Sentences with phrase «to contribute to the conversation»

Some dads may feel uncomfortable at times or that they can not contribute to conversations because they may not be sure of what to say.
Only engage with readers who contribute to the conversation by offering encouragement, constructive criticism, and interesting ideas.
And last but definitely not least, thank you for contributing to the conversation on my last blog post!
As would be true in an offline networking event, your best bet for accomplishing this is by actually contributing to conversations and being friendly.
It's interesting how many readers were willing to contact me privately, but not so willing to contribute to a conversation here.
There are so many voices contributing to the conversation it can be hard to digest all of the information, let alone know how to respond.
Look at the content they're sharing and contribute to the conversation when you have something of value to add.
When they do speak, it's often thoughtful and contributes to a conversation rather than just filling empty air.
Instead, ask, «what can I do to contribute to the conversation aside from link drops».
To assume I have a plank in my eye is a valid assumption but I think I have something of value to contribute to the conversation even so.
Many educators have already contributed to the conversation and shared valuable insights on cultivating and supporting teacher leaders.
There are also regulators, several judges and some other lawyers who actively contribute to conversations.
Push teachers to share what they are doing as a means of not simply consuming the content of others, but also to contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way.
The ones I have not posted are ones that are repetitive and do not contribute to the conversation.
If you want to participate by contributing to the conversation on your own blog, write a post and share it in the comment section or via social media throughout the week.
Look at the content they are sharing and contribute to the conversation when you have something of value to add.
Speaking of the way we think about credit cards, I think I am qualified to contribute to the conversation because I am a die - hard credit card user.
We hope that this paper will help contribute to the conversation about what well - designed afterschool programming focusing on social and behavioral skills might look like.
Enabling customers to contribute to the conversation through comments, product reviews and ratings can also help drive customer engagement through giving customers a voice.
On Twitter, you can be fairly indiscriminate about who you follow, and its openness gives you the chance to get your name known by contributing to conversations with high - ranking people in your field.
Here are some thought - provoking quotes from leaders and change - makers who have contributed to the conversation around LGBT equality:
Their women's voices contribute to the conversations of British theology, but «movement is hardly the right word.
Counselors can offer a new perspective on your marriage that may help you as a couple see things differently, but you have to be willing to contribute to the conversation as well as make a genuine effort to implement the counselor's suggestions.
Contribute to the conversations online by following @boardoftrade on Twitter and use #WLCircle to tweet, and Instagram your thoughts on gender diversity in leadership.
Monitor the content, comment on topics of interest and contribute to the conversation before making your initial contact.
Online, trolls are people who show up to leave mean - spirited, off - topic comments that don't really contribute to the conversation.
A lot of folks who regularly contribute to the conversations here at «Monkey Town» have very cool blogs of their own, (too many to list), so consider taking the time to click on someone's name if you like what they have to say.
Now I delete comments that aren't contributing to the conversation such as «I don't like your hands» when I post my manicure.
BERC assembles a diverse coalition of partners to formulate questions worth asking, contribute to conversations worth having, and highlight policy implications worthy of action.
There is nothing unusual about that — NCSECS does its best to contribute to conversations whenever asked to participate.
The only comments I delete are the ones that are spam or that are mean without contributing to the conversation.
The BLT sessions that will occur as part of Outlooks: Heather Hart will create opportunities for critical discourse, and contribute to a conversation relating to local, national, and international points of concern.
Each of these artists contributes to a conversation Rothko initiated; a conversation about what lies beyond the surface of the painting, and how the experience of color can help us find our way there.
During the foggy days of new motherhood, however, I often felt as though I had nothing to contribute to our conversation apart from an update on who was sleeping (or not), who was eating decently (or not), and who was spending what percentage of the day crying or needing to be held.
All participants have a chance to both contribute to the conversation and hear what others contribute
In the past, NAR contributed to the conversation on how a new housing finance system work in part through a series of principles on housing finance reform.
The artists, ranging from well - known figures like Nicole Eisenmanand Hernan Bas to rising stars like Firelei Báez and Tschabalala Self, contribute to a conversation about how to expand and deconstruct the visual language of gender identity.
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