Sentences with phrase «to continue the same»

This is how IT industry functions, and it will continue the same way in the years to come.
... the most important thing was how his programs educated and taught me how to continue that same level of training and fitness on my own.
With that they (family) can continue same standard of living and achieve the set financial goals / obligations.
Most of all, what does it mean to «continue the same policy that was established when the gallery began 25 years ago», as the press release has it?
To achieve adaptation, your muscles need to be pushed to failure, beyond their current maximum output — your muscles will not grow by continuing the same old routine.
Continue the same pattern with the fall picks until the wreath is full enough.
Without working out you should not continue the same routine of supplement consumption.
Now I'd recommend that the investor continue the same process with the second property.
From the time they were just little, we have tried to continue this same tradition with our kids.
Last year's handbook focused on conflict of interest issues and the 2015 version simply continues the same theme.
If you choose a 20 yr term with conversion option, at the end of 20 yrs you get the option to continue same plan until death for same premium as you were paying?
Although there is little different this time, the game continues the same path that made Lara a superstar.
As the game continues the same mechanics that made the first few hours so great begin to get in the way.
Keep on continuing the same thing till you feel exhausted.
I hope you will continue your same best work and we will get more informative post which can helpful to us.
It's easy after you've been hurt to want to continue the same activities, but to do it to a point.
Unfortunately, so far there is no sign of this working as executives continue the same strategies.
Layer the bed with pretty yellow linen and cushions in a tasteful mix of patterns that continue the same low - key charm.
Amazing how we never seem to grow up though and continue the same playground games we did when we were a kid.
My goals are to continue the same methods of quality and customer service for all our customers that our family has built our business on.
These pics were taken a few years ago and she still continues the same treatments, without any measurable change.
Its natural shape helps the baby to continue the same tongue movement used at the breast.
You still have to continue same diet plan with an addition of variety in food.
I will not accept a budget that continues the same tired fiscal tricks of the past.
In this post, we will continue the same ideas and provide you with some more reasons why blogging is a great way to increase exposure for you and for sales of your book.
They held fewer shares that had higher prices, but essentially business continued the same.
The rest can be found in a neighboring hotel complex that continues the same luxury style and elegance.
There are plenty of benefits of continuing the same insurance plan at the time of renewal.
On other hand term plan would continue the same risk coverage to the end of tenure.
Instead, it's best to continue the same vibe in finishes and fixtures.
Our online chatting service is free to use for anyone from any country and the service will continue the same way.
It is very easy to continue the same old patterns of behaviour, but it is unreasonable to expect your debt problems to go away if you simply maintain the status quo.
I paid it for 2 years then I could not continue the same.
It can be challenging to choose a career at a young age and continue the same path all the way to retirement.
If the recording are for Kingdom Hearts III, one possibility could be that Square Enix is planning to bundle a demo with Kingdom Hearts 3D HD ReMix to continue the same trend as they started with Final Fantasy Type - 0 HD.
Can't believe he is still an arsenal player then again Iwobi in same mould and xhaka seems to have regressed with more game time... 4th place junkies facing a period of cold turkey if this continues
«In general, it's difficult to not continue the same lifestyle you currently have,» said Lash at VLP Financial Advisors.
Continuing the same approach of who is right and who is wrong only keeps the negative cycle going, which feels like a not so fun merry - go - round.
But it is also true only 2 out of 10 strikers who were top scorers in other leagues continue the same form in the English Premier League.
When we had our first child, I was prepared to continue that same parenting philosophy when their Mom suggested that a more affectionate, more hands - on approach to child rearing would garner benefits for both them and us.
Complementary foods should normally be started when a child is 6 months old, while continuing the same frequency of breastfeeds.
So, it's not like you're raising taxes, you're just continuing the same tax rate, and if they haven't left in the past eight years I don't know why we would be afraid they would leave now.»
Koch blasted the lawmakers who went back on the pledge, saying in an op - ed earlier this month that «unfortunately (but not surprisingly), many of the same legislators who pledged to support independent redistricting have reneged and are now trying to continue the same practice of gerrymandering — meaning business as usual.»
The collaboration with the Glassell School of Art is a pivotal mile stone for continuing that same mission.
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