Sentences with phrase «to compete for one's attention»

I think it is important that we help and respect each other instead of competing for the attention of men.
Choose similar tones of wood for the flooring so that everything blends well together and doesn't compete for attention with the wallpaper.
With so many things competing for our attention in our fast - paced lives, it's challenging to find the time in our normal schedule to care for ourselves and keep balance.
We're all in it: A new age of endless tasks and ideas competing for our attention from multiple access points.
We can only pay attention to a small number of the stimuli that are competing for our attention at any moment.
It's a great way to personalize your message without competing for attention on social media.
Plenty of elements competing for attention here, but the two main teams are the lamp and chrome garnish combo, and the diffuser panel, which is largely in body colour.
Otherwise, it becomes another element competing for attention rather than completing the overall picture.
In a surprising twist, there are several excellent fighting games competing for your attention in 2017 already.
With thousands of other blogs and authors out there competing for attention, you have to be different and stand out.
These days, there are hundreds of millions of websites competing for the attention of consumers.
Now you're only competing for attention with another 500 + million users.
Warning: You might be competing for attention as a result.
Since there are many people competing for attention online, you have to apply well to stand out.
More important, your kids will already be more aware than most about the motivations behind the websites and developers competing for their attention.
With so many brands competing for your attention, it may be difficult to figure out which ones are focused on social needs rather than profits.
Think about the purpose of complementary colors: They contrast while strengthening each other, and they never compete for attention.
There are thousands upon thousands of new and established authors competing for the attention that many no longer have.
Given the fact that it's a crucial marketplace for independent authors and publishers, it also means your book is amongst a huge amount of other books competing for the attention of buyers.
Gone are the years in shelters filled with other dogs competing for attention and awaiting a home.
But even with the steep price adjustment, the property had trouble competing for attention among a sea of lower - priced area homes and garnered only one showing in two months.
It loses its effect when there are other patterns competing for attention.
With so many options competing for their attention, drivers can easily be overwhelmed.
Think about how many channels you have on your television, and how many websites and social media channels compete for your attention each day.
The basic modes of thought and existence that even today compete for our attention and loyalty, he argues, arose in that period.
Hundreds of artist studios, dozens of galleries, and plenty of tie - in events are competing for attention for 48 hours.
But there is a need to gain and keep attention during learning because there are internal and external things competing for attention all the time.
My wish to make either a green salad and / or a veggie pasta salad competed for my attention, so I made both... and combined them.
He's also wary because the world has been coming at him at 10,000 miles per hour, which is how fast his brain moves when ideas and thoughts compete for attention.
Now that you've three can't - resist and to - die - for pouches competing for your attention, which one will you pick?
For example, if you do go for a short dress, you'll want to keep your arms covered so they won't compete for attention down below.
A third network, referred to as executive attention, enables us to choose which of the stimuli competing for our attention we will focus our thinking on.
With the average person now using over 3 separate mobile devices per day, anything competing for our attention needs to be mobile.
But in the 164, you feel confused because too many similar - looking buttons and switches compete for your attention.
Suddenly, it's there again at the top of the page, competing for your attention despite the fact that you're completely unprepared for it.
I particularly love putting the 20 - minute window into play when you have multiple writing projects competing for attention.
Normally, these two allies would avoid competing for the attention of developers, but it appears those days of being cozy are over.
In response to yet more niche publishers and start - ups competing for attention on «their» turf we'll see a surge in entrepreneurial behaviour and collaborations from the major publishers.
There was easy credit and the proliferation of banks competing for their attention and business helped them buy large houses, big cars and have a comfortable living.
You'll need to squeeze a lot of functionality into a tiny booth, and you'll be competing for attention amidst a melee of con - goers and noisy neighbors.
There are a lot of shooters competing for your attention right now, and regardless of what you choose to play, the real winners are us players.
In some locations candidates with specific skills are in high demand with multiple employers competing for their attention.
There are many big, nation - wide adoption agencies competing for your attention.
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