Sentences with phrase «to connect to people»

Stay connected to the people who are connected to the firms with whom you want to interview.
If you are struggling to feel connected to the people in your life, you are not alone.
It's the most popular way to catch up on the news you care about, discover amazing things from around the world, or stay connected to the people closest to you.
This is a human desire: to feel connected to the people who are most important to us.
You may easily get connected to people of different cultures and traditional backgrounds seeking an interracial relationship.
«I got connected to people in the digital health space I wouldn't have otherwise connected with,» she says.
I feel more connected to the people around me, and my life experiences.
You can write in your age, name, interests and hobbies and get connected to people with similar profiles.
Today there are unlimited option to get connected to people through social sites.
A person's experience in the industry means nothing if they can't connect to people.
However, with dating apps you can actually connect to people at your own... creating a lingering feeling of wanting and comfort that is unmatched to all.
For the next generation to grow up feeling connected to people on the other side of the world rather than separate from them is my greatest hope.
This would work better however, if the game actually connected you to people.
Don't just connect to people online and hope for the best.
You will randomly connect to people all over the world.
We have special talents and a way of emotionally connecting to people that most buyers and sellers truly appreciate.
And I think it does connect you to the person in your mind which for most of us is all we will ever have.
And we will need hubs to connect to people far away from our cozy little daily life.
Every dimension of a transformational company is tightly connected to its people because they are the greatest asset of any business.
Not only does it enable individuals in your marketplace community to connect to people like them, there are other benefits of having more personal and relevant content for the community in general.
The brain guides the body, and is far more intimately connected to each person's «life or soul» than the «blood» is.
The reason is that written word doesn't allow you to connect to the person behind the screen properly, while voice communication makes your relationship warmer and allows to build trust.
Online dating connects us to people who look and think less like us, making society more connected and integrated.
All it needs to know to randomly connect you to another person is whether you wish to chat with a guy or a girl.
But at the same time, a good portal will give you the time and space to select a profile you like and then connect you to that person offline.
I always feel so connected to these people and very blessed to have them as my family.
If you don't recognize the difference you end up wasting too much time trying to stay professionally connected to people you shouldn't be.
Millennial moms are connected moms; we are connected to people across the globe on many different platforms.
It's not possible to be intimately connected to people without strong feelings, and these feelings can be intense.
As those who have experienced it know, we even stay deeply connected to people we have lost through death.
Deals that once were more or less connected to the people's business came solely to advance the personal and political interests of the deal - makers themselves.
Our pocket - sized computers connect us to people, information, and ideas all around the world, yet we still can't seem to get enough.
Chatting with the students and the teacher at the studio, I started to connect to people again.
Big, low - key dogs often don't get the mental work they need to feel both calm and properly connected to their people.
Out of the many matches I played online I came across maybe half a dozen with lag, but I was purposely connecting to people with faulty connections in those cases.
That's fine and that's your choice, but I think it's too bad because it's missing an opportunity to perhaps connect to people who think differently than you do.
I had to call and was immediately connected to a person who helped me with my question.
The web connects us to people on the other side of the globe in an instant, but sometimes you just want to know what's happening down the street.
To connect with a second tier person, ask the first tier connection connected to the person you want to meet for an introduction.
You don't want to miss out on using this fabulous tool to connect to people right away.
They overwhelmingly agree (47 percent versus 28 percent) that their lives feel richer when they're connected to people through social media.
This kind of networking has the added benefit of connecting you to people in your new career path, and possibly to job openings.
I feel as though blogs, of any form are an interesting way to be able to connect to people of similar interests.
Feeling connected to people at school is a critical element of a positive school climate.
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