Sentences with phrase «to control the symptoms»

To control the symptoms means to manage or reduce the signs or effects of an illness, condition, or problem, usually to make someone feel better or improve their situation. Full definition
There are also over-the-counter products and prescription medicines that may help control symptoms of urinary urgency and frequency (as well as pain).
Although many parents choose ADHD medications for children, some parents opt for alternative methods of controlling symptoms of ADHD to minimize any side - effects.
She was able to lower and ultimately stop her medication and control her symptoms with diet alone.
Two standard medications for bipolar disorder were effective in controlling symptoms at doses tailored to older people in a clinical trial of treatment in adults over age 60.
Medical therapy can be effective at controlling symptoms, although it can not cure the disease.
While you can control the symptoms by taking medication, herpes is not a great disease to acquire.
To what extent does the AA approach alter underlying personality structure rather than simply controlling symptoms?
ADHD medication controls symptoms while a psychological approach results in actual changes in brain function that will continue and increase as your child develops.
Surgery may also be instrumental in helping to control symptoms such as bowel obstruction or spinal cord compression.
In contrast, strategies focusing on controlling symptoms and getting quick results often fail.
Since it does not recognize this, AA therapy tends to control symptoms rather than influence underlying causes in some cases.
In almost every case they can only control the symptoms, and hopefully, slow down the progression of the disease.
Medical research suggests that treatment for an autoimmune disease (a chronic condition with no cure *) may involve various interventions that will help manage and control the symptoms during flare - ups.
The hope is that this more subtle approach will control symptoms better with fewer side effects.
Work with your physician to control your symptoms so that you can continue to exercise at a high level.
Fortunately it doesn't seem to be difficult to treat and control the symptoms if you manage to get rid of all the possible causes.
Muscle weakness is a debilitating disease, but early diagnosis and a high level of care given to your pet can control the symptoms allowing your dog a full and active life.
There is no cure, but diet, exercise, and medicines can help control the symptoms.
Studies have shown that certain complementary and alternative therapies can be beneficial in controlling the symptoms of eczema.
But there are also people who can control their symptoms with lifestyle changes.
Treatment is aimed at controlling the symptoms and preventing secondary infections.
Many times we have to rely on controlling the symptoms, often with steroids and other medications that may also have side effects.
Although there is no cure for asthma, people with the disease can lead active lives and can control their symptoms through management of conditions that trigger asthma attacks and medical treatment.
Prednisone (cortisone) can be effective at controlling symptoms for several months to several years.
Often, a specialist team of psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses and occupational therapists will draw up a combined program of intensive talk therapies and medication to help the mother control her symptoms and eventually get better.
Celiac patients control their symptoms by following a gluten - free diet.
We need to be able to predict who will benefit from a certain treatment so we can reliably control symptoms and prevent potentially lethal asthma attacks.»
BACKGROUND Omalizumab is a monoclonal antibody indicated for moderate to severe allergic asthma patients with inadequately controlled symptoms.
These drugs are effective in controlling symptoms attributed to airway inflammation, but also have potentially serious side - effects, particularly when administered over a long period of time.
They are sent off with palliative medication to control symptoms without addressing the root cause.
Physical activity also has a profound effect on our engine, so much so that it can help to maintain our cardiovascular system, our mental health, and it can prevent or control symptoms like osteoporosis, arthritis, prolapse, and incontinence.
However, the evidence pertaining to these factors - gut barrier function, circadian rhythm, and stress - also suggests that, depending on the factors at work in each individual case, use of select agents can help IBS sufferers control their symptoms naturally.
You may not always be able to control your symptoms when you have IBS, but there are some ways to help you maintain a healthy weight, including eating a healthful diet that includes fiber.
If you aren't having much luck controlling your symptoms with noninvasive approaches, you may be considering surgery.
Medications such as steroids, antihistamines and medicated shampoos are effective against controlling the symptoms of allergies, explains WebMD.
Antibiotics should control the symptoms caused by secondary bacterial infections, and phenobarbitals and potassium bromide may be required to control convulsions and seizures.
If none of these medications successfully controls the symptoms of IBD, more potent immunosuppressive drugs, such as chlorambucil or azathioprine, may be necessary.
Antibiotics and drugs to control the vomiting and diarrhea help control the symptoms associated with parvo.
In some cases, to speed up recovery or to control symptoms rapidly, some anti inflammatory drugs and motility modifiers can be added to the dog food.
Vital signs will be monitored regularly and treatment will be adjusted to control the symptoms until the drug is completely flushed out.
Obese dogs with arthritis that lose weight and are moderately exercised may improve or at least control the symptoms of their arthritis.
Climbing the Ladder career advice CAREEREALISM control symptoms workplace relationshipsIt's not like I can hide it anyway.
While the survival edge in the DBS group is modest, the researchers point out that quality of life is also improved following DBS, mostly because the treatment can help control symptoms such as tremors and rigidity.
The answer will be divided into three categories: (1) AA's effectiveness in breaking the addictive cycle and producing initial sobriety; (2) its effectiveness in producing long - term sobriety; (3) the extent to which the approach is successful in changing underlying personality - structure, rather than simply controlling symptoms.
Medications help control symptoms while mindfulness helps uncover root causes of disease.
Usually a colitis dog food diet is formulated to control symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting or constipation.

Phrases with «to control the symptoms»

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