Sentences with phrase «to come to the floor for a vote»

I will ensure each item receives the proper review before coming to the floor for a vote, while also being mindful of time limits to improve governmental efficiency.
Yet with time running out on the 2014 legislative session, the bill has not come to the floor for a vote.
The deal would allow Klein to retain the power to decide which bills come to the floor for a vote in the Senate and maintain his role in the state budget negotiations.
Senate Democrats have blocked the bills from coming to the floor for a vote and the president says he would veto them.
Senate Republicans plan to meet privately later tonight to discuss whether the bill should come to the floor for a vote in what's most definitely going to be a very lengthy conference meeting.
Speaker Carl Heastie says the measure won't come to the floor for a vote unless there is enough support among Democrats alone to back the bill.
And Levi reminded me that Minority Leader Dean Skelos recently told the Log Cabin Republicans he would recommend that the marriage bill come to the floor for another vote if the GOP returns to power in the chamber.
The Democrats have been hammering Martins over his opposition to the 10 - point Women's Equality Act due to the abortion - rights plank that the GOP has refused to let come to the floor for a vote.
The Independent Democratic Conference (IDC) are 8 turncoat Democrats who form a «majority coalition» with the Republicans, giving them control of the Senate, and what comes to the floor for a vote.
Now, Klein and the IDC are in «consultation» with the Senate Republicans on bills, but have no say over which measures come to the floor for a vote.
Under that agreement, both Klein and Skelos had to jointly agree on which bills come to the floor for a vote as well be part of the state budget negotiations.
It still can — if the IDC members decide to let their own proposal come to the floor for a vote
Libous also declined to say that the decision by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos to allow the same - sex marriage bill to come to the floor for a vote last year — where it passed, thanks to «yes» votes from Saland and McDonald, along with Sens. Mark Grisanti and Jim Alesi — was a bad idea, though he did allow the Republicans knew quite well that the vote would cost them with the conservative grassroots in this election.
In a further development, the medical marijuana legislation has been transferred from the Senate Finance Committee to the Senate Rules Committee, greatly improving the measure's chance of coming to the floor for a vote.
We must move past the days when members of the Assembly could say they support a bill which never comes to the floor for a vote.
Two bills that would give outside religious groups the right to meet in public schools have been introduced in the Congress, but neither has yet come to the floor for a vote.
The current Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, has said that bills will not come to the floor for a vote unless a majority of Democrats agree, even if numerically, counting Republican support, there are enough votes for it to pass.
They say conference leader, Senator Jeff Klein, an ardent pro choice supporter, should demand that the bill come to the floor for a vote before the session ends.
Skelos wouldn't say whether the bill would come to the floor for a vote if Republicans had an outright majority.
Also, though Martins sponsored the Child Safe Products Act, that didn't come to the floor for a vote, either, even though it apparently had enough votes (given the 24 sponsors) to pass.
Silver, too, it should be noted, has received his fair share of criticism from the Orthodox community for voting «yes» on gay marriage all four times he allowed the bill to come to the floor for a vote in his house.
«But when these measures come to the floor for a vote, do we want him to do the right thing and support real reforms to clean up Albany?
Martins has been under attack from his Democratic opponent, Adam Haber, for the Senate GOP's refusal to allow Gov. Andrew Cuomo's full 10 - point Women's Equality Act to come to the floor for a vote as a result of opposition to the abortion - rights plank.
Under the agreement reached in 2012, Klein and Skelos both decided which bills come to the floor for a vote and when.
The letter paints a potential plan that would allow the leaders — Sen. Jeff Klein of the IDC and Sen. Andrea Stewart - Cousins of the mainline conference — to choose each others» deputies and have approval over which bills come to the floor for a vote.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie told reporters on Tuesday he remains personally supportive of mixed - martial arts, but said whether it comes to the floor for a vote will be up to the Democratic majority in the chamber.
«I don't speculate retroactively, but nobody thought gay marriage would come to the floor for a vote,» he told reporters before the vote.
As co-leaders of the Senate, Klein and Skelos (R - Nassau County) each have the power to block legislation from coming to the floor for a vote.
As co-leaders of the Senate, Klein (pictured) and Dean Skelos (R - Nassau County) each have the power to block legislation from coming to the floor for a vote.
But the IDC will no longer have a formal say on what bills can come to the floor for a vote, Senate GOP sources say.
They emerged with a brief statement: The bill would come to the floor for a vote, with ultimately four backing the measure.
«Plain and simple, if a majority of legislators are sponsoring and supporting a piece of legislation then that bill should be allowed to come to the Floor for a vote.
He called on the Republican leadership of the chamber to allow the measure to come to the floor for a vote.
Under that agreement, Klein and Skelos jointly decide on which bills will come to the floor for a vote.
Rules reform is needed so Democrat - sponsored bills can come to the floor for a vote.
The marriage bill died the one time it came to the floor for a vote in the Senate, going down 38 - 24.
Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos told reporters at a Log Cabin Republicans event last October that he would recommend to his members that they let the marriage bill come to the floor for a vote and then vote their respective consciences.
But Republicans last year gained full control of the chamber and Klein lost the title, plus the ability to have veto power over which bills come to the floor for a vote.
Decisions are made jointly between the two factions on what legislation comes to the floor for a vote.
One of Slaughter's crowning achievements was being the first woman to chair of the powerful House Rules Committee, which generally decides how bills come to the floor for a vote.
The bill's sponsor, Bronx Democrat Jeffrey Dinowitz, tells us that if the bill came to the floor for a vote, it would pass.
After reviewing the budget bills, Karen Scharff, the executive director of Citizen Action of New York and a co-chair of the Working Families Party, encouraged proponents to keep fighting until the bills come to the floor for a vote, which is expected to happen on Monday.
The measures are expected to come to the floor for a vote in the Assembly in the next month, where it could likely pass.
Republican lawmakers, meanwhile, have their own ideas, which includes making it easier for any reform bill to come to the floor for a vote.
The same measure has sailed through Assembly committees and is expected to be approved by the entire house when it comes to the floor for a vote.
There's also a bill included from Assemblyman Marc Johns that would allow members to choose one piece of legislation to bypass committee and come to the floor for a vote.
At the same time, Klein will no longer have veto power over which bills come to the floor for a vote and when.
Assembly Democrats have previously discussed the bill in a closed - door conference this year, but emerged without a consensus on whether the bill comes to the floor for a vote.
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