Sentences with phrase «to continue drinking»

I would continue drinking after birth for good milk production and to help with after birth.
Why, then, are some humans able to continue drinking milk after infancy?
You should also continue drinking lots of water and herbal teas to flush out toxins from your body.
I want her to continue drinking as much breast milk as she can.
The idiots of this country would rather not think about such a scene and would rather continue drinking their beer and eating their popcorn with the remote.
Your baby may continue drinking donor milk even after going home from the hospital.
This means that people will continue drinking beverages and other types of drinks as long as they are unaware of this fact.
People who are thinking of reducing their coffee intake or eliminate it completely will be happy to know that they'd be better off continuing their drinking habit.
Continue drinking at least 6 - 8 glasses of water a day.
You can continue drinking green tea, weak black tea or Yerba mate throughout the program.
Despite the fact that you experience impermanent weight gain every time you drink water, you should continue drinking water if water retention is to be eliminated.
Passed our beloved iPhone handset to a young child or clumsy friend, in hopes that they'll play a game for a bit and let the grownups continue drinking talking.
Passed our beloved iPhone handset to a young child, in hopes that they'll play a game for a bit and let the grownups continue drinking talking.
«We know that people who choose beer when they become of legal drinking age are two times more likely to continue drinking beer throughout their lifetime, and as an organization, we have an opportunity to regain ground with this group,» said David Kroll, MillerCoors» chief marketing officer, in a statement.
Ever the gentleman, Dapper kept our glasses topped up with champagne, and by all accounts, the others continued drinking long into the night after I had left London (I had to get home as I had work the next day at 6 am!).
Amy continued her drinking even after doctors» continued warnings to stop because of the seizures.
Continue drinking bone broth while breastfeeding to produce calcium rich milk and help replete loss of bone density.
Do your baby's body good and continue drinking organic milk, increasing your consumption by a half - pint, resting assured you won't be affecting your baby's IQ later on in life.
Nick Clegg keeps smiling and Nigel Farage continues drinking pints, and Lib Dems and Ukip may play pivotal roles in trading from May 8, but neither sets this campaign alight.
Her return to the Capital Region this week is focused on the Rensselaer County community where residents continued drinking contaminated water for more than a year after health officials and elected leaders learned about the elevated levels of the dangerous chemical.
To allow our kids to continue drinking lead tainted water?
«There are quite a few impairments that will follow a number of these kids that should in theory contribute to continued drinking problems
Begin drinking Plazma ™ and continue drinking during dynamic work.
The reason I've continued drinking Kettle & Fire's Bone Broth is because I wanted grass - fed, shelf - stable, and a high quality product.
Alcohol intake is associated with premenstrual anxiety, mood problems, and headache.5 Gold EB., et al. «Diet and lifestyle factors associated with premenstrual symptoms in a racially diverse community sample: Study of Women's... continue Drinking more than three to six alcoholic servings per week increases risk of breast cancer.6 Li C., et al. «Alcohol consumption and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer by subtype: the women's health initiative observational study.»
If you're still thirsty, continue drinking until that thirst is quenched.
Revellers and early morning market goers converge on the banks of the River Elbe, the former continue drinking Astra beer and listening to live bands under the iron canopy of the iconic former fish auction hall.
The Debate Continues Drinking Outside the Box: Juice Boxes for Wine Greenwash Watch: More Greenwashing from the LCBO: French Rabbit: Savor the Wine, Save the Planet
Alcoholism, also known as «alcohol dependence,» is a disease that includes alcohol craving and continued drinking despite repeated alcohol - related problems, such as losing a job or getting into trouble with the law.
Many people use a detox diet as a springboard for a healthier lifestyle, and continue drinking lots of water and eating lots of vegetables and fruits, as they did during the detox diet.
Dogs without any underlying physical condition who exhibit polydipsia or pollakiuria may be suffering from a condition known as psychogenic polydipsia, a behavioral disorder in which the dog feels compelled to continue drinking water long after its thirst is quenched.
However, the neighborhood was «not completely spared,» the group told the elected officials, explaining that some Santas went off the route or continued drinking after the event officially ended.
However, over 90 % of northern Europeans have a version of the lactase gene that remains active throughout life, enabling them to continue drinking milk as adults.
Drinking hadn't added value to me, so I continued drinking because I felt like it didn't make a difference anyway.
A part of their psyche wants to stop; another part drives them to continue drinking.
By tracing the road down into advanced - stage alcoholism, the counselor gives the person a preview of where he may be headed if he continues drinking.
(5) The pastor can help the wife discover ways in which she can make real progress in handling her problems, in spite of the husband's continued drinking.
No, I continued drinking and driving after the first DUI and cursed the «freaks».
I have been drinking green tea for a while and am now more encouraged to continue drinking it.
We continue drinking green smoothies, Paloma's favourite, along with more indulgent ones like Bunny Spice and Nick's # 7.
You can continue drinking your regular coffee and tea when on a ketogenic diet but ditch the added processed sugars and milk.
On my last holiday I continued drinking my Green Thickies and felt amazing the whole holiday which is a first for me.
If baby pushes away the bottle from her mouth, or she turns her head to refuse the nipple after a pause, don't force her to continue drinking.
• Poor weight gain in the baby • Colic in the breastfed baby • Frequent feedings and / or long feedings • Sore nipples in the mother • Recurrent blocked ducts and / or mastitis • Encouraging the baby who falls asleep quickly to continue drinking
The technique may be useful for: • Poor weight gain in the baby • Colic in the breastfed baby • Frequent feedings and / or long feedings • Sore nipples in the mother • Recurrent blocked ducts and / or mastitis • Encouraging the baby who falls asleep quickly to continue drinking
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