachers must come to a mutual agreement that they are equals in the classroom, and students must perceive both teachers as invaluable members of the classroom community.
A little back and forth and we came to a mutual agreement.
They came to a mutual agreement that marriage and removal to a remote farm would provide her with some level of protection from trusted slaves and the proximity of a brother - in - law.
In Alaska, couples can choose to abide by community law or common law during their divorce negotiations, as long as both come to a mutual agreement.
Develop your debt free plan together and come to a mutual agreement.
The home you and your cat share will be a peaceful one when you've come to a mutual agreement about where cats can and can't jump and what they can and can't scratch or chew.
However, until Microsoft and Nintendo can come to a mutual agreement, it seems there will be no PP7 antics for a while to come.
The official announcement from Trion went up this weekend, but it didn't offer much insight other than stating that Trion Worlds and Bluehole Ginno have come to a mutual agreement to shut down Devilian.
«Trion Worlds and Bluehole Ginno have come to the mutual agreement to bring Devilian to a close,» the publisher posted.
We came to a mutual agreement that by arguing with real passion, regardless of how divergent our viewpoints may be, as long as we could transform that energy into tangible action, we would find ourselves in a perpetual state of becoming.
«I had been talking to my firm for some time about me working a little less and the firm and I came to a mutual agreement that I would allow my name to continue with the firm and if there was any business developed in the GTA that I could act on it but only through the firm and not my own name.
Details have yet to emerge on the settlement, but the Pennsylvania personal injury attorneys for the parties say that the two women met on their own outside the presence of attorneys and came to a mutual agreement.
Support agreed to be paid and received between ex-partners after discussing and coming to a mutual agreement may more often be respected and stuck to than financial support ordered by a third party;
Jordan prepared the client with justifiable procedural defenses and because of this, the client's eviction was dismissed and both parties were able to come to a mutual agreement.
The best thing to do is to call your insurance company and try to come to a mutual agreement.
Many countries, including Japan and France, were hoping to come to a mutual agreement on regulations, but other participants appear to prefer a laissez - faire (French: «allow to do») approach.
«We came to a mutual agreement that this wasn't a good fit, and I chose to look for positions more in alignment with my skills and values.»
If you didn't come to an agreement during the course of your interview, you may want to have a discussion with your supervisor as soon as possible to see if you can come to a mutual agreement on what you will be expected to do.
The idea behind collaborative law is that both parties, no matter what disagreements they have, will have to work together to come to a mutual agreement on the terms of the divorce.
Many divorcing couples consider their pet to be just like their child and some are not able or willing to come to a mutual agreement about which of them should keep the family pet following divorce.
If you want to avoid remaining in a state of perpetual limbo, however, you may want to come to a mutual agreement about how long you would like to remain separated.
Spouses engaged in divorce proceedings may come to a mutual agreement about relocating the children.
Whenever you face a stressful situation in the future, you will have the tools to talk things out and come to a mutual agreement.
If differences in your parenting styles were part of the reasons for divorce, you may want to work with your family counselor to come to a mutual agreement.
Unless both parents come to a mutual agreement, a court will dictate which parent the child will live with, who will be responsible for critical decisions relating to the child and whether both parents will share legal or physical custody.
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