Sentences with phrase «to come to church»

People come to church for a wide variety of reasons.
People won't come to church when we invite them unless they first begin to change their perceptions about the church.
So when people come to your church from another church, welcome them with an open hand, knowing that they bring some blessings and some baggage.
Have you heard the joke about the man who came to church for the first time?
About three months after the board meeting, the outreach committee came to the church with a proposal.
Much as I would like to think otherwise, it would probably have been harder on people if she initially came to our church in a same - sex relationship.
I once talked with a man who said he couldn't come to our church because of the color of the carpet.
It includes virtually anyone who comes to church at least once a month and makes a nominal profession.
This is why some people only come to church a few times a year.
We do reach out to those who stop coming to church.
This way asks my community to renew its focus on serving and loving without an expectation of more people coming to our church service.
Maybe they've been asked to come to church by someone else here, but they just don't feel like they would be comfortable coming because they don't know anybody.
There are many people that all of us come into contact with who may never come to church unless we go to them first.
A few who shared the meal might come to church before the lunch, but the church gained no new members from the effort.
A member also took part after coming to the church for 50 years.
We have several services at the weekend, and we have to tell people that they are only allowed to come to church once.
People came to church wearing masks, if they came at all.
I remember once a young woman came to church with another man and her husband was sitting on the other side of the church.
These priest that commit this uncanny act come to church everyday and give confession to people, how can they forgive people of their sins when they are living in sin.
Until the language of worship planning changes, people are going to continue to come to church expecting to he confirmed in what they already think they know or need.
I found coming to church really hard during this time.
Only the church making sure the victims know they came come to the church and go to the police can fix it.
Now parents come to church with a bag full of juice pouches and crackers and cereal and fruit snacks.
Last night local school counselor came to our church and ask for volunteers to be mentors for their students.
Not ONE asked if we went to church anywhere or invited us to come to a church meeting there.
Folks can come to our church in their military dress clothes if they like; that wouldn't bother me any more than a pizza delivery - man coming in his uniform.
If people want to come to the church because they like being there how are you going to stop them coming?
A young couple in their early 30s have been coming to church for about 2 months.
That is why you should come to church with a notebook and pencil ready.
If you stop coming to church, you are still not out of the faith.
Do you want me to come to your church service and waste YOUR time discussing zoning issues or budget concerns?
Those who came to the church for the wrong reason would not remain.
That very common notion of the time implied that pastoral calls were the knowing, and if the people came to church to hear the sermon that was the feeding.
I found lots of Grace when I first came to Church as well as ungraciousness.
- don't sing from hymnals - don't go to church on Sunday (which they often mistakenly «the Sabbath»)- meet in a building that is lit with candles - preach wearing sandals and shorts - preach from anything but the KJV - allow homosexuals and prostitutes and drug addicts to come to church just as they are - have a pastor with facial hair (yes, I've heard this one!)
Oh, yea of little faith, come to the churches of my world... it is there that the best work against God's Holy Kingdom is done.
So the poor people that the church helps can not actually come to church if they can not tithe?
Most Christians come to church with the same consumer mentality that motivates them in the rest of life.
Let all who seek salvation, let the stray sinner come to the church whose Lord is....
Visit members of the church who were homebound or otherwise unable to come to church regularly as well as visiting all members of the church on a semi-regular basis
After she attended the next two Sundays, the minister was warned in an anonymous telephone call that the church and / or parsonage would be burned down «if that nigger keeps coming to church
(Why he and his family came to a church whose teaching pastorate was split between men and women is a mystery, but there we were.)
I praised people who came to my church from other churches because they wanted good preaching.
For the brave and principled stand made by Tom Weinandy reminds us that God raises up prophetic lights when dark days come to his Church.
- My hubby started coming to church with the kids and I every Sunday - My schedule conflict cleared up and now I can make it to the women's bible study that my church holds twice a month - My best friend's daughter had surgery and made it through without any complications.
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