Sentences with phrase «to convey something»

Written for the sake of conveying something of interest or value to the reader, as a gift, for free.
It should be able to draw the attention of the authorities by conveying them how their organization will benefit if you are hired.
I know this about myself, but could not convey it well on my own.
Use your photo to convey something about yourself - if you use a photo of yourself doing the things you like best, you're more likely to come across as happy and confident.
Proficient scholars will convey you with the paper writing for university degree work help you have been looking for.
While it's important for your resume to include a clear career goal, you don't have to convey it through an Objective section.
Try to convey yourself as creative and fun, but also serious and respectful in your graphic designer resume.
The toxins overcome the cell membrane by binding to a surface receptor, which conveys them into the cell's interior.
Even if your ideas are great, no one will be able to appreciate them if you can not convey them effectively.
In this way, the cell envelope wraps itself around the germ step by step and conveys it into the cell's interior.
10 Questions to Ask Yourself and How You Can Fix It, I go into detail on how to create a personal brand, and how to convey it on your resume.
He / she is responsible for picking up school children in the morning and dropping them off in the evening, and also conveying them to and from field trips.
By making the course something they want to come back to and making sure that each one of those standalone 8 - 12 minute video lectures conveys something meaningful.
If you possess these qualities, then convey it smartly in your objective statement, and you will have a great objective.
The photos do a good job conveying it — but really in person I just find them so classic and well made.
Its intentions are good, but part of its appeal is how it's designed to reach the widest audience possible rather than convey something personal.
It wouldn't be the first time we've celebrate mythology, because it still conveys something important.
A resume that features your unique skills and experience will help convey you are the best candidate for the job.
Instead we'd like to introduce things one by one, once we're in a position to be able to properly convey them.
That said, play around with two or three sentences, or a short paragraph, to determine whether you're conveying all you want to the recruiter or hiring manager.
Ensure that the children stay on their seat when conveying them to school, home or any other event.
It folds up effectively and you can convey it around.
I thought, if I really want to get a message about the importance of movement and play for infants then I should somehow convey it in an adorable piece of useful baby gear.
Your dance has to convey something essential about your Ph.D. research.
The series wanted to convey something deeper and as with this stirring conclusion, it definitely does.
Each candidate conveys something one of a kind to the entrance advisory board table.
We have had to think about each element of the story, and how we could possibly convey it.
Knowing what element has intrigued you will convey something unique in your painting.
I'm certainly not the best to convey it either, so I'm not sure if I made a lot of sense.
When a sale or promotion is your message be sure to convey it loud and clear.
We don't usually blog about technology here if it's used to convey something other than information, and legal information at that.
Including specifics conveys you're looking for a good company fit, not just any computer tech job.
Please do not say you think the interviewer did not understand... You NEVER want to convey you assume to know what others think but you can discuss what YOU failed to communicate.
It can also be said to be a vehicle that passengers hire to convey them between locations of their choice.
In both cases, the candidate is trying to convey he increased revenues and expanded the client base, but statement B measures how well he achieved this growth.
Meeting them in person conveys them a message that you're sincere.
An effective cover letter conveys you are very interested in the job and are well informed about what the position requires.
Many applicants neglect the professional summary and core qualifications sections, but these resume areas quickly convey you have the skills an employer seeks.
If you must write a long letter to convey all you need to, then be sure to put your most important information up front.
This will help to convey something of who you are.
Though it is important for you to write your career goal clearly, you don't need to convey it through your objective section.
If the work does not convey it, it simply doesn't work.
Our real hope and goal is for individuals to capture their high - quality thoughts and convey them effectively to others.
There is the benefit of highly detailed profiles that conveys you about the authenticity of those that run the website.
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