Sentences with phrase «to continue making games»

Either way it's a positive because more being bought increases the likelihood that developers will continue making games as they will continue to have a broader audience.
I don't know if Microsoft owns the rights to the name, but Platinum should at least continue making the game for Switch under a new name.
Whether Kojima stays (something that's unlikely) or goes, Konami has announced that it plans to continue making games in the franchises he has created, including Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill.
«The only way in which we can continue making games like this (or a sequel) is to have good sales,» Developer Carlos Bordeu wrote in the comments.
Which is a shame really, you are clearly passionate about your own games and your stamina to continue making games despite them not being successful is commendable even.
Developers are trying new models (and not always succeeding) in order to continue making the games so many enjoy.
Sega Japan continued making games for the American market.
Pillow Fight was founded after our team developed Aevee Bee and Mia Schwartz's WE KNOW THE DEVIL, so we could continue making games with kissing and crying.
Indies, on the other hand, are willing to consider exclusives much more readily, and can be relied on far more consistently to continue making games for Nintendo systems, even if initial attempts fail to do huge numbers.
But let's be honest, in this age of gaming we know companies are going to continue making games in a series as long as they're going to sell: Call of Duty, Halo, LEGO and Guitar Hero are a few prime examples.
However, if you wish to help support Silverstring Media to continue making games like this, please consider purchasing the Premium Edition of Glitchhikers!
I want to take a moment to thank all of the Enter the Gungeon fans for making it a success, and allowing us to continue making games as Dodge Roll.
Like many of their cohort, Drinkbox's founders don't measure their success financially, but rather by their ability to survive and to continue making the games they want.
So, this probably means they have plans to make HD ports of the Second Chapter as well as the Third Chapter to this series, and possibly want to continue making games for Playstation 3 even beyond that.
I'd stay up past 4 in the morning, having made games all day, to continue making games.
But of course, the dream is to continue making games.
No one doubts that MOST developers are going to continue making the games they want regardless of how much some pissants whine about perceived «misogyny».
Crema wants to keep surviving, pulling in young talent in Spain, and to continue making the games they want to make.
Independent developers like Rebellion rely on game sales to keep their studios running and continue making games.
Hi @Tim77, We would love to develop Mutant Hockey League along with other mutant sports games, but for that to happen we need Mutant Football to succeed for us to continue making games.
After Fielder and several of his colleagues were made redundant, a group of them began discussing how they could continue making games that experiment with narratives and worlds, resulting in Day For Night Games.
While many dislike the repetitive nature of the core gameplay, there are obviously enough fans for Koei - Tecmo to continue making these games (and for major publishers such as Nintendo and Square Enix to enlist their services).
Thanks to this sudden surge in profits, Castle Pixel will be able to stay in business and continue making games.
«We feel that a gamer's skill can scale indefinitely if they're not coddled by the game, and want to continue making games that force the player to improve rather than placating players who are bad.»
100 % of new game makers said they will definitely attend another jam and they will continue making games.
FDG Entertainment also noted that the developer, Castle Pixel, will «stay in business» and «can continue making games
'' [I] f you like Darkwood and want us to continue making games, consider buying it in the future, maybe on a sale, through Steam, GOG or Humble Store.»
«We believe the rumored iWatch will be Apple's most important product this year, carrying much more weight than iPhone 6, as market feedback for the product should reveal whether Apple still has the ability to continue making game - changing products with Tim Cook at the helm,» Kuo has previously said.
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