Sentences with phrase «to continue the action»

If the account becomes 60 days delinquent, then the credit issuer will begin reporting the borrower as delinquent to credit reporting agencies with continued actions for collection.
Continue that action as you open your upper body to the right.
Therefore there is nothing in the word to catch a dog's attention, or to stop them from continuing the action you wish to halt.
We can use this «inner fire» to inspire us to be disciplined with whatever we want to do, to continue our actions even when we feel resistance.
But some teachers have urged continued action, signaling that the fight, at least this school year, may not be over.
As kittens, the behavior is used to stimulate a mother's milk flow, but continuing the action into adulthood can express comfort.
Players can continue the action out of the car where they can explore the entire world on foot and collect upgrades for their cars and unlock bonus tracks.
Continue this action as you slowly lower your seat down onto your block.
What is superstition to one person is to another evidence of God's continuing action in the world.
Conference endorses continuing action by the National Executive in campaigning with other trade union partners in the UK, in Europe and globally for:
Viz Media has announced the release of the first volume of Dragon Ball Super, continuing the action of Akira Toriyama's famed fantasy adventure series.
Dr Hogg, an ESA Research Fellow in the Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM) at Leeds said: «The satellite images reveal a lot of continuing action on Larsen - C Ice Shelf.
whatever else they are, the human beings who act are living bodies whose continued action requires the care and feeding of those bodies.
In Louis Vuitton Malletier S.A. v Zekria Wakilzada, 2017 ONSC 2409, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice allowed Louis Vuitton to continue their action against a Toronto - area flea market in a novel claim alleging that the landlord was liable in negligence, contributory IP infringement and vicarious liability, because of the sale of counterfeit Louis Vuitton merchandise by flea market vendors.
Just reading the title makes us want to fall asleep, but just hang on a second: Liam Neeson is here, continuing the action hero kick he started with «Taken,» and he's surrounded by an intriguing supporting cast that includes Aidan Quinn and January Jones.
«We are continuing our actions with national labor alliances to reclaim our schools and stop those who interfere with access and equity in our public schools,» said Cecily Myart - Cruz, another union representative.
Other additions include new volumes for continuing action titles such as ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM (Vol.
LEGO Batman continues the action - light style of gameplay, but this time around, Traveller's Tales have a little more freedom, both in terms of narrative and gameplay.
Continuing the action trend of Resident Evil 4, 5 chucks you, Chris, and Sheva knee - deep into the action packed African deserts.
The final statement also saw the G7 pledge continued action on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, resource efficiency, marine litter, green jobs and climate change.
Mr. Singh continues his action for losses related to the «deposit» on the leased truck and is successful at trial.
Vindication of the plaintiff's reputation was not important enough to justify continuing the action.
Come May 1, the price of ether would strike a new all - time high at $ 80, setting the stage for continued action over the following month beneath the $ 100 mark.
Also, I would like to continue the actions already undertaken to make the QFREB a credible and essential reference for residential real estate statistics,» she says.
When placing your hands on your dog, you are giving your approval of his actions, and, since you pushed him away with your hands, he will continue the action in an attempt to get that approval.
Yields on 2 - year Treasuries have risen on the back of the Fed moves, but 10 - year rates have been held in check by a combination of low inflation and continued actions by global central banks.
The partnership will focus on our Cooling for All initiative, the District Energy Systems Accelerator and work to continue action on energy efficiency that supports SDG7 goals.
Mr. Dewji died in May 2013 and the plaintiffs each obtained an order to continue their actions against his wife, as trustee of his estate.
Following its Wavecrest card suspension, the company stated that they made the decision because of Wavecrest's continued actions of being non-compliant with their operational policies, and emphasized that the decision was not made out of a misplaced campaign against cryptocurrencies.
Lastly, the Group will continue its actions to pass on the rises in raw materials costs in its selling prices and the rollout of its operational excellence initiatives to partly offset inflation on its fixed costs.
Earlier in April the company announced it is suspending all non-essential activity and spending on the pipeline, in part due to «the continued actions in opposition to the project by the Province of British Columbia.»
under current circumstances, specifically including the continued actions in opposition to the Project by the Province of British Columbia, it will not commit additional shareholder resources to the Project.
With her new movie, Salt, Jolie may appear to be continuing her action - star career with a same - old, same - old role, but the film is actually more complex than that.
Atonement is the continuing action of God restoring the world to its right mind and spirit.
It is the celebration of the continuing action of God who gave his Son for the world, who continually offers men the mercy of forgiveness, and calls them to become members of the living body of their Lord.
Even in the midst of decline, the evidence of God's continued action for the Church surrounds us.
This shows your child that while she's allowed to make a mistake, she's are responsible for their continued actions.
He said: «Given Russia's continued actions, the G7 is right to now prepare broader sectoral measures in order to increase the economic and financial cost to Russia of its actions to support the destabilisation of eastern Ukraine.
Actually that that continued actions they weren't looking to establish and they're continued looking to build on that kind of suspect said.
There is strong economic momentum to continue these actions, but they would have been accelerated and more effective with strong action and forceful leadership from the president.
As you continue these actions, turn your head to the right and look over your right shoulder, bringing your attention to the internal experience of the posture.
Really, teaching is a continuing action research project.
This has to be a continuing action plan.
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