Sentences with phrase «to continue spending»

On the Democratic side, labor unions have continued their spending on independent expenditure efforts as well.
The government can not continue spending money at this rate.
Consumers, however, may only see a small drop in airfare, as airlines continue their spending spree on new airplanes and other improvements.
Many people jump on the balance transfer bandwagon so that they can afford to continue spending at their current rate, and that just leads to getting into MORE debt.
Too often, consumers use loan consolidation arrangements to free up their finances in order to continue spending as they have been.
The kids will want to create new paintings over and over again, and you won't have to continue spending more money on the supplies.
When you choose our firm to represent you and your family, we will take care of all the paperwork and details involved so that you may continue spending time with your family.
Due to the reduced monthly payments, many borrowers may be tempted to continue spending beyond their means.
Are we willing to continue spending $ 2.6 billion a year replacing teachers, half of whom choose to leave the profession before they begin their sixth year in a classroom?
Cards allow you to continue spending regularly without being held up by administrative tasks and mandatory wait times.
Fans are not going to continue spending on a mediocre product year after year.
I can see high quality Realtors who don't want to continue spending money up front on expensive advertising giving this plan a try.
They are the ones now bending backwards to prop up those false prices in order to encourage the private citizen to continue spending in order to keep the charade going and paper over the now gaping structural holes in the US economy.
«Cash flow after organic investments increased to $ 2.8 billion, up by more than 50 percent from a year ago, thanks to good operational performance and continued spending discipline,» added Pouyanne.
Grab your last CSP bill, and see what continued spending like that over the year would get you.
The sheer magnitude of continued spending cuts forced by the two percent spending cap — $ 1.7 billion in FY2017, $ 3.3 in FY2018, and $ 4.8 in FY2019 — although particular program areas are unspecified today, will inevitably starve our schools and public universities and prevent our state from making the investments needed to expand opportunities for those struggling to lift themselves out of poverty.
If voting is dragged into the 21st century, it then behooves us to ask if each and every town needs to continue spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on two registrars of voters.
As it is, the Liberals» fiscal proposals are underfunded; one presumes that the difference is to be made up by those surpluses that depend on continued spending restraint.
Agents can go directly to Facebook to spend their ad dollars, or they can continue spending with Zillow and get exposure on Facebook.
«But now with changes in the economy, clients realized they couldn't continue spending on legal services the way they had been.
Illinois» outstanding debt is already sky - high, and if the General Assembly continues its spending spree, the state's revenues will never be able to catch up.
Capital Markets Fixed Income Saudi Arabia has issued its first sovereign bonds since 2007 to help fund a widening budget deficit caused by continued spending amid low oil prices.
The Miami Dolphins continued spending money on Saturday, locking up the top cornerback left on the market.
SEE ALSO: Louis van Gaal praises new # 25m Manchester United signing Man United reach verbal agreement on # 21m South American star signing as Louis van Gaal continues spending spree Juventus sign Man United transfer target
They have had nothing of substance to say throughout this entire budget process other than obviously wanting to continue spending NYS right into bankruptcy.
AAN is working to share the winning message of pro-growth tax reform, and will continue spending resources to spread that message until meaningful tax reform is signed into law.»
«It sets an unfortunate precedent for the Department of Health to consider that the existence of a community which believes that homeopathy works is «evidence» enough to continue spending public money on it,» Mr Willis said.
Most banks have been sending these codes to tax collectors electronically and directly for many years but state law requires assessors to serve as a «middle - man» and continue spending countless hours on an unnecessary task.
McKinney said he likes Malloy's education reform plan, but is concerned about continued spending increases.
If you have an existing NIH grant, you can continue spending from it — as long as you don't encounter any problems.
Easy to get into further debt: With an easier load to bear and more money left over at the end of the month, it might be easy to start using your credit cards again or continuing spending habits that got you into such credit card debt in the first place.
In Canada, households are carrying so much debt that they can't possibly continue spending at current rates.
If we had continued our spending mindset and kept buying useless junk, we probably would be in a house we couldn't afford, paying the bank huge fees on credit card interest, and still making the many money mistakes we made prior.
And governments issue low - yielding treasuries to continue spending far more than they generate in tax revenue.
The Citi Prestige ® Card aims to attract continued spending.
I get the impression that Kojima's Phantom Pain is becoming so costly that Konami needed some extra revenue assurance to justify continued spending on development.
Crystal Bridges continues its spending spree with this acquisition of a delectable work by Felix Gonzalez - Torres, which fetched a record price for the artist.
A recent NRC report purports to show that the risks of continued spent fuel storage in pools is very low, but does not, for example, include the possibility of a terrorist attack on the pool.
In its bid to compete in a Web 2.0 world, Yahoo! continues its spending spree.
After spending nearly # 150m in the last window the Red Devils are expected to continue their spending in January and here is what their team could look like if they land all their dream targets.
Clubs given green light to continue spending as Michel Platini confirms that none will be thrown out of European competition
I suspect that a large proportion of the people who read this blog will also be those who believe in continued spending cuts in areas of the state that they do not agree with, like defence - and that this is where the money for the New Industrial Revolution to come from.
Apotheker also said Thursday that HP will continue spending more money to develop its expertise and capability to provide premium consulting services to corporate clients — a market in which HP has seen little growth over the past year.
Their debt now is in excess of 160 % of disposable income, a level that suggests consumers will be more inclined to get right with their lenders than to continue spending at their post-crisis pace.
Those projected surpluses are a bit of a patch job, held together by baling wire and duct tape: they depend on some conveniently timed asset sales (e.g., the divestment of the federal government's GM holdings) a delayed reduction in EI contribution rates — and continued spending restraint.
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