Sentences with phrase «to continue one's treatment»

Had I had to continue this treatment for longer, I would have been at risk of osteoporosis.
It most likely will require you to continue treatment with a sponge dip your pet on the face, nose and ears.
Some technicians may also accompany the patients in the ambulance or medical vehicles to provide continued treatment in crunch situations.
Continue the treatment until the infestation is gone from the home.
Participants in the training group played the memory game for a total of eight hours over a four - week period; participants in the control group continued their treatment as usual.
Benefit period can be extended if a covered injury or illness requires continued treatment after the original coverage period expires.
And added bonus I can continue my treatment while pregnant because it's so safe.
Even after the bones have healed, victims can require continued treatments, including physical or occupational therapy.
Please do not continue a treatment that is not proving effective in lieu of viable alternatives.
Beyond the immediate health - related costs, individuals can potentially need continued treatment and rehabilitation, as well as the emotional strains of remaining unable to attend work.
Last year, 92 cats were adopted directly from the ward and continued their treatment at home.
Since the goal of acupuncture is not only to restore health but also to promote wellness, many pets continue treatment long term at regular intervals.
If that's the case, find out why they're missing their dose and work on continuing treatment.
However, some pets, such as ones with arthritis, would benefit from continued treatments, though less consistent as time progresses.
If you see any irritation due to the use of the product, then you should discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider before continuing the treatment.
If there is improvement but not resolution, then continue treatment another 7 days.
The changed lifestyle to improve your health and the hefty cost of a long - term continued treatment is excluded from your health policy.
In these cases, which are sad for all involved, the temptation may be to continue treatment anyway.
As a result, children with ASD not only receive ABA early, when it is most effective, but can continue treatment uninterrupted as they grow older.
Continue the treatment twice daily until the dark areas are gone.
All you need to do is put the collar on your pet and they will enjoy continued treatment for several months.
We also work with finance and life planning specialists to evaluate continuing treatments, your ability to work and the loss in your quality of life.
If you agree to video recording of your therapy sessions for this consultation and review, you may withdraw this consent at any time and still continue treatment.
A good rule of thumb is to continue treatment for at least a week after your dog's condition has completely returned to normal.
Upon discharge, the participants will be connected to community mental health providers to continue treatment in order to further stabilize your mental health condition.
In most cases, no additional benefit is obtained by continuing treatment after improvement is noted.
Parent management training teaches the adults in a child's life how to continue treatment at home and in school and without the direct supervision of the child's doctors.
Just head here for the usual Quit or Continue treatment of Naughty Dog's latest Indiana Jones - clone (it is though, isn't it?).
This may leave families feeling hopeless and helpless, but it is important to continue treatment even if it does not seem to be working, keeping in mind that it might take a long time for the changes to take place.
If a cat continues to excrete Giardia despite medical therapy without exhibiting any symptoms, veterinarians and medical doctors can help determine if continued treatment makes sense.
In all, the goal would be to present continuity of care from beginning to end for the child, to adequately support parents and child, and to make certain that at time of discharge everyone is ready to go and has means of complying with continuing treatment recommendations.
What followed was thirteen (13) months of continued treatment by her doctor, the same doctor that had (allegedly) caused or contributed to the complications.
We will pay for a Medical Evacuation to return You to Your point of origin, Your primary place of residence, or to a Hospital or medical facility closest to Your primary place of residence capable of providing continued treatment, if Your local attending Physician and We or Our Program Assistance Provider determine that it is Medically Necessary.
Castro Junior, 68, had initially been hospitalized for depression and then continued treatment outside of the hospital.
Had Cruz continued treatment, «it's more than likely this would never have happened.»
What is required is for hospitals that wish to overrule patient / family values be required to continue treatment pending transfer — otherwise as cost containment becomes increasingly the watchword, the futile care law could be used to dump patients due to their expense of their care.
In practice, we find that only about 15 % -18 % of babies continue treatment with a second band.
Now for the first time there has been long - term follow - up of a randomised trial comparing people who reduced their use of antipsychotics with those who continued their treatment.
Upon release, former inmates can continue their treatment without interruption at CODAC, primary care providers, or other Centers of Excellence in MAT locations around the state.
«These findings will help patients and families make vital decisions about embarking on and also continuing treatment in an intensive care unit,» says Dr. Herridge.
Continued treatment throughout life helps prevent long - term health problems.
I know I would be better off thinner but I dob» t know if I will ever be and I think that we have to continue the treatment due to my age.
The peer outreach workers and counsellors across the country that mobilised continued treatment among positive communities.
After eventually being discharged from the hospital, Zoe continued treatment with multiple follow up visits, as well as a visit to a veterinary cardiologist to evaluate a newly diagnosed heart murmur.
Happily, Misha's pain and movement problem have disappeared, although continued treatment is needed to keep him pain - free and mobile.
Simone was so sore the first time that Dr. Hombs could not touch her but she very caringly and professionally continued the treatment.
We were alerted by the emergency veterinary clinic to her serious condition and the owners» failure to continue treatment resulted in our action.
It may be necessary to continue treatments such as antiseptic shampooing, antibiotic ointment applications and giving antibiotics orally at home.
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