Sentences with phrase «to continue in this manner»

Continue in this manner moving immediately around the belly button and continuing to move in an ever widening circle around the belly until you have reached the edge of the rib cage and hips.
Continue in this manner making up a dozen or more beet slices.
If things continue in this manner, borrowers might lose every kind of protection they were once entitled to.
Both parties should ensure that the visits are able to continue in the manner ordered by the court.
The game continued in that manner until their «eternal rival» equalized in the 48th minute through a partnership of John Jairo Ruiz and Richmond Boakye.
When a person continues in this manner, they become like Pharaoh and declare «my river is my own, and I have made it for myself»
Add 1/3 of the dry ingredients to the butter / egg mixture, mix well then add 1/2 the raw milk, mix well and then the next 1/3 of the dry... continue in this manner ending with dry ingredients and making sure everything is mixed together well.
Again, perform a drop set, starting with a weight that's heavy enough to make you struggle to get 12 good reps, then drop it and perform another 12 reps. Continue in this manner until you complete 4 sets of 12 reps.
Continue in this manner hopping to the side after each burpee.
This is one rep. Release and come back to start position and continue in this manner doing as many reps as you can.
Stand with legs wide and holding Ugi in front of you, swing Ugi from between legs up to shoulder level and then back down between legs, thrust hips with each upward swing and continue in this manner swinging Ugi up and back down.
This is one rep.. For the next rep step out to the left side and repeat the movements to the left and continue in this manner alternating sides for each rep.
Her career continued in this manner for the next few years, Owens getting ever - larger roles in generally better movies (though not always — the same year in which she worked in the Launder - Gilliat production of The Happiest Days of Your Life, one of the funniest movies ever made in England, she also appeared in the abysmal Old Mother Riley, Headmistress).
The game continues in this manner throughout the entire play through, as chests will give you some sort of new upgrade, NPCs, 3D graphics, unhindered movement and so forth.
Then you immediately do another set with a lighter load and continue in this manner until you are doing reps with a very light weight.
«I will continue in that manner
Continue in this manner to form 10 to 12 truffle balls.
Continue in this manner to make five more burgers.
They just need to think that they are carrying on playing Barcelona and continue in that manner.
The important thing for us is give Wenger the support he need, though I don't think he deserves it; building a team all year long begs for questioning, loosing at 2nd round stage of UCL for 7 seasons, strengthening opponents for so many seasons with our best legs, buying deadwood (silvestre) from MCU, loosing by same margin (5 - 1) to bayern thrice are enough to castigate his reign but who paid the price if we continue in this manner.
You will never land a husband or find gainful employment if you continue in this manner.
Continue in this manner, inhale right, exhale left, for 1 to 3 minutes.
This is one rep.. After pulsing down and up, jump again switching leg positions so that opposite leg is lunging forward and pulse down and up again and continue in this manner, jumping and pulsing between each jump.
Franco could have continued in this manner: maybe become Martin Scorsese's late - career muse, mumbled some profound nothings in a Terrence Malick epic, racked up more statuettes.
Continue in a manner that every single sentence must guide you to the conclusion.
«The new rules would make it very challenging for firms selling proprietary mutual funds to continue in that manner
Please remember that Dollar Driving School made every effort to teach you how to drive safely and intelligently we hope you continue in that manner.
Continue in this manner until all four marked corners have been sewn in place.
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