Sentences with phrase «to communicate to one's dog»

If you don't communicate to a dog what acceptable behavior is, however, then a dog will make her own decisions.
Somehow you are not communicating to your dog in a language she can easily and clearly understand.
When we do not clearly communicate to our dog where their advantage lies, stress and confusion sets in and learning does not take place.
Keep a stool in the area you've designated for bathroom breaks to communicate to your dog where he should go and what he should do there.
For example, how you handle the leash at the veterinarian's office may communicate to your dog in ways that tell him or her that bad things are about to happen.
Use opening and closing of door to clearly communicate to your dog if he is doing the right thing.
Not making a big deal of your exit or return to the home communicates to your dog that your absence is not a big deal.
We highly recommend using it since it is a fast way to communicate to the dog exactly what behavior you are looking for.
So trying to communicate to a dog as another dog will be confusing, dogs know we are not dogs.
As stated above with the long line, this small leash will provide you a means of clearly and consistently communicating to your dog what not to do in the home.
So all in all, you need to communicate to your dog what is a genuine threat and what isn't.
The harness uses sound to communicate to your dog where you want him to walk.
It is important that veterinarians communicate to dog owners that the administration of antibiotics to healthy patients with Lyme exposure has not been shown to provide any benefit in warding off future Lyme associated illness.
The Austrian Pinscher dog breed may not get along well with other dogs if you as the alpha human do not properly communicate to the dog that is unacceptable behavior.
It has completed its function, which was to communicate to your dog which behavior you desired.
; blocking with your body; getting in the dog's visual field; backing him up; turning and walking the other way... these can all communicate to your dog that this behavior isn't admissible.
Practicing «nothing in life is free» effectively and gently communicates to your dog that its position in the hierarchy is subordinate to yours.
Thank you so much for giving me the basic skills to effectively communicate to my dogs!!
Additionally, the use of the clicker removes some of the frustration from the owner that might be communicated to the dog through an angry tone of voice (which some dogs find arousing in and of itself).
Territorial behavior is something that must be approached very carefully, where the owner is clearly communicating to the dog was is appropriate behavior versus inappropriate behavior.
-- Helpful information on using rewards, cues, and body language to communicate to the dog what you want him to do.
By doing so, you are communicating to your dog that the item is yours and then giving permission for the dog to sniff.
If she were to also use music to communicate to the dog, what instrument would she play and how would the dog react?
Most dog anxiety disorders can be managed by pet owners if they have a basic understanding of how anxiety, phobias and fears work in dogs, what they look like and how to communicate to the dog that everything will be all right.
And always keep in mind that your goal is to communicate to your dog that pulling on the leash is never acceptable.
When we reach to pet a dog, our desire is to communicate to the dog that we are no threat to them and that we would like to be friends.
Both of these communicate to your dog that you are in control of the situation, and they need not worry.
The negative feedback: (yes, I believe in communicating to our dogs that they have done something wrong when they do...
Barry is one of her pups and they'll demonstrate together how Dharma uses a leash to communicate to a dog and then talk about training plans, plus how develop life skills for your dogs.
Keep the leads loose, since tension on the leash might communicate to the dogs that you are fearful or anxious about their meeting, which will in turn make them more fearful and anxious.
Humans hate potty in the house and we pay for the carpet so it is OUR responsibility to communicate to our dogs what they need to do.
Mr. Don is very knowledgeable on several aspects of animal behaviors, and the way he communicates this to the dog owner is imperative in developing the trust and respect needed for the training to be a success for both dog and owner.
In terms of retraining, owners must communicate to their dogs that they are the leader, provider, and protector of the team.
This is because many owners may not realize the cause of the problem and make the issue worse without realizing what they are communicating to their dog.
The best leash is one that will help you communicate to your dog what you want him to do.
Drag Line: Once again, a leash provides owners positive control in order to help teach and communicate to their dog.
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