Sentences with phrase «to condemn the act»

"To condemn the act" means to strongly disapprove or criticize a particular action or behavior as morally wrong or unacceptable. Full definition
Even in Malala's case, while politicians in general have shown unanimity in condemning the act of violent, but they have carefully chosen not to make a pinpointed reference to the perpetrator.
The All Progressives Congress (APC) in a statement signed by its National Publicity Secretary Bolaji Abdulahi said the party condemned the act in the strongest terms.
But it's important for our greater American society to also condemn acts of terrorism when the perpetrator happens to be a white guy.
Chocolate City's chief executive officer and recording artist Jude «MI» Abaga in a series of tweets also condemned the act as unlawful detention of a Nigerian.
Since the Osun State commissioner of police, Fimihan Adeoye paraded the 39 year old woman, members of the public especially those living in the Halleluyah Estate, Osogbo neighbourhood of the deceased have been condemning the act which they say has for the umpteenth time defamed womanhood.
Laura Lavine, the Republican candidate running to be the next Syracuse mayor, condemned the ACT for America's «America First» rally planned for next month.
«While condemning the act of violence in strong terms, the Acting President notes that the security challenges in Southern Kaduna which has led to the needless deaths is a source of concern for the Federal government and indeed all well - meaning Nigerians.
Once again, the Bible condemns the act and behavior, and not static orientation or any physical state.
«The NPP unreservedly condemns all acts of excessive force by the Ghana Police Service as witnessed during the peaceful march organized by the LMVC, AFAG and MFC to advocate for the compilation of a new voters register as the integrity of the old one has been called to question,» the statement said.
A statement signed by Perry Okudjeto, Deputy Communications Director of the party condemned the act and indicated that the Steering Committee has «resolved to replace the rear screen of the General Secretary's vehicle.
Okedele who condemned the act while addressing press recently in Lagos, described it as dangerous; particularly as it would no longer be fashionable even in western crimes where it has existed for some decades now.
«And [on Monday], we heard the White House Press Secretary condemn the act but very deliberately skirt the actor, which, by all accounts, appears to be Moscow in this case.»
At the root of these crimes isn't religious belief, it is perversion, selfishness, greed and an ego - centrism that operates in spite of the teaching of religions, which overwhelmingly condemn these acts.
The entire church condemns the act of preventing a couple to wed based on race.
I also condemn all acts thruout time, that were violent that were done by «Chrisitains».
On the question of taking a human life, for example, the church has always distinguished between killing and murder, murder being the morally condemned act, and killing the physical act which is not always wrong.
Jesus with prophetic intensity condemns any act that is ostensibly religious but has as its main incentive human approval.
The CC condemns these acts in alignment with the truth.
Nana Addo condemned these acts, saying «I do recognize that there have been some instances of misconduct and altercation that should not have happened.
For the President of the Republic to publicly condemn the acts of these groups as criminals while addressing Parliament and recently in Kumasi in the presence of the Otumfuor, Asantehene and his call on the Police Service to act, attests to the seriousness of this cancer of political vigilantism in Ghana.
April 10, 2017 VIOLENT ATTACK ON THE JUDICIARY BY THE «DELTA FORCES» IN KUMASI The Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) wishes to join the voices of progressive democratic forces to roundly condemn the acts of criminality perpetrated against the courts and for that matter the judiciary by the so called «Delta Forces» in Kumasi following the arrest and prosecution of thirteen of their members for involvement in an earlier act of violence.
But in a statement to clarify the matter, the Armed Forces Command condemned the act and assured that the necessary action is being taking to address the issue.
Akufo - Addo kept quite and never condemn this act of Violence from his ferocious loyalist Adams Mahama.
The incident has angered a section of the public especially those within the media fraternity most of whom condemned the act and are demanding justice for the victim.
The managers of Omni Media Limited, owners of Accra - based Citi 97.3 FM have already condemned the act of indecent exposure exhibited by Wisa at the D2R concert.
One will imagined that Akufo - Addo as the leader of the party may rise up to the challenge to forcefully condemn these acts rather than glorifying same for reasons best known to him.
Mr. Rawlings condemned the act, describing it as «uncivilized» and charged the police to speed up investigations into the matter.
The Gender Minister, however eventually condemned the act and asked the Police to deal with the culprits.
The GJA chapter in the region condemned the act and called for the immediate interdiction of the «lawless» officer.
Instead of members of the NPP condemning the acts outright, they resorted to political trickery by claiming that there was a sitting president at the time and the government of the NDC was still in power and that the sitting government needed to act on the development.
Condemned act Ms Veron Lau, 40, the vice-president of the Cat Welfare Society, condemned the cat abandonment.
Following the recent news about Coinbase charging users extra fees for transactions, many users took out to social media to condemn the act with some even accusing Coinbase of trying to rob by imposing multiple charges.
First, many people have condemned the act as «senseless violence.»
SYRACUSE, N.Y. — The Republican candidate running to be the next Syracuse mayor has condemned the ACT for America's «America First» rally planned for next month.
The Bible condemns the act and behavior, and not the person., However, We should treat all people equally, regardless of their partner and bedroom choices.
The NPP unreservedly condemns all acts of excessive force by the Ghana Police Service as witnessed during the peaceful march organized by the LMVC, AFAG and MFC to advocate for the compilation of a new voters register as the integrity of the old one has been called to question.
Confirming the invasion, the Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Michael Gusa, who condemned the act, appealed to youths to always engage in meaningful ventures rather than indulge into criminality.
While condemning the act, the MPs also sympathized with the victims who they said have been traumatised by the incident.
But condemning these acts in an interview on Asempa FM's Ekosii Sen on Monday, the NPP National Youth Organiser the party explained that the party was not yet in power and could therefore, do little about the situation
Dr Apaak among other allegations submitted that, current senior members in government and other party grass root encourage vigilantism and have therefore failed in condemning acts of lawlessness being carried out by party members in the country.
The company said it «condemns any act that risks people's health or safety» and that it was «ready to work with authorities in their investigation.»
you are putting your own definition onto that scripture to condemn the act of getting a tattoo as being disrespectful of the body / temple god provides.
I'm a moderate to liberal kind of guy but I have to honestly admit that what bothers me the most about Muslims is the «silence» in condemning the acts of extreamists.
Although countless Muslims have condemned the acts of 9/11 in the United States and worldwide, American Muslims became objects of suspicion.
For the most part, the people of Libya and Egypt have condemned this act.
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