Sentences with phrase «to cool the earth»

The phrase "to cool the earth" means to reduce the overall temperature of the planet, often by taking actions to decrease global warming and combat climate change. Full definition
Love the feeling of spring time cool earth between my toes and late nights at music festivals.
This temperature contrast makes for more high intensity storms, which leads to more atmospheric dust and sea salts, which reflects more sunlight back into space and cools the earth further.
Basic physics is at work: normally, daily evaporation of moisture from soil cools earth's surface.
More recently, in 1991 to be precise, a sun - reflecting haze cast aloft by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines cooled the Earth for about two years.
Fed report: Time to examine purposely cooling planet idea — A.P. Seth Borenstein writes «It's time to study and maybe even test the idea of cooling the Earth by injecting sulfur pollution high in the air to reflect the sun's heat, a first - of - its - kind federal science report said Tuesday.»
Angel R. Feasibility of cooling the Earth with a cloud of small spacecraft near the inner Lagrange point (L1).
For the climate debate to continue this group of funding dependant academic numerical modelers promoting CO2 alarm to need to fully address convection and evaporation as (IMHO) variable air mass density and gravity play a far superior role in cooling the Earth's surface than does radiation.
The cryosphere isn't cooling the Earth as much as it did 30 years ago, and climate model simulations do not reproduce this recent effect.
«Markus, you are right, falling snow does not cool earth.
DISCOVER spoke with Cool Earth Solar CEO Rob Lamkin to hear about his solar strategy.
Not until after a catastrophic chain of volcanic eruptions cooled the Earth and decimated those competitors did dinosaurs become dominant worldwide.
An international research team has tracked down and measured an elusive molecule that rapidly breaks down pollution in the atmosphere, turning it into clouds that actually help cool the Earth.
Volcanic Cooling March 05, 2014 Despite their fiery nature, volcanic eruptions actually cool the Earth over time and may explain a recent deceleration in global warming trends.
Volcanic eruptions, like Mount Pinatubo in 1991 will also cool the Earth over short time frames of 2 - 3 years.
That's why growing ranks of scientists have been saying that old ideas for artificially cooling Earth need serious new attention, not only to the scientific questions but societal ones — like who on this variegated planet gets to set the thermostat.
Like the particles emitted during volcanic eruptions, sulfate aerosols cool the Earth by blocking a portion of the sun's rays.
Particles spewed high into the atmosphere by those eruptions scattered sunlight back into space, thus cooling Earth substantially, the researchers explain.
For example, the polar ice caps reflect sunlight back into space, thereby cooling Earth.
January 2018... in 122 (2017) scientific papers Image Source: Loisel et al., 201 2017: 150 Graphs, 122 Scientific Papers In the last 12 months, 150 graphs from 122 peer - reviewed scientific papers have been published that undermine the popularized conception of a slowly cooling Earth temperature history followed by a dramatic hockey - stick - shaped uptick, or an especially unusual global - scale warming during modern times.
This could have weakened the greenhouse effect and cooled the Earth so much that the tilt towards the sun every 41,000 years no longer provided enough heat to melt the glaciers that formed in between.
Clouds can have a double effect on radiation: they warm the earth by reducing the amount of radiation from the earth that escapes into space but also cool the earth by reflecting the sun's rays back into space.
Looking for cool Earth Day projects on the Internet?
If cooling the Earth would lead to summers that where normal from 1951 - 1980, people would not accept it.
The big lie is that exporting coal causes warming when in fact the exported coal cools the earth when it is burned.
The Dalton cooled the earth about 1 degree C, so anything less than 1 degree this time around allows alarmists to argue that human - caused global warming is preventing it from cooling more.
Cool Earth protects endangered rainforest and works with the local communities to combat climate change.
[32] He co-founded the charity Cool Earth with Johan Eliasch.
In March 2015, Field was awarded the Grassroot Diplomat Initiative Honouree for the co-founding of environmental organisation Cool Earth, a charity that works alongside indigenous villages to halt rainforest destruction as a bottom - up solution to an ageing problem.
The controversial approach, known as stratospheric aerosol injection, is designed to effectively cool the Earth's surface by reflecting some sunlight before it reaches the surface.
The result: the start - up Cool Earth Solar, now based in Livermore, California, and its new - think technology, an inexpensive plastic - film balloon a bit over eight feet tall.
Much of the reduction in storm surge stems from slowing the rate of sea level rise (cooler Earth = glaciers melting more slowly, as well as less expansion of the upper layers of the ocean as they warm), the researchers note.
They say the formation of the ocean conveyor cooled Earth and created the climate we live in now.
Climate simulations suggest that that upwelling has generally cooled Earth's climate, stifling about 0.1 °C to 0.2 °C in warming that would have occurred by 2012 if winds hadn't been inordinately strong, the researchers reported online yesterday in Nature Climate Change.
The theory: this would cool Earth similarly to the «year without a summer» in 1816, which followed the eruptions of Mount Tambora in what is now Indonesia, along with other volcanoes the previous year.
On the other, during the day they reflect sunlight, cooling the Earth below.
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